Energising Healthcare ACHSM Asia Pacific Congress 2013 Leadership and Management at Cabrini - lifting the bar
“Let your love for one another be real and from the heart” 1 Peter 1:22
Our Mission Who we are We are a Catholic healthcare service inspired by the spirit and vision of Mother Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus What we believe We are a community of care, reaching out with compassion, integrity, courage and respect to all we serve What we do We provide excellence in all of our services and work to identify and meet unmet need
Cabrini staff 190 volunteers 1200 specialist doctors 832 beds 80,494 episodes of inpatient care 3517 children treated 23,445 attendances at our emergency department 44,617 surgical operations performed 1279 episodes of care under our hospital in-the-home program
OD Strategy Purpose: Increase health and effectiveness of the organisation through alignment of strategy, capabilities, structure, people practices, processes, systems and rewards Lead by the CEO Planned Organisation-wide Long-term
Excellence at Cabrini
Why develop a Leadership & Management Program ? Staff Engagement Survey (2010) results revealed that Cabrini is a truly great place to work – people, friendliness, support, service to patients, working as a team, working environment, values and mission barriers to being an even better place to work – management, staffing vs. workload, morale, respect, communication and recognition
Leadership & Management Program OD Strategy 2010 – 2012 Objective 3 OD Strategy 2010 – 2012 Objective 3 To develop leaders skilled and committed to performance improvement we will implement a leadership and management development approach Driver: Critical role of managers
Day 1 – Chief Executive address
Desired outcomes and considerations Outcomes Strong, confident and well supported managers Leaders of change Common language Shared knowledge on business critical topics Considerations Existing offerings 24/7 operation Computer literacy Variable educational levels Limited resources Credible, contemporary information
A blended approach Internal and external facilitators Executive Sponsors
Universal Competency Map Change Communication Creativity and Innovation Customer Focus Leadership Managing People Managing Results Personal Integrity Self Development Strategy Teamwork
Program formation Executive Nomination Process 75 participants 3 cohorts 11 Harvard ManageMentor topics 8 Harvard ManageMentor Management Competencies 7 workshops 3 peer group sessions Evaluation Reporting 2011 Program
Evaluation 75 program participants Response rate of 73% 81% managers achieved competence 56.6% participants rated the program as excellent 34% participants rated the program as good 9.4% suggested it could be improved Feedback reflected value of Executive Director involvement, peer coaching sessions, networking and workshops 98.1% participants agreed that they would recommend the program
Recommendations A program for 2012 was recommended which: built on this initial experience reduced the development opportunities from 10 to 8 reduced the on-line topic requirement from 11 to 8 incorporated 4 “new” topics provided new learning opportunities for 2011 alumni suggested that alumni act as mentors
Executive Nomination Process Programs Program formation 50 participants 2 cohorts 8 Harvard ManageMentor topics 7-8 Harvard ManageMentor Management Competencies 1 full introductory day 4 workshops 3 Leader-led Learning sessions Evaluation Reporting
2012 completion criteria Minimum 70% workshop attendance achieved (8 workshops) Minimum 70% online reading achieved per topic (8 HMM topics) Minimum 70% online assessment achieved per topic (8 HMM assessments)
Staff Survey results 2012 Management Skills – improvements CompetencyBPA 2010 – 2012 Managing People Teamwork Recognising good performance 9.1% Managing PeopleAddressing poor performance 6.6% Leadership Change Leading in tough times6.4 % LeadershipSetting expectations4.8 % LeadershipDeveloping staff5.6 % Managing PeopleReviewing performance2.0% Personal IntegrityRole modelling behaviour4.7%
Staff Survey results 2012 Leadership Skills – improvements CompetencyBPA2010 – 2012 Communication Managing People Setting Standards6.8 % LeadershipProviding Direction7.7 % Managing PeopleBuilding Teams7.3 % Communication Teamwork Communicating4.1 %
Staff Survey results 2012 Management Skills – strengths in Leading in tough times Setting expectations Developing self Reviewing performance Role modelling behaviour Recognising good performance Addressing poor performance Results of 17 questions all improved since 2010 average improvement 5.7%
Staff Survey results 2012 Leadership Skills - strengths in Setting standards Providing direction Building teams Communicating Results of 16 questions all improved since 2010 average improvement 6.46%
Alumni Graduated Retained HMM licence 4 development sessions on “new” topics Lead by members of Senior Leadership Group Speakers on “Day 1” Informal mentors
Evaluation participants 92% participants achieved competence in 8 HMM competencies 96% participants completed on-line topics Response rate 78% 62.5% participants rated program – excellent 100% participants would recommend program to others Evaluations continuous –workshops; leader-led learning; on-line topics Comments received reflect the value of Executive Director involvement, content, networking and workshops
What else Twilight Leadership Conversations Series of three – 2012 Top 20 leaders Senior Leadership e-mag Quarterly
What else ? Cabrini Scholarships Program x Excellence in Leadership Scholarships 3 x Excellence in Management Scholarships 360° Management 360° Feedback 30 senior managers (2013)
What else Emotional Capital 360 ECR Coaching Leadership seminars Psychometric assessment Spiritual Conversations ?
What will continue Use of HMM tools organisation –wide Project management Career Development Performance Management Team-building Executive Development Use of HMM licenses by managers & leaders On-the-job toolkit Lead development activities... to create a culture of learning ! ?