Particulate Matter Monitoring Required by the Utility MATS Eric Swisher| | ext. 17 August 22, 2012 Presented to ARIPPA by All4 Inc.
2 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. Regulatory Background Regulated Pollutants Compliance Options for Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM) Presentation Overview
3 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart UUUUU – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Published Final on February 16, 2012 Compliance date of February 16, 2015 Regulatory Background
4 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. Regulated PollutantSurrogate Nonmercury Metallic HAP Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM) Acid Gases HCl or SO 2 Mercury None Regulated Pollutants
5 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. HCl CEMS (HCl or SO 2 ) Mercury CEMS (analyzer or sorbent trap) FPM Quarterly Testing (FPM & Non-Hg HAP Metals) Continuous Parametric Monitoring System (CPMS) and Annual Emission Testing CEMS (FPM) Compliance Options
6 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. Quarterly testing for PM/Non-Hg Hap Metals FPM – U.S. EPA Reference Method 5 (RM5) ~$15K Total Nonmecury HAP Metals – U.S. EPA Reference Method 29 (RM29) ~$15K Quarterly Testing
7 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. Record parametric data during annual compliance tests. Establish a parameter range from the parametric data collected during the annual compliance tests. Monitor compliance using CPMS. CMPS – PM CEMS that is not certified CPMS & Annual Testing
8 Your environmental compliance is clearly our business. PM CEMS must be certified in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 11 Generation of a correlation curve between the FPM concentration and the unit load Requires at least 15 Paired samples 3 loads, 5 runs per loading level May require more than the minimum number of runs Expensive (~35k-60k) FPM Spiking Ongoing QA/QC PM CEMS
Questions Eric Swisher| | ext. 17