© 2003, Laboratory for Research on Mobile Learning Environments The Mobile Learning Environment Project University of North Carolina at Wilmington
UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Collaboration-Communication Models Increasing Integration of Services
UNCW Mobile Learning Environment Design Objectives Build on a widely available, high-performance, client-side runtime modelBuild on a widely available, high-performance, client-side runtime model Provide for the comprehensive integration of collaboration, communication, and computing components.Provide for the comprehensive integration of collaboration, communication, and computing components. Enhance the interchange of data through the use of Web servicesEnhance the interchange of data through the use of Web services Shorten the development cycle and increase reliability through the use of reusable componentsShorten the development cycle and increase reliability through the use of reusable components Develop an easy-to-use environment for multiple devices and platformsDevelop an easy-to-use environment for multiple devices and platforms
File Transfer Menu People Menu Classroom & Course Menu Communications Menu Services Menu User Interface Interface buttons have both click and drag-&- drop functions Work Space UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Menu File Transfer Menu: this menu is used to launch the file transfer functions of the MLE. Files can be transferred to other people (and the user) from the local device or the remote server. People Menu People Menu: this menu locates people and provides for the transfer of documents and files between people logged into the MLE. Classroom & Course Menu Classroom & Course Menu: this menu provides for updating lessons, homework, and other assignments as well as the transfer of documents between students and instructors. Communications Menu Communications Menu: this menu launches a variety of communications options including text, audio, video, and whiteboard and provides for 1-to-many, many-to-1, and 1-to-1 communication. Services Menu Services Menu: this menu provides a variety of service options including printing, various location aware services, software updates, alert services, editing of user profiles, and MLE version and copyright information. UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Logging into the MLE UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Scenario drag-&-drop Copy file(s) to: My Local Documents Mitchell, Sue Townsend, Pete Bianca, Liz Holden, Jeff Lugo, Dr. Gabriel Hernandez, Maria UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Scenario Alert ! Liz Bianca has been notified that a file has been delivered. Would you like to send the file to another person on the list? tap Copy file(s) to: My Local Documents Mitchell, Sue Townsend, Pete Bianca, Liz Holden, Jeff Lugo, Dr. Gabriel Hernandez, Maria tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
File Transfer Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Services: Printing – Location Aware What Services are Nearby? Configure Alerts Download Latest Version Edit Your User Profile About MLE Location Aware Printing Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Services: Printing – Location Aware What Services are Nearby? Configure Alerts Download Latest Version Edit Your User Profile About MLE Select file to print: Location Aware Printing Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
tap Select file to print: Printer Locations (tap for info) Location Aware Printing Scenario UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Printer Locations (tap for info) tap Location Aware Printing Scenario Alert ! Location: Dobo Hall 230 Printer: B&W laser printer Times: M-F 8:00 am to 9:00 pm File to print: calorimetry.pxl Print this document? UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Printer Locations (tap for info) Location Aware Printing Scenario Alert ! Location: Dobo Hall 230 Printer: B&W laser printer Times: M-F 8:00 am to 9:00 pm File to print: calorimetry.pxl Print this document? tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Printer Locations (tap for info) Location Aware Printing Scenario tap Select file to print: UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Select file to print: Location Aware Printing Scenario tap UNCW Mobile Learning Environment
Conclusions Little is known about the potential impact of mobile wireless technology on teaching and learning. Although it is difficult to achieve a rich, meaningful immersion on a tiny 100x100 (or 240x320) pixel screen and a slow 128 Kbps to 2 Mbps network, there's one thing mobile devices give you that even the best desktops can't provide: “They're always with you, and can be used anywhere you go”.
UNCW Mobile Learning Environment Conclusions Anecdotal evidence suggests that students enjoy the technology and become more active in their learning when handheld pocket computers are used in the classroom. There is every indication that in the near future wireless data devices will be as widespread as wireless voice devices are now. Users (students) will have a strong attraction to Web-based applications even for portable devices with minimal display and network capabilities.
Project Development Team: © 2003, Numina Project Team Dr. Charles Ward, Department of Chemistry Dr. Ron Vetter, Department of Computer Science Dr. Jimmy Reeves, Department of Chemistry Dr. Gabriel Lugo, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Dr. Russ Herman, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Dr. Barbara Heath, Evaluation Consultant Funding Provided by: National Science Foundation University of North Carolina at Wilmington Pearson Education Group UNCW Mobile Learning Environment