In the name of God
Multilingualism By Iman Kadkhodaei
Introduction Origin Causes Individual vs. societal Language choice Language shift and death Multilingualism in modern world
Introduction : Definition: The ability of an individual speaker or community of speakers to use multiple languages. A person being able to speak multiple languages is called multilingual or polyglot.
Around 5000 to 7000 live languages and just 200 nations Being a normal necessity for world population Grosjean: half the world population are bilingual One society - two languages - not having the same function
Origin : Curse of Babel (Babylon) : 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia- after the global flood- God told people to spread out and populate the earth, they united and built The Tower of Babel. God decided to punish them by confusing their languages. In the upper room people came together to pray, God decided to reverse the curse and gave them the gift of tongue, since then, they could understand each others.
Causes of Multilingualism 1.War 2.Trade 3.Religion 4.Globalization 5.Education 6.Tourism 7.Media 8.Migration
Individual vs. Societal multilingualism Individual : A psychological state of an individual who has access to two language codes to serve communicative purposes Societal : A society that has two or more than two official languages. Examples : 1. Canada with two official languages; French & English 2. Switzerland with four official languages; German, French, Italian and Romansch
Language Choice Definition : It is considered as an act of choosing one language by an individual in multilingual communities Not arbitrary Example: Hyderabad; Telegu at home Sanskrit at the temple English at the university Urdu in business
Other aspects of language choice Domain of Use Diglossia Code-switching
Domain of Use is an abstraction which refers to a sphere of activity representing a combination of specific time, settings and role relationship Existence of FIVE domains 1.Family 2.Friendship 3.Religion 4.Employment 5.Education According to different domains you try to choose different languages Congruent domains = Consistent use of languages Example: new York, Spanish & English
Diglossia Definition: A situation in which each language or variety in a multilingual community serves a special function and is used for particular purposes Two varieties of the same language: 1. HIGH 2. LOW Example: Egypt; local Arabic (L) & standard form (H) Different languages as different varieties : 1. HIGH 2. LOW Example: Paraguay; Spanish (H) Guarani (L)
Differences of HIGH and LOW varieties 1.Grammar 2.Phonology 3.Vocabulary Other factors : 1.Function 2.Prestige 3.Literary heritage 4.Acquisition 5.Standardization 6.Stability
Further examples of high and low function : Religious service H University lectures H Conversation with family L New broadcast H Instruction to servants L
Code switching The practice of moving back and forth between two languages or between two dialects or registers of the same language Example: 1. Conversation between people in new York Spanish & English 2. Conversation between people in Ahwaz Arabic & Farsi
Inter-sentential: Por eso cada, you know it’s nothing to be proud of, porque yo no estoy, as a matter of fact I hate it, pero viene Vierne y Sabado yo estoy… Intra-sentential: (code-mixing) This morning I hantar my baby tu dekat babysitter tu lah. “This morning I took my baby to the babysitter.”
Causes of code-switching 1.Hide fluency or memory problem in second language 2.From informal to formal 3.Exert control (parent & children) 4.To show a member of a specific group 5.To show specific identity
Language shift and language death Language death : It is common when a monolingual becomes bilingual as a result of contact with another usually socially more powerful group and it’s become transitionally bilingual in the new language until their own language is given up altogether Language shift : It is common when a person because of some reasons has to change his language to the language of a society for better or effective communication
Types of an individual exposure to the new language: Immersion Submersion Immersion: (positive) When you expose to another language in a different context and you try to add that new language to your ability. Submersion : (negative) When you are in different context and a result your native language is ignored and have to sink in a completely different environment.
Causes of language (shift and death) 1.Forced or voluntary immigration 2.Religious and educational background 3.Homeland 4.Attitudes of majority and minority 5.Extend of exogamous marriage 6.Government policies (language & education)
Multilingualism in the modern world Increasing in bilingualism in metropolitan language, particularly English and minor languages are dying out as a result Increasing linguistic and cultural diversity in parts of Europe and the USA through new waves of immigration
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