Chapter 22 The Atmosphere
Permanent: Nitrogen-78% Oxygen-21%, Others - 1% Variable: Water vapor (H 2 O) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) Ozone (O 3 ) Particulates Composition of the Atmosphere
99% permanent gases and 1% variable (trace) gases. – Permanent gases - constant concentration with time & space. – Variable gases - varying concentration depending upon where/when you are. All weather and climate are associated the 1% variable gases.
Parts of Atmosphere important to weather 1. Water Vapor - more in warmer locations - forms clouds and drives weather - absorbs heat to keep earth warm
Water Vapor Imagery
2. Carbon Dioxide Absorbs energy from the earth
3. Ozone – Ozone high in the atmosphere is good – Absorbs harmful UV rays – Ozone here is formed naturally
- Ozone low in the atmosphere is bad -creates smog -made by humans
4.Particulates - Volcanic dust, ash from fires, pollen - Absorb water and helps to form clouds - Absorbs/reflects sunlight
Atmospheric Pressure The weight of the air above a point The weight of the air above a point Decreases with altitude Also changes with temperature and amount of water vapor in the air Measured with a barometer Standard Atmospheric Pressure = 1 atm or 760 mm of mercury or 1000mb
Atmospheric pressure variation with altitude
Measuring Pressure Mercurial Barometer -Tube filled with mercury -air pressure pushes on mercury from bottom -causes mercury to rise and fall
Aneroid Barometer -Metal expands and contracts with changes in pressure -Causes pointer to move so pressure can be read
Barograph -Recording aneroid barometer -Keeps track of pressure over several days
Layers of the Atmosphere
Troposphere Weather Sphere Bottom Layer Temperature decreases with height Most clouds Most water vapor Most airplanes fly here
Stratosphere Ozone Layer Increase Temp with height because ozone absorbs UV
Mesosphere Temperature decreases to coldest point at the mesopause (-90⁰C) Many meteors burn up in this layer.
Thermosphere Air is very thin. Temperature increases due to absorption of solar energy by nitrogen and oxygen Satellites orbit here
Ionosphere – part of the thermosphere Electrically charged layer AM radio waves reflect off of here Causes auroras
Create your OWN mnemonic phrase to memorize the order of the five layers. For example: T = Troposphere = Terribly S = Strostosphere = Scary M = Mesosphere = Monsters T = Thermosphere = Terrorize E = Exosphere = Earth