ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 1 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs ™ Participation Criteria The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs was initially developed by a team led by Craig A. Albers, Ph.D., at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in collaboration with the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) on behalf of the WIDA Consortium. Funds were made available through a 2007 U.S. Department of Education Enhanced Assessment Grant award to OSSE. The assessment is currently undergoing further development at the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) in Washington, D.C., in collaboration with WIDA.
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 2 Contents InformationSlide number What is Alternate ACCESS for ELLs?3 Who decides a student’s participation, Who are the IEP Members, What is the IEP Team Process? 4,5,6 Who should take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs? Definition, Criteria, Other Considerations 7,8,9,10,11 Which Accommodations should be considered? 12,13 Final Thoughts and Resources14 Resources15,16,17 WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 3 Who determines a student’s participation? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that the decision regarding a student’s participation in Alternate ACCESS be made by an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. The same team is also responsible for determining appropriate accommodations, if any. WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 4 Who are the IEP Team Members? The IEP team includes: The student’s parent(s) Regular education teacher Special education teacher ELL teacher Administrator (or designee who can commit resources of district) Other participants as needed WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 5 What is the IEP Team Process? At a IEP team meeting, the team will determine which students will be eligible for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs by using: The definition of Significant Cognitive Disabilities The Participation Criteria Checklist Other Considerations WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 6 Who should take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs? Students with significant cognitive disabilities are identified as having one or more of the existing categories of disabilities under IDEA (e.g.; intellectual disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, etc.); Their cognitive impairments may prevent them from attaining grade level achievement standards. (adapted from U. S. Department of Education: Alternate Achievement Standards of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Non Regulatory Guidance, August 2005). WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 7 Checklist for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs WIDA Consortium Participation Checklistyesno 1. The student has been classified as ELL; 2. The student has a significant cognitive disability and is eligible for Special Education services under IDEA; 3. The student is in alternate curriculum aligned with their state’s academic standards and is or will be participating in the state–wide alternate accountability assessment; All three criteria must be met!
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 8 Who should take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs? – Other Considerations Other considerations for the IEP/ELL team to discuss regarding participation in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLS include: Student’s disability precludes meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs even with accommodations; Student’s instruction closely reflects expectations in inherent in WIDA’s AMPIs The student requires extensive direct instruction to accomplish the acquisition, application and transfer of English language skills. WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 9 Who should take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLS? – Other Considerations The IEP team may also discuss the following factors but each of these factors alone cannot be the sole criterion for deciding the student will participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: student having an IEP alone, having a certain special education disability, having emotional or behavioral difficulties, having visual, auditory or physical disabilities, having excessive or extensive absences. WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 10 Which Accommodations Should be Considered? The IEP team must make a determination if a student will need testing accommodations. To determine what accommodations are permissible on the test, review Section 4: Recommended Test Accommodations for ELLs with Disabilities in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manual. WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 11 Which Accommodations Should be Considered? The IEP Team needs to address the following questions when choosing an appropriate accommodation: Does the accommodation address the student’s needs? Does the student have experience with this accommodation on an ongoing basis in the classroom? Does the accommodation adhere to state policies for the accommodation of ELLs with disabilities on language proficiency tests? WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 12 Final Thoughts Remember: After taking into consideration the definition, participation criteria and other considerations, the IEP team must make a decision whether the student will be/will not be participating in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Student with disabilities who can be served with accommodations on the regular ACCESS for ELLs assessment should continue to participate in that assessment. IEP team must review their decision each year. WIDA Consortium
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 13 Have Questions? Visit the WIDA website at WIDA Consortium Find more information on the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs webpage.
ALTERNATE ACCESS for ELLs 14 WIDA Help Desk or World Class Instructional Design and Assessment, Center for Applied Linguistics, Metritech, Inc., WIDA Questions