GCSE Catering. THE EATWELL PLATE Bread, other cereals and potatoes 5-6 PORTIONS Milk and dairy foods 3 PORTIONS Foods containing fats & sugars Meat, fish.


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Presentation transcript:

GCSE Catering

THE EATWELL PLATE Bread, other cereals and potatoes 5-6 PORTIONS Milk and dairy foods 3 PORTIONS Foods containing fats & sugars Meat, fish and alternatives 2 PORTIONS Fruit and vegetables 5 PORTIONS

Fat There are 2 types of FAT – fats & oils. Fats (solid at room temperature) Oils (liquid at room Temperature) Saturated fat Examples of fats; butter, margarine, lard and dripping. Unsaturated fat Examples of oils; corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, sesame seed oil

Saturated fats are thought to be bad for our health because eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol and cause heart disease. Unsaturated fats include polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated fats. These fats are thought to reduce cholesterol levels.

Why is fat bad for us? Too much fat can cause Obesity High cholesterol (fatty bits that clog the arteries) Coronary heart disease (CHD) Halitosis (bad breath)

Why do we need fat?.... There are many good points about fats  Energy provider  They make you feel fuller for longer  Insulating layer – body warmth  Contain fat-soluble vitamins – A & D  They are needed to protect body organs e.g. Kidneys  They give food a lovely flavour  They ‘grease’ food to make it easier to swallow