ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 From informing to (reforming) learning: new strategies for European research and dissemination of good methods in Science Education. Geir Karlsen, Doris Jorde,Peter Gray ESERA 2009 Istanbul
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 What is S-TEAM? 100 people/25 institutions/15 countries Involved in science teacher education Potential reach: 480,000 science teachers Providing a tool kit for science teacher education, using inquiry based methods
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 EU policy Encouraging inquiry... Increasing scientific literacy More scientists (STEM) An indirect intervention?
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 S-TEAM Aims Improve scientific literacy and.. Increase popularity of MST careers Through.... Better student engagement Through... Better teaching
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09Gray, Jorde & Karlsen: ESERA 2009 Istanbul From informing to learning: the S-TEAM approach Dissemination of Inquiry-based Science Teaching/Education (IBST/E) should be based on the same learning principles as IBST/E itself Inquiry needs to be an open concept Diversity as an opportunity, not a constraint
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 The Number is three… Three key-words: Partnership, Life- Long-Learning, Repertoire of Actions Three levels: Policy, teacher professional development, action (e.g.student work) Three phases: Gathering, production, dissemination..
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09Gray, Jorde & Karlsen: ESERA 2009 Istanbul How do teachers learn and develop? Development in subjects is dependent on school-development Teachers are the crucial element in school- development To get teachers to learn takes more than information-campaigns Teachers have to be part of the learning environment There are distinct phases in teachers’ careers
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Work Packages 1.Management 2.Policy overview of the interaction between science and teacher education in Europe 3.Powerful learning environments: disseminating the successful SINUS programme 4.Teacher collaboration in changing science education. 5.Innovative methods in initial teacher education for science teaching. 6.Professional development for science teaching
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Work Packages, ctd. 7.Argumentation in science teaching; structures underpinning talk about science in the classroom 8.Scientific Literacies: engaging with the discourses of science 9.Indicators - measuring our results 10.Media and dissemination: making sure our results are widely known
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Delivery Diversity: Wide range of support materials for teacher education in science Comprehensive overview of policy regarding IBST and other science teaching innovations in national contexts Amplification: enabling teachers’ voices to reach European policy arenas
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 The Pedagogical field and European Science Education The pedagogy of science education in any national context is determined by – Curriculum design – Assessment frameworks –Teacher knowledge base –Teacher education –Research influence and dissemination –Resources –Prevailing social policies and attitudes
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Indicators Formative tools for teacher learning Promoting the collective element of teacher learning Keeping project on track Need to be targeted - some things cannot be measured
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Dimensions Active learning Content focus Coherence Collective participation
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 For discussion What can be measured? Political impact of measurement Challenges of working within FP7 Support vs research - avoiding the r- word Learning flow - both directions
ESERA 2009, Istanbul 01/09/09 Thank you for listening!