Literacy In literacy, we will start by looking at instructions and explanations. Children will learn about instructions and explanations based around the.


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy In literacy, we will start by looking at instructions and explanations. Children will learn about instructions and explanations based around the glitzy world of the game show. They will learn about features of explanations before going on to write their own based on a game show with a special treat at the end. Year 4 - Autumn Term (2nd Half) 2014 We will then move onto information texts. Children will study the structure and language features of non-chronological reports (DK Children’s Book of Sport, and DK Eyewitness Guide: Football by Hugh Hornby) before planning, researching and finally composing their own sports report. At the end of the plan the class explore persuasive language and different points of view, ending in a debate. Finally, we will be writing Christmas letters. Christmas is coming. We will build up to Christmas by writing letters to Father Christmas, learning about tense, writing in the 3rd person and using powerful verbs.

This half term, Year 4 will: Convert multiples of 100 g into kilograms; convert multiples of 100 ml into litres; read scales to the nearest 100 ml; estimate capacities; draw bar charts, record and interpret information. Round 4-digit numbers to the nearest: 10, 100 and 1000; subtract 3-digit numbers using the expanded written version and the counting up mental strategy and decide which to use Use the grid method to multiply 3-digit by single-digit numbers and introduce the vertical algorithm; begin to estimate products; divide numbers (up to 2 digits) by single-digit numbers with no remainder, then with a remainder. Place 4-digit numbers on landmarked lines; 0– and 1000–2000; round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000; mentally add and subtract to/from 4-digit and 3-digit numbers using place-value; count on and back in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000; count on in multiples of 25 and 50; add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100 to/from 4-digit numbers. Use expanded written subtraction and compact written subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit numbers (one ʻ exchange ʼ ); use expanded column subtraction and compact column subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit and 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers (one ʻ carry ʼ ); learn the 7× table and ʻ tricky ʼ facts; use the vertical algorithm to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; solve simple money problems with decimals to two decimal places. Use mental multiplication and division strategies; find non-unit fractions of 2-digit and 3- digit numbers; find equivalent fractions and use them to simplify fractions (halves, thirds, quarters) Maths

In Science this half term we will be learning about sound. Children will already know many things about sound, even without any formal teaching of it. They will encounter how sounds are made on a variety of instruments and how they can be changed in volume, pitch and over distance. They will explore making sounds on a range of objects that aren’t instruments, in order to investigate how sounds are created to make music. Science

We are toy designers Prototyping an interactive toy Computing In this unit, the children will work together to design a simple toy that incorporates sensors and outputs and then they will create an on-screen prototype of their toy in Scratch. Finally, they will pitch their toy idea to a Dragons’ Den-style panel. Skills problem solving programming logical thinking Vocabulary algorithm debug input interactive output pitch prototype simulation E-safety The children will think carefully about copyright in sourcing images and other media for their toy prototypes and presentations,.

Topic This term we will continue to focus on the Anglo- Saxons. We will learn about the life of the Anglo Saxons in their settlements through a series of engaging activities, including: designing their own settlement, making buildings, dyeing wool, weaving material, researching food and cooking some recipes, playing and creating board games, researching place names and using an online simulation of an archaeological dig.

Music We will be exploring arrangements. We will use the following pieces of music to help us: Ki Yo Wah Ji Neh The Christmas Calypso By the end, we will have a class orchestra performing The Christmas Calypso. Art/DT Year 4 will be focusing on developing their art/DT skills this half term through designing and making ‘Nativity Books’ for the Christmas fair. This will encompass a range of skills, from cutting and sticking a range of material and mediums, to trying their hand at calligraphy. We will also be making sweet pots. We will then continue our work on sketching autumnal trees and leaves.

RE Year 4 will study the Light At Christmas. This will include: The symbolism of light in Christianity What a Christingle Service is and will understand the symbolism The meaning and symbolism of Advent The events of Advent

PE and games PSHE PE will be indoors, in combination with swimming. We will continue to focus on dance, and will also begin work on gymnastics, especially balances and sequences. We will be looking at ‘Going For Goals’. This will include: Knowing that we are clever Scaling – achieving our targets Foil frustrations – Beat boredom Taking responsibility Going for a goal

Handed outCollected in MathsMondayThursday LiteracyThursdayMonday PE is on a Wednesday and swimming is on a Thursday. Please make sure you have the correct kit, labelled and in school all week. Earrings must be removed for PE.