Forms of Housing Common housing options in Australia Individuals, Families and Communities Year 9 – Living Environments
Dwelling: Detached House May be one story (bungalow) or multi-storey (more than one storey). No walls attached to another dwelling - stands alone Generally has front and back garden, garage and private open space Usually more expensive than other similar sized dwellings
Dwelling: Semi-Detached Self contained dwelling with private open space Attached on one side to another dwelling with a common wall
Dwelling: Terrace or Row house Self contained dwelling with private open spaces Attached to other dwellings on one or both sides by common walls Called ‘row houses’ because they are attached in a row and often identical in style and features
Dwelling: Villa Usually one storey Sometimes compared to a modern version of row housing Usually only 2 to 4 self- contained dwellings on one plot of land Usually attached to another dwelling on either side by common walls
Dwelling: Cluster housing A development where houses are sited in relation to each other and the street frontages. Community may be jointly owned and shared May have only one vehicle entry with parking outside or underneath each dwelling
Dwelling: Infill housing New housing constructed within existing housing on unused land Or replacing old or unused buildings More common in centralised older suburbs of large metropolitan cities
Dwelling: Townhouse Self-contained dwelling with open space Attached on more than one side, with no other occupancy either above or below
Dwelling: Unit (Flat) Self-contained dwelling May be part of a complex with occupancy above and/or below, or attached to a house Facilities such as laundry and clothes drying lines may be shared
Dwelling: Penthouse Self-contained dwelling, located on top of large apartment block Sometimes has exclusive access / own lift Usually much larger than other dwellings in the same apartment block
Dwelling: Duplex Self-contained dwelling with occupancy either above, below or attached to the side similar to a semi-detached house A common driveway / property entrance.
Dwelling: Mobile home / permanent caravan Home on wheels May be used as temporary accommodation while traveling May be permanently left on site in caravan park
Dwelling: Shop residence Dwelling attached to a shop May be above or behind with separate / private entry Sometimes leased / rented to people other than shop owner Allows for longer hours of business
Dwelling: Houseboat Relatively uncommon in Australia (very popular in England due to extensive canal network) Can be very economical form of housing
Dwelling: Boarding House Place of residence in which separate accommodation is offered or provided for at least three boarders 1 – 4 people may share a room. Often many individuals share bathroom facilities Services such as meals and laundry are sometimes provided Boarders are offered very little legal protection and are often disadvantaged
Activity Type Advantage Disadvantage Detached House Unit / Flat Townhouse Mobile Home Boarding House Shop Residence Create a table the same as this one and complete all the boxes during the class discussion. Save it to your H: drive.