Technology in the Classroom – Publish to the World! CASAS Summer Institute June 23, 2009 Marian Thacher & Branka Marceta, OTAN
2 Agenda Technology in Adult Ed Legislation Technology in the Future Mobile Instruction eWhiteboard Student Response Systems Document Camera Moodle Audio Video Blogs Wikis
3 Your Role Teachers, Coordinators, Administrators? Not from California? Never heard of OTAN? Program area – ESL, ABE/ASE, Corrections, Other? How many years in adult education? Came to this session last year? What are you hoping to get from this workshop?
4 What is OTAN? Outreach and Technical Assistance Network One of 4 adult education leadership projects in California Providing electronic collaboration, access to information, and technical assistance to literacy and adult education providers in California
5 Resources on OTAN Technology Planning Resources for Teachers Lesson Plan Builder Students Succeed Project PD Calendar TIMAC Online Document Collection Program directory, member directory Laws and Legislation
6 New Legislation, Obama, and You! We will have new defining legislation There will be more emphasis on technology –For the classroom –For delivery of instruction –For program administration and marketing Why?
7 Workforce Investment Act - Reauthorization WIA – waiting for reauthorization New Bill – Adult Education and Economic Growth Act Currently being worked on in the Senate Will determine shape and activities of adult education
8 Adult Education and Economic Growth Act Requires the state adult education plan to include “a description of how the State will use technology to expand access to and improve the quality of adult education, literacy, and workplace skills services;”
9 Nat’l Institute for Adult Ed, Literacy, and Workplace Skills Describes one purpose of the Institute as “providing national leadership on the use of technology for adult education;”
10 National Leadership Activities One goal is to provide “assistance in distance learning and promoting and improving the use of technology in the classroom.”
11 Title III – 21 st Century Technology and Skills for Adult Learners To expand access through technology Provide PD re using technology Develop a modern delivery system Help adult learners get tech literate
12 Technology Literacy “The knowledge and skills in using contemporary information, communication and learning technologies in a manner necessary for successful lifelong learning and citizenship in the knowledge-based, digital, and global 21st Century…”
13 Proposed Funding $250 million $7.5 million for National Tech Center $50 million for state level activities $187 million for local agency activities – distributed through grants
14 Why is Technology Important? “Technology should be used in all its forms to make learning a continuous process of inquiry and improvement that keeps pace with the speed of change in business and society.” p.24
18 Where are we going?? Web 2.0 is a publishing revolution A tidal wave of information Everything is becoming participative
19 Where are we going?? We are pro-sumers The age of the collaborator Social learning moves to center stage
20 More Thoughts from Steve From consuming to producing From authority to transparency From the expert to the facilitator From the lecture to the hallway From "access to information" to "access to people“ From "learning about" to "learning to be“ From passive to passionate learning From presentation to participation From publication to conversation From formal schooling to lifelong learning
21 Horizon Report 1 Yr or Less –Collaborative Environment –Online Communication Tools 2 to 3 Years –Mobile Devices –Cloud Computing 4 to 5 Years –Smart Objects –The Personal Web
Pick One!
23 Horizon Report Significant challenges –Need instruction on info lit, visual lit, tech lit –Students are different, but curriculum is not –Formal assessment strategies don’t match needed learning –Available data outstrips our ability to manage it –Delivery of content to mobile devices
Mobile Devices - mLearning
25 Cell Phones for Adult Learning? Basic features of the mobile phone –Texting –Photos –Video –Audio –Calculator –Calendar –Browser –GPS
26 Texting Question of the Day –Are you practicing English? –Did you complete the math homework? –Please bring your math homework to class tomorrow –What does Information Literacy mean? –How many centimeters are there in one meter? –Did you watch 60 Minutes last night? Text me one thing you learned. –???
27 Text Me! What does Information Literacy mean?
28 Photos Ask students to take a photo with their phone (my best friend, my pet, a flower, my street, a resource in my neighborhood), and write a description Send the photo to an album on Photobucket, or to a Flickr or Picasa account Ask students to visit the album and write comments on each other’s photos
29 Flickr Create a Flickr account Go to to get your unique address Take a picture Send it to your unique View photo online!
30 Using Requirements –Cell phone with camera –Send from cell phone Take a picture and send it to com com Go to Log in – sgaer and Edit and save your photo
31 Posting Audio Files GabCast More later
Interactive White Boards
33 What is it? A whiteboard that acts like your monitor You can click and double-click on the whiteboard You can write notes on PowerPoint slides or other documents and save them You can take notes like on a flip chart Move pages around Convert handwriting to text Move words around
34 How many using them in CA? Number of agencies reporting the use of electronic whiteboards, out of approx. 185
What about you?
36 eWhiteboard in Corrections
37 eWhiteboard in Corrections
38 eWhiteboard in Corrections
39 eBoard in the ABE Classroom
40 Internet for Whole Group Project Internet sites such as pictures or pronunciation
41 Software for Whole Group Project instructional software and let students work from board
42 Dragging Words or Objects Students can manipulate text and objects with one finger
43 How Much? Promethean - $ $4500 Smart - $1,000 - $10,000
44 Some Web Sites More videos of ESL class – –Ed Tech & Media > Video Gallery Videos of what you can do with an interactive whiteboard – artboard/media.asphttp:// artboard/media.asp – r.php?show=nav.16900http:// r.php?show=nav.16900
45 Talk to your partners Name 3 things you can do with an electronic whiteboard that you can’t do with a regular one.
46 Document Camera Contains a camera Show a workbook page, medicine label, or piece of fruit No more transparencies
47 What can you do with it? With a worksheet Showing an object Zooming in
48 What can you do with it? Project any page or picture Students describe or tell a story
49 What can you do with it? Only have to make materials once Strip stories Matching activity
50 Document Camera What’s the difference between a document camera and an overhead projector? Why use a document camera? What lesson would you like to have a document camera for?
Student Response Systems
52 What are they? A tool for instant formative assessment A way to get feedback on the class Can save and export data A variety of question types – T/F, Multiple Choice, Short Answer
53 What is the cost? Qwizdom – only works within Powerpoint and other slide programs - $1250 ActiveExpression from Promethean - $2500
54 More Info Description of clickers and how to use them shtml 7 Things You Should Know About Clickers - ELI7002.pdf ELI7002.pdf More articles -
56 How has the Web changed in the last 5 years? Easy to create a Web site Anyone can have a blog Comment on each other’s blog posts, photos, videos, bookmarks “Watch” what other people are doing, thinking, reading, talking about Your network now includes “strangers”! (and strangers are not so strange)
Audio Online
58 Podcasts Audio files posted on the Internet One can subscribe and listen on personal device Examples of Adult Ed Podcasts (link)link) Your favorite Web site (ex.
59 VoiceThread OTAN’s Web-based Activities (link)link group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world
60 Audio drop box by CLEAR Michigan State University, Center for Language Education and Research Rich Internet Application Software (link)link
61 Electronic drop-box Phone in, leave a message Converted to an.mp3 file you can rename and download
Video Online
63 YouTube for Education Teachertube, youtube, schooltube, etc.
64 Streaming Video for Education Need fast Internet Connection Numerous video services applicable to education
65 OTAN Video Gallery Technology Integration Students Succeed Stories History of California Adult Ed
67 What is Possible in Moodle? Documents Slides Links to media Discussions Quizzes Examples
68 What is Moodle? Course management system Open source – free to download Some support issues Programmers are always developing new “modules”
69 What Does OTAN Offer? Get your own Moodle course shell Get trained – online or face-to-face Up to 2 active courses Up to 25 tech support calls for free Can request customized school Moodle site More than 2 courses – need service agreement
What’s your experience with blogs?
72 Blogs in the Classroom How –Writing assignments –Journaling –Comment on each other’s blogs Why –Publish –Share –Get feedback
73 Where to find examples Webtwopointohinadulted.wikispaces. comWebtwopointohinadulted.wikispaces. com Overview and articles about blogs Teacher blogs and student blogs Examples from different program areas
74 Free Blog Sites Edublogs (Word Press) – Blogger – 21 Classes – LiveJournal –
76 Wikis in the Classroom Use for collaborative projects Can collaborate across distance Can add graphics, slide shows, videos, widgets Easy to add and link pages Can give each student a page, or pages
77 Blogs vs Wikis Usually a single author Reverse chronological structure Usually personal External links Compose online Usually many authors Stucture determined by content Usually objective Internal & external links Compose online Courtesy of Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University
78 Wikis Editable Web pages Wikipedia – Adult Literacy Education – More examples – kis kis
Social Networking
80 What is a Social Networking Site? A Web site that allows users to connect, communicate and/or share information with each other By Moonjazz,
81 Examples of Social Networking Blogs, Vlogs, Miniblogs, Microblogs, Magnolia, Diigo Facebook, MySpace Yahoo Groups, Ning Flickr, YouTube, TeacherTube RSS, Google Reader LibraryThing, Shelfari FriendFeed, SocialThing From premiardeigo,
82 “Traditional” Social Networking MySpace – OBT example Facebook – Used more by college students –500 groups related to ESL! Yahoo Groups From mattkeefe -
83 New Social Networking Ning –A list of social network sites for educationlist –English teachers in MexicoMexico –Classroom 2.0Classroom 2.0 –Go to the wikiwiki
84 Keeping up with your network Aggregators, Feeds My Yahoo Google Reader Jaiku, Friendfeed, SocialThing Go to the wikiwiki
Social Bookmarking
86 Bookmarking and Tagging How you save sites now Bookmarking Tagging Tag clouds Go to the wikiwiki
87 Video Examples Tagging
88 Diigo Highlighting Sharing Groups and Lists
Thank you!