How do I complete a research paper? Hero- (ex: George Washington) Step 2: My topic is : Biographical Step 1: What type of research am I doing?
Step 3: What information do I need to gather?
Step 4: Where can I find this information? Books * Internet * Databases * Extras: Magazines, Films, Newspapers * = required sources
Step 5: How do I complete a source card? Book: Author’s Last Name, First. Article Title (if in a text such as an encyclopedia), Book Title. Publishing Place; Publisher, Copyright (most recent). Ex: Doe, John. “Milton Hershey”. World Book Encyclopedia. New York: World Books Inc., 2003.
How do I complete a source card? Internet: Author’s Last Name, First. Article Title. Http Address. Date Found. Ex: Doe, John. Milton Hershey. www. 4 January 2005.
How do I complete a source card? Database: Author’s Last Name, First. Article Title. Date of Publication. Database Name. Ex: Doe, John. Milton Hershey. 5 October Biography Reference Bank.
Step 6: How do I complete a note card?
Example note card
Step 7: Place information into a timeline. Example –I. Birth (Thomas) A. 1. Dec. 12, 1863 B. Harrisburg, PA –II. Childhood A. Parents (Marshall, 21) 1. Pete 2. Lily B. Siblings 1. 2 brothers 2. 1 sister
Step 8: After you complete the timeline, write the rough draft. Remember to: –Skip spaces –Leave a margin –Write in pencil or erasable pen –Include internal citations
What is internal citation? Citing the source from which your information was retrieved –Example: John Doe was born in Denver, Colorado on March 11, 1919 (Thomas).
When do I use internal citation? When you change sources When you use information from a different page
How do I cite information when the entire paragraph is from one source? At the end of the paragraph –Ex: John Doe was born in Denver, Colorado on March 11, He lived there with his father, Thomas, and mother, Julie, until he was 18-years-old. Along with his parents, he had two brothers, Tim and Josh, and one sister, Mary (Thomas).
How do I internally cite when I use information from different sources in one paragraph? Ex: John Doe was born in Denver, Colorado on March 11, 1919 (Thomas). He lived there with his father, Thomas, and mother, Julie, until he was 18-years- old. Along with his parents, he had two brothers, Tim and Josh, and one sister, Mary (Marshall, 21).
How do I internally cite when I use information from different pages of the same book source? Ex: John Doe was born in Denver, Colorado on March 11, 1919 (Marshall, 20). He lived there with his father, Thomas, and mother, Julie, until he was 18- years-old. Along with his parents, he had two brothers, Tim and Josh, and one sister, Mary (21).
Step 9: After the rough draft, you must: Edit –Spelling –Grammar –Punctuation Revise –Sentence structure –Word choice –Does it make sense?
Then, you are to complete the: Final Copy –Make sure to read the final copy to eliminate any remaining errors.
Lastly, make sure you have included your work cited page. To do this, you must: copy information from source cards (place in alphabetical order based on first word on source card) place on last page of paper by itself