CAREERORIENTATION AND CAREERGUIDANCE IN EDUCATION IN A USTRIA = IBOBB I = Information & B = Counselling & O = Orientation for B = Education & B = Profession A new pädagogical concept in Austria, it is based on cooperation of all partners in the schoolsystem on 7th and 8 th level of general education
S CHOOLS DEVELOP /C REATE INDIVIDUAL COCG CONCEPTS All teachers should be involved in the process Time and content structure Coordination Cooperation: COCG, partners, Personalisation Documentation and evaluation Parents are partners in the process Qualifications for teachers Important issue in school development process: SQA
W HO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COCG? Students Teachers Directors Parents Partners/Stakeholders Local Schoolboard Regional Schoolboard Local Government Ministry of Education …
H OW IS THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF COCG ORGANISED ? Initial Training and Further training of career orientation teachers and career guidance teachers/students advisors in secondary education
In principle, career guidance/career orientation in Austrian schools is organised according to a three-level model: career orientation lessons are provided by career teachers (providing curriculum delivery – working with the whole class – “teaching”) individual advice is provided by student advisors (individual attention to students); and both of these are supplemented by a School Psychology Service that can offer specialised assistance. The service is supplemented by classroom teachers and a wide range of other individuals and agencies outside the school context.
R ESPONSIBILITIES Career orientation teachers Teaching all students- one lesson a week (32) (7th and 8th level) Specific topics: personality development: Career management skills the world of work: Career/school info: e.g. job profiles, required abilities in various professions... Work together with job experts: Projects on „Early work experience“ job shadowing, trainings for students... Girl`s day, Boy´s day... Career guidance teachers (Student advisors) Counselling: Work individually with students, parents, teachers... No lessons but office hours Giving information/advice on: Career planning Learning strategies Behavioural and related problems Networks –Cooperations Projects on „Early work experience“!!!
C AREER GUIDANCE TEACHERS C AREER GUIDANCE TEACHERS I NITIAL T RAINING : Career developing theories Counselling techniques: Career management Dealing with challenging behaviour Learning difficulties Information on individual career possibilities, career management World of work – labour market Developing career management skills Social learning – requirements –labour market Cooperation and Coordination Computer based career planning Competence training
C AREER GUIDANCE TEACHERS C AREER GUIDANCE TEACHERS F URTHER TRAINING... some examples Counselling – Job Coaching Professional development of teachers... Training on the job – Applying for a job Partners in Careerguidance (Universities, Colleges, companies, potential employers...) Cooperation with parents Dealing with behaviour Intervision - Avoiding „Burn – out“ World of work – labour market -unemployment Learning strategies Intervention in case of crisis
C AREER O RIENTATION TEACHERS I NITIAL T RAINING Curriculum contents:… Teaching/methods of career councelling Everything you should know about the world of work - the labour market Competence training Career testing Working with Portfolios – Talent portfolios Working with experts of the labour market Partners in career orientation Training on the job Cooperation with parents...
C AREER ORIENTATION TEACHERS F URTHER T RAINING Contents:… new developments in teaching Gender/diversity management Experts in the world of work Transition – from school to work Partners in job orientation World of work – labour market Job assessments
N EW APPROACH – KL:IBO NET -1 PROJECT Developing “life skills” as a challenge for the whole system Each teacher tries to build a bridge between school and the world of work by being aware of the three core elements in his/her lesson: Talentportfolios: give evidence of abilites „Orientation conferences (parents- student- teacher)“ Personalised learning
Finding a job based on ones competences... Being fit for life – Self confidence/awareness/reliance Career management skills:... „I know about myself“ Active Career planning: Where am I now? My strengths,values, interests, personal attributes,... Where do I want to be in some years? How do I get there ?
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