Preparing for the Research Paper Take notes!!!
What do I need? Answer—Supplies (Write these down.) 1.Legal Pad 2.Envelope (optional—not needed until you turn in the final process) 3.Handouts –MLA Formatting –Databases 4.Change (for copies) 5.ANNOTATIONS (finished) 6.Author’s name/title of work
Now, what am I doing? Answer-- Research… (Write this down.) Day One— –Author biography 1.Birth 2.Family 3.Education 4.Growing Up 5.Young Writer 6.Influences 7.Professional Writer 8.Married/family/adult life 9.Accomplishments 10.Genres/Themes 11.Style 12.Famous for/Known for? 13.Death
Why am I in the library again? Answer— More research...(Write this down.) Day Two— –Time Period What events impacted your writer and his/her work? –Historical & Political –Educational –Philosophical & Theoretical –Technological & Scientific –Artistic –Literary
Where do I find this stuff? (Write this down.) Day One 1.______________________ for Students Write down what you have—either SHORT STORIES, NOVELS, POETRY, or DRAMA Look under the Intro and “Author’s Biography.” 2.Encyclopedia of World Biography (alphabetized by author’s last name) 3.Listen to/see Mrs. Moses for more specific resources or hard to find authors.
Where’s the best place to find this information? (Write this down.) Day Two _________________ for Students –SHORT STORIES, NOVELS, POETRY, or DRAMA –Look in the section entitled “Historical Context.” (You will need to flip over a few pages to find this.)
How does ____ for Students work? (Write this down.) 1.________ for Students is in volumes. 2.You must find the largest volume in the series (like Vol. 27), in order to find the one you need. 3.Use the “Cumulative Author/Title Index.” It’s easiest to use. (The others are divided by “Theme,” “Nationality,” etc.) 4.Look for either your title or your author. 5.Use the “Table of Contents” (front) in your volume to find the page number.
Other helpful book sources for after Day One and Two… (Write these down.) British Writers (Bio) British Poets European Writers Literary Criticism (?) Feminism in Literature MasterPlots (Style, theme) Literature and Its Times
Other helpful book sources for after Day One and Two continued… (Write these down.) World Authors (1900+) Critical Survey (of Poetry, Drama, Long Fiction, and Short Fiction) World Poets Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature (bio) Facts on File (British Poetry) Gothic Literature World Book Encyclopedia (last straw…) Encyclopedia Americana (last straw…)
Once I have it, now what do I do? (Write this down.) At the top of your legal pad, write the bibliographical citation. Basic form for PART of a book: Author’s/Editor’s Last Name, First Name, ed. “Article or PART of work.” WHOLE Book Title (in Italics). Vol. #. Publishing City: Publishing Company, Copyright Date. Pages of Article. Type of Source.
What…? Okay, let’s practice…Here’s the info you have: The name of the article is September 1, You found it in Poetry for Students, volume 27. It goes from page 1 to page 15. The editor’s name is Ira Mark Milne. It was published in Detroit in The publisher is a company called Thompson Gale. It’s a book, so the source type is print.
Okay, let’s see how you did. Check your work. Make corrections, if necessary. Milne, Ira Mark, ed. “September 1, 1939.” Poetry for Students. Vol. 27. Detroit: Thompson Gale, Print.
Let’s make sure you’re an expert… You have found your article in a book, Encyclopedia of World Biography, volume 16. It was published in Paula K. Byers is the editor. It was published in Detroit by Gale, a publishing company. The article name is under your author’s name, Virginia Stephen Woolf. It’s on pages 381 and 382. It’s a book, so it’s a print source.
How’d you do? Check and make corrections. Byers, Paula K., ed. “Virginia Stephen Woolf.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. Vol. 16. Detroit: Gale, Print. Are you an expert yet? If not, you may need to consult me as you are writing your bibliography.
Am I ready to take notes yet? Answer—Yes! We use T-notes here at Travis to keep your notes organized. Draw a T in the middle of your paper (you will use your legal pad next week) underneath your bibliographical citation. T
Bibliography goes here… NOTES from the book go here… –Put the page number where you found the quote. –You can paraphrase, directly quote, or summarize the info you find. COMMENTARY or ANALYSIS goes here… –This is where knowledge, reading, and analysis of your research title comes in. –This is not from the book, but how YOU connect the info you found back to your research title/text.
Milne, Ira Mark, ed. “September 1, 1939.” Poetry for Students. Vol. 27. Detroit: Thompson Gale, Print. The poet’s full name is Wystan Hugh Auden. Born on February 21, Birthplace is York in England, an industrial center. Dad was a doctor; mother a nurse. Liked engineering and science (234). Auden experienced both World Wars, hence mentioning hopes that “expire,” the “dishonest decade,” and “the unmentionable odour of death,” voicing the speaker’s cynicism that war creates. The poem is set in a “dive” on fifty-second street, a nod to his York upbringing.
Auden went of Oxford on a scholarship. Some influence there, however, turned him from sci. and engineering to writing poetry (234). A group of poets, called the “Auden Group,” wrote with him. Included greats like Spender, Lewis, and MacNeice (235). Auden apparently was extremely gifted. The influence of this circle of friends deeply impacted his career path. These other poets also wrote about the devastation of war, hence the “psychopathic god” and the fact that children learn to return evil for evil, echoing the existentialism of the time period.
Uh, how many sources do I need? (Write this down.) Your paper should have five (5) secondary sources (in addition to your primary source— your research title—which is the 6 th ). Along with your two (2) book sources, you must use two (2) database sources. The fifth one you choose: –You may choose another book –You may choose another database source –You may choose an Internet source, with my approval (so do one of the above if you don’t like to ask anyone for permission )
What are these “databases”? What am I supposed to do with those? Answer—Research and continue to take notes All the library resources are at the following location (WRITE THIS DOWN):
Let’s see what’s there…
Steps to Databases… 1.Click on “THS Online Resources.” 2.Click on Online Resources-DatabasesOnline Resources-Databases 3.EBSCO and Gale (right-hand side) are the only two you need. 4.Passwords (needed from home) SEE CLASSMATE, LIBRARIAN, OR ME FOR INFO.
What can I use in EBSCO? (Write this down.) Literary Reference Center Do a search (author’s name seems to work best; try title afterwards)Literary Reference Center Notice these helpful tabs: –“Biographies” –“Literary Criticism”
IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to click on, not the blue link… PDF or HTML Full Text
What can I use in Gale? Scribner Writers Online Twayne’s Author Series [Easy to use; in alpha order by author’s last name]
What can I use in Gale? Literature Resources from Gale (one-stop shopping) Literature Criticism Online (criticism section)
Directions for Literature Resources. 1.Begin your search with the author’s name. Next, search by your title, if necessary. 2.Use the first three tabs only Literary Criticism Biography Topic and Work Overviews
Directions for Literature Criticism Online 1.First search by author; next, search by title, if necessary. 2.Click on “Inside this entry” for contents.