WELCOME! To École Shannon Park School’s Curriculum Night 2009 - 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME! To École Shannon Park School’s Curriculum Night

Tonight’s Topics Assessment of student progress School Report to the Community School Code of Conduct Packages for Primary parents

Assessing Student Progress Imagine we are writing our driver’s exam. The pass mark is 75%. On the first effort we don’t study and get 45%. On the second attempt, we study and get 65%. Still not a passing grade. On the third attempt, we do much better, but end up with a 74%. On the fourth attempt we get serious and ace the exam with 100%.

We pass, right? Maybe! If the driver’s exam were assessed the way we traditionally assess students in school we would not pass the exam. Traditionally, teachers have averaged grades along the learning process to achieve a final mark. If this were the case, we would still only have 71% on our driver’s exam, thus we would fail and still need to write another exam even though we have shown that we have achieved the desired outcome.

We Know Better! Research has shown that there are better ways to assess student progress that value the “learning curve”, but recognize when a goal or outcome has been achieved or mastered. At École Shannon Park School teachers are distinguishing between assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

To accurately assess student progress we must, Know what to assess Know why we are assessing Now how to assess or evaluate Know how much information is needed Minimize all bias Involve students – so they know the targets and what counts.

Assessment For Learning Assessment for learning is the information and evidence teachers gather from students to inform their decisions of “what to do next” with their instruction. These may include: Observation notes Some quizzes Homework Assessment for learning asks… Are our students making progress towards meeting the outcomes? The important consideration is that assessment for learning is not assessed a value for the student’s final grade.

Assessment of Learning At certain points in the learning, a teacher must decide when it is time to get an understanding of whether the student has achieved a goal or outcome. This is assessment of learning. This includes: Results on end of unit tests Oral presentations In class projects Book Reviews Assessment of learning asks… Have our students met the outcomes? The important consideration here is that a value is assessed and will count towards a final grade.

What if a student does well all unit or term, but does not do well on the final assessment? Teachers must use their professional judgement to determine if the test or assessment strategy is the problem and either choose another method to see if the child understands the outcome or use assessment for learning information to make a decision.

EVALUATION Evaluation is the compiling of the assessment of learning results to determine a final grade or mark. In the Halifax Regional School Board, our progress reports sent home three times per year are the student’s evaluation of how well they have achieved the outcomes studied.

Report to the Community During the week of October 5 th each family in our school will receive a ``Report to the Community`` The report will provide information in key areas as to how Shannon Park is doing to support our students` learning and achievement.

Topics Addressed Are: 1. School and Community Context 2. Family and Community Involvement 3. Safe and Orderly Environment 4. Assessment Results 5. Student Engagement 6. Professional Development 7. Time to Learn 8. Additional School Supports 9. Planning for Improvement

School Code of Conduct The school code of conduct has been updated and already sent home for grades three to six in their agendae. Grades Primary to Two will be sent home either electronically or as a paper copy with the school report to the community. We ask that you review the code of conduct as a family and ensure that your child understands the expectations of him or her.

Category and Expectations Description of Disruptive Behaviour Strategies to Achieve Expectations Appropriate Consequences Chronic Minor Offences Expectations Students will be considerate, work quietly, listen politely, and keep hands and feet to themselves.  frequent minor disruptive incidents not a direct threat to the safety of others  Establish clear expectations.  Post and communicate behavioural expectations.  Plan incremental steps  (e.g., reminder, warning, incident note, time- out/referral to office).  Provide non-verbal cues.  withdrawal of privileges  conference with student and parent/guardian  referral to guidance counselor  referral for assessment  instruction regarding expectations and appropriate behaviour  detention  meeting with principal  in-school suspension*

Welcome To School Bags This year the Halifax Regional School Board has partnered with various agencies to create a Welcome to School Bag for families of primary students. The bag includes: Foam magnetic letters Doodle Pad Construction Paper Scissors, pencil, glue stick, crayons Two Books – Nose to Toes and 1,2,3 Canada

Thank – You for Attending Enjoy your time in your child’s class learning about their program this year. Feel free to move from class to class if you have more than one child. Please remember that tonight is not meant to be a time to discuss your child's progress; but rather a chance to learn about their program of study this year. We hope you will find the evening informative.