Josep M. Fernández-Novell & Carme Zaragoza Domenech TALENTED BIOCHEMISTRY STUDENTS
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C INTRODUCTION Between 3 % and 15 % of the students at primary, secondary and high school are considered ‘talented students’. This observation can be made in several areas such as: - music, mathematics, languages - biology, arts, chemistry and physics to mention a few. The Budapest Declaration on Talent Support presents a talented person as somebody, who has an excellent gift combined with a high level of general and special skills, creativity and devotion to a certain field.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C INTRODUCTION All citizens need to be able to acquire key competencies and all levels of education and training need to be made more attractive and efficient. The acquisition of transversal competences by all citizens should be promoted and the functioning of the knowledge triangle (education- research-innovation) should be ensured. In our context, a talented biochemistry student combines a high level of curiosity and interest in biochemistry with creativity and devotion to “bio” sciences and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Barcelona has been trying to discover them.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C COURSES FOR TALENTED STUDENTS - KEY FACTORS University and community support The use of university facilities to enhance cost control A system for identifying talented students
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C TALENTED COURSES “I Love Biochemistry” is a week-long summer course for talented Catalan high school students. “The Biochemistry-Club” consist of the participants in “I Love Biochemistry”. In club-meetings which take place three times a year, conferences and subject specific discussions are held. “Teacher Refresher Biochemistry Course” is a course organized to help expand biochemistry laboratory skills among Catalan high school biology teachers.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C University and community support On one hand, talented people need the support of society, but on the other hand the society needs the support of its talents as well. For the creation of courses for talented students it is necessary to get the support of the community and the university.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C The use of university facilities to enhance cost control Without the support of university, teachers and students can not use the Biochemistry department laboratories with its facilities. The cost of the course would increase to an extend which would prevent its realization. Fortunately, “I Love Biochemistry” and other courses as “The Biochemistry-Club” and “Teacher Refresher Biochemistry Course” have the full support of the University of Barcelona and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C A system for identifying talented students The system for identifying gifted and talented students needs to be able to detect: General ability Specific ability Task commitment Creativity
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C “I LOVE BIOCHEMISTRY” The course “I Love Biochemistry” and “The Biochemistry Club” were created by The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. During the five-day course of “I Love Biochemistry”, 24 talented students from across Catalonia attend lectures and learn first hand from the scientists belonging to Barcelona University. Students can test their abilities and try to find out whether biochemistry is their vocation. They learn to apply procedures and techniques used in biochemistry laboratories. At the end, in a final round table session, teachers provide information about their own career and also talk about future perspectives. Talented students who have participated in the “I Love Biochemistry” courses become club members of “The Biochemistry Club”.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C “TEACHER REFRESHER BIOCHEMISTRY COURSE” When high school science teacher are asked what would make their profession easier, the majority mentions enhancing the links between the science curriculum and biochemistry research. Since 1998, the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, in collaboration with The Catalan Board of Teachers and The Department of Education, Government of Catalonia has been organising several editions of the “Teacher Refresher Biochemistry Course”.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C “TEACHER REFRESHER BIOCHEMISTRY COURSE” Over the five-day course, 24 Catalan secondary school science teachers attend lectures and do experiments. They apply procedures and techniques used in biochemistry laboratories. At the end, in a final round table session, scientists provide a new perspective on biochemistry and their motivations which leaves the teachers with examples to take back to their students. When asked for feedback, the science teachers participating in this course expressed greater self-confidence when dealing with recent issues in biochemistry. They rediscover how exciting science can be and what is really happening in the world of research. A clear advantage is the “new” connection between secondary school science teachers and scientists.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C INSTITUTIONS IN EUROPE The Network of Youth Excellence (NYEX) is formed by institutions from all over the world, involved in the science education of talented young people. NYEX encourages high school students and undergraduate university students to become scientists, while introducing them to the international scientific community. Finally, NYEX wants to make Europe attractive for the talented youth. Maersk Science Center (MSC) in Denmark. The Science Centre is run by the organisation Science Talents, whose main objectives are to: - Inspire teachers. - Organise teaching and camps for talents. - Create dialogue and debate about provisions for science talents.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C Discussion “I Love Biochemistry” and the “The Biochemistry-Club” are activities for talented secondary school students. The “Teacher Refresher Biochemistry Course” is a course for secondary school teachers. The goals of these courses are: create a project of talent support for talented biochemistry students. organise science camps for teachers who deal with talented students. The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is involved in the extra-curricular science education of talented young people and their teachers. It also cooperates and trains them to become future researchers.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C Acknowledgments We thank: secondary school students who have participated, university teachers and scientists for their fundamental cooperation. Ms. Martina Jammernegg for revising the English manuscript.
Fernández-Novell, JM & Zaragoza, C