The Internet and the World Wide Web for Teachers by Eugene F. Provenzo Reviewed by Michelle Meyer
Guide to using Internet and Web for teachers Show remarkable ways technology can transform education Author’s Purpose Did he realize his purpose?
Intended Audience No experience “Reasonably high level of computer literacy” Did he reach his intended audience?
Who would be a good audience? People of my parents’ generation “Digital immigrants” (vs. “Digital Natives”) Young students just starting out in technology Anyone who’s never surfed the Web
My Suggestion Add a detailed technology lesson plan at the end of each chapter that integrates one or some of the resources introduced in that chapter into a core subject area of the curriculum. This simple addition would greatly enhance the educational value for teachers.
History of Internet and Web Internet 1960s military computer scientists 1969 experimental ARPANET system programs sent for first time 1980s National Science Foundation set up super-computing centers for high-speed access across the country World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist working in Switzerland Wanted a computer-based communications system that would make it easier for scientists to communicate with each other envisioned Web as a place where information could be easily ADDED 1990 wrote first Web software and put it on the Internet
Requirements for the “New Professional Teacher” (NCATE – National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education) New Understandings New Approaches New Roles New Forms of Professional Development New Attitudes
Some other useful/interesting links: Technology Standards for Teachers and Students How Many People on the Net Comparing Search Engines Netiquette
The best part… The entire text is online at: Bookmark this page!
Conclusion “In many ways, introducing you to this technology is like providing an introduction to a library…The quality of what you get out of a library will only be as good as the skills you bring to using it.” (p. 114)