The Molecules of Life Chapter 3
Dietary Sugars The average American consumes Lactose is milk sugar about 45 kg of sugar (about 100 lb) per year, mainly as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup. Lactose is milk sugar Lactose intolerance is common Inability to break down lactose in small intestine Transit to the large intestine where bacteria use it to produce gas Solutions Avoid dairy products Consume lactase pills along with food
Cell composition Mostly water Organic (Carbon-based) molecules Small molecules Fuels Raw materials Large molecules Cell structure Machinery of life Categories: Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates
Carbon Chemistry - 1 Four electrons in outer shell four groups attach to each carbon atom Endless diversity of carbon skeletons Carbon-carbon Carbon – hydrogen Carbon – other functional groups Straight or branched chains
Carbon Chemistry - 2 Hydrocarbons Contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms Methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, heptane… Straight or branched chains Single or double or triple bonds Fuels Structural elements
Functional Groups Other combinations of atoms that attach to a hydrocarbon chain Hydroxyl Carboxyl Amino Phosphate Many others Diverse compounds Sugars Amino acids Nucleotides Lipids
Macromolecules Giant Three types: Polymers Carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic Acids (Lipids) Polymers Long chains of smaller subunits
Carbohydrates Monomers: simple sugars; monosaccharides Disaccharides simple sugars that cannot be broken down by hydrolysis into smaller sugars Glucose Fructose Disaccharides Two sugars joined together through saccharide bonds Dehydration reaction Sucrose – table sugar – glucose + fructose Lactose – milk – glucose + galactose Polysaccharides Long chains Starch: poly glucose; plant storage Glycogen: poly glucose; animal storage Cellulose: poly glucose; plant cell walls
Fats & Lipids - Structure hydrophobic, unable to mix with water. Fats: A typical fat, or triglyceride, consists of a glycerol molecule, joined with three fatty acid molecules, If the carbon skeleton of a fatty acid has fewer than the maximum number of hydrogens, it is unsaturated or the maximum number of hydrogens, it is saturated. A saturated fat has no double bonds and all three of its fatty acids saturated. Most animal fats have a high proportion of saturated fatty acids, can easily stack, tending to be solid at room temperature, and contribute to atherosclerosis, in which lipid-containing plaques build up along the inside walls of blood vessels. Most plant and fish oils tend to be high in unsaturated fatty acids and liquid at room temperature. Hydrogenation adds hydrogen, converts unsaturated fats to saturated fats, makes liquid fats solid at room temperature, and creates trans fat, a type of unsaturated fat that is particularly bad for your health.
Steroids very different from fats in structure and function The carbon skeleton is bent to form four fused rings. Steroids vary in the functional groups attached to this set of rings, and these chemical variations affect their function. Cholesterol is a key component of cell membranes and the “base steroid” from which your body produces other steroids, such as estrogen and testosterone. Synthetic anabolic steroids are variants of testosterone, mimic some of its effects, can cause serious physical and mental problems, may be prescribed to treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS, and are abused by athletes to enhance performance. Most athletic organizations now ban the use of anabolic steroids because of their health hazards and unfairness, by providing an artificial advantage.
Fats and Lipids: Uses Fats perform essential functions in the human body including energy storage, cushioning, and Insulation Lipids: Essential parts of cell membranes Hydrophobic: separates living things into compartments Provide structural support for animal cells Steroids: Critical hormones that regulate life processes Reproductive hormones: testosterone, estrogen Metabolic hormones
Proteins - composition Long strands of amino acids 50% of the dry weight of a cell Perform most cellular functions Amino acid: Central carbon with 1 amino group (-NH2), one carboxyl group (-COOH) and one other “R” group, along with its lone hydrogen 20 common in living things: be able to name three Joined together through peptide bonds Another dehydration reaction – yields water
Proteins - Structure Primary structure is the sequence of amino acids; many possibilities a chain of 10 amino acids could be 2010 different sequences Secondary structure: regular folding or twisting of the chain Held in position by hydrogen bonds Tertiary structure: folding this chain back on itself More hydrogen bonds Some proteins contain more than one chain: quaternary structure
Proteins - uses Enzymes: mediate the chemical reactions in a cell Structural proteins: support the cell’s shape and size Chaperones protect and mediate transport of other molecules
Protein Shape (conformation) Depends on the sequence of amino acids Sickle Cell Anemia Affected by temperature and pH Fever – some protein denaturation Alzheimers disease; Prions are small proteins that infect mammals and alter the folding of their own proteins mad cow disease
Nucleic Acids - Composition Polymers of nucleotides Nucleotide Sugar + base + phosphate Phosphate = PO4-3 Base = Nitrogenous molecule hangs attached to the sugar-phosphate backbone adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and either thymine (T) (DNA) or uracil (U) (RNA)
Main Categories of Nucleic Acid DNA: sugar = deoxyribose Bases = A,C, G and T Usually double stranded Found in the nucleus Very stable; carries genes RNA: sugar = ribose Bases = A, C, G and U Usually single stranded Found everywhere in the cell Copied from the DNA
Nucleic Acids – Structure Polynucleotide Alternating Sugar-phosphate chain Base hangs off the chain at the sugar molecule Chain twists to form a helix or spiral Structure Primary structure: the sequence of nucleotides Secondary structure: the spiral chain Tertiary structure: the folding back on itself when combined with chaperone proteins: found in chromosomes
Nucleic Acids Uses DNA: encodes the genome, the instructions for living things Parts list: the sequences of all the proteins in a cell Instruction manual for assembling and using those proteins RNA: Copied from the DNA for use Makes up the protein synthesis machinery Some viruses use RNA as their genetic material Chromosomes Long fibers in the cell nucleus DNA + proteins + small RNAs Gene: a specific stretch of DNA that programs the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide