LB145 Sec
Today’s Outline HAND IN StudyNotes – front of classroom. Homework Assignment due on Tuesday. Create a Classroom Code of Conduct. Protein review. Lipids + Membranes A human experiment Membrane transport
What is a protein?
What do proteins do?
Where do you get proteins from? Discuss with your neighbor: – What are some foods that are high in protein content? – What are some foods that contain no protein?
What is a protein? A protein is a chain of amino acids. ALL foods contain proteins – because all living cells contain proteins. When we eat proteins, our body breaks them down into their composite amino acids. We use these amino acids to make our own proteins.
A Chain of Amino Acids
Clicker Question: What is a lipid? a)Is a group of molecules that includes: fats, steroids and phospholipids. b)Molecules that have fatty-acid side chains. c)Carbon-containing compounds that are non- polar and hydrophobic. d)A molecule with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail that is a major component in cell membranes.
Lipids A lipid is an organic compound, found in organisms, that is primarily non-polar and hydrophobic. Three types to know – Fats (triacylglycerol) – Phospholipids – Steroids Campbell 8e, Fig. 5.13b Campbell 8e, Fig. 5.15
Fatty acids form ester bonds with glycerol
Fats consist of glycerol linked to three fatty acids
Biological Membranes are Composed of Phospholipids
Campbell 8e, Fig. 5.13
What is a Membrane? A phospholipid bilayer (a fluid mosaic).
Membrane Fluidity The individual phospholipid molecules in lipid bilayer membranes are in constant motion Membranes are dynamic structures
Membrane Fluidity The Role of Steroids
Steroids Which is true? (a)Cholesterol reduces fluidity and reduces permeability of membranes. (b)Cholesterol increases fluidity and increases permeability of membranes. (c)Cholesterol increases fluidity and decreases permeability of membranes. (d)Cholesterol decreases fluidity and increases permeability of membranes.
Role of Cholesterol
Back to talking about things that have fatty acid side chains…
Which of the following statements about unsaturated fat is true? a)They are more common in animals than plants. b)They have double bonds in the carbon chains of their fatty acids. c)They generally solidify at room temperature. d)They contain more hydrogen that saturated fats having the same number of carbon atoms. e)They have fewer fatty acid molecules per fat molecule. Saturated vs. Unsaturated (a fat question)
The Shape of Phospholipids… Why is one leg of the phospholipid bent?
Saturated vs. Unsaturated
Membrane Permeability A human experiment…
Osmosis can cause the shrinking or swelling of cells
Building Mental Models Think about a cell membrane – how would you draw one? Membrane?
Proteins Cell exterior Cell interior Phospholipid bilayer
Transmembrane Proteins and Transport Transmembrane proteins are imperative for cellular transport. Channels Carrier proteins or transporters Pumps Passive facilitated processes Active facilitated process
Hydrophilic interior Hydrophobic exterior H2OH2O Outside cell Inside cell
Outside cell Inside cell Gated Channels Potassium ions enter the channel Closed Open Positive charge triggers channel to open. Electrochemical gradient.
Active Transport by Pumps Molecules can be transported against an electrochemical concentration gradient. This requires energy.
Summary of Membrane Transport 1.Diffusion Small, non-polar, uncharged 2.Facilitated diffusion Channel Protein Carrier Protein 3.Active transport Requires Energy
Your HOMEWORK This homework is worth 5 points. Once you hand it in, you will be asked to evaluate someone else’s homework – the quality of your evaluation will be worth an additional 2 points. All point-determinations will be made by the teaching team. Instructions: - Use a word-processor (12 pt. font) for your responses. - You MUST upload a copy of your homework to the Angel TurnItIn Dropbox folder. - DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME ON THIS ASSIGNMENT. - When you upload your assignment to the Angel TurnItIn Dropbox folder it should have no identifying marks. - When you bring a copy to hand in at class on January 15 th (12:40pm), you should identify yourself using ONLY the last four digits of your PID #. If your name is on the assignment it will not be accepted. The Question: Compare and contrast simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport across a biological lipid bilayer membrane. - Define each process as applied to a biological lipid bilayer membrane. - Provide a specific example of each process as applied to a biological lipid bilayer membrane. - Describe each example (what’s going on? how does it work?). REMEMBER – It’s OK to discuss ideas with friends, but YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR OWN UNIQUE WORK!!!
For Tuesday: Homework #1 is due – Available on the website. – Be sure to follow instructions!! – TurnItIn + Paper Copy. Register your clicker. StudyNotes #2 is due on Thursday. It’s a big one! 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.5