Launch Date: August 24, 2014 Mission: To partner with each person on their spiritual journey challenging them to attend A Worship Service +2 Join a Small Group Find a place to Serve
August 24 th Worship 9:15 AM – Promotion Sunday – Children & Youth invited to meet their teachers in their SS Rooms. One service at 10:00 AM Blessing of the Backpacks, Teachers, Administrators, etc. o Worship +2 catalogs will be provided during worship service. Sunday School will not meet this Sunday
Post Worship Festivities Adults encouraged to visit and sign up for a small group and a place to serve Two separate areas – one side for small groups/SS and the other side for places to serve (details to come) Lunch will be available for $5 a plate Hamburger or Hotdog, chips, drink, and cookie. Please RSVP for lunch. (Not necessary but will help with numbers)
Post Worship Festivities Cont’d Youth and Children encouraged to sign up for Bible Study as well. Activities will be available for children on the lawn. People will be able to sign up at tables or online.
Examples of Places to Serve Missions – Adam, Millsap, Local, etc. Ushers/Greeters/Hospitality/Communion Technology/Media Sunday School Teachers – Youth/Children Office Angels Care Ministries– Gathering Place, CAPS, Stitch & Pray, Holding Hands, Soul Food etc. Worship Design Angel House Etc………
Examples of Small Groups Care Ministries – Grief Support, Mental Illness Support, FPU, Greif Share Adult Small Groups – Covenant, Prayer Path, Square Pegs, Round tabe, etc. Sunday School Classes Elevate, Youth Bible Study Children’s SS, Children’s Bible Study
Things to Consider If you want your ministry represented, it is your responsibility to set up a table. Encourage everyone you know or meet to attend the Worship service Make sure your groups contact the people who sign up within 24 hours verifying their registration and thanking them to sign up
Launch Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Mission: To offer spiritual growth opportunities midweek for the entire family.
Midweek First Wednesday of the Month 6:00 PM – a light dinner (soup & sandwich) provided in the Ministry Activity Center All other Wednesdays, feel free to bring brown bag dinner o Classes from 6:30-8:00 PM o Nursery Provided o Bible Studies for Youth and Children during this time as well. o If in between Children’s bible study series, activities will be provided for children
Midweek + Recharge The fourth Wednesday of every month, the small groups will attend the Recharge Prayer Service as a class. God is calling Cypress UMC to be a House of Prayer. This is a great opportunity for small groups to worship together.
Adult Discipleship Senior Adults Ministry Congregational Care
Did You know? Cypress UMC has 13 active Sunday school classes that are offered every Sunday morning. Over 12 Small Groups will be offered this fall throughout the week. There are several ways to serve at Cypress UMC – Missions, Education, Care Ministries, Administration, etc...
Did You know? Care Ministries at Cypress UMC consists of 16 areas to assist our loved ones through study, support groups and hands on ministry. The Population in the Cypress zip code is 75,534 and in is 36,958 Within in those zip codes 27% is the average of 55+ Age.
Did You know? Within just two areas of 55+ living, Villages at Cypress next door to CUMC has 162 apartments and Heritage Towne Lakes consist of 440 homes. There are at least 9 Assisted Living Facilities within a 9 mile radius of CUMC. There are over 15 Nursing Homes/Care Facilities in the Cypress area. (not including hospitals)
Did You know? An Estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18+ which is 1 out of 4 adults, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. Every 67 seconds someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s. Our Holding Hands Ministry who reaches out with hospital, nursing home, home bound visits consists of less that 10 individuals when we have a congregation size of over 2000.
Why are these statistics important to Cypress UMC?
Goals for 2015: Revival and Breakthrough within Adult Discipleship, Senior Adult Ministries, and Congregation Care by strengthening and providing for the needs of our loved ones at Cypress UMC and throughout our community.
Top 3 Requests for 2015 Revival/Breakthrough: Provide funds for facilitators/leaders to receive professional training for their positions within Adult Discipleship, Senior Care and Care Ministries. Example: Average cost for support group training is $300 per person, plus cost of curriculum. Total = $6000 a year
Top 3 Requests for 2015 Radical Hospitality: Reach out to the community to invite them in to 50+ gatherings and senior programs. Allow $100/month towards entertainment at 50+ = $1200 per year Allow $200/month toward a once a month senior informational program assisting seniors with vital living information = $2400 Total = $3600 per year
Top 3 Requests for 2015 Feeding the Children (of God) : Seniors are on a fixed income. An average of 85 attend CAPS at this time. They are charged $5 for lunch. Would love to provide lunch free of charge the first Thursday of each month. 85 x $5 = $425/month Total = $5,100 per year
Totals Total for 2015 improvements = $14,700 Current Budget: CAPS 50+ The Gathering Place Adult Ministries Total = $11,150 Total Budget for 2015 = $25,850
"So I give you a new command: Love each other deeply and fully. Remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. Everyone will know you as My followers if you demonstrate your love to others." John 13:34-35