Welcome to the Dominic J. Bruno Library and Media Center
Library Media Center Staff Ms. Rowe- Librarian (on leave) ______________Long term Substitute ______________Assistant Librarian “When you absolutely positively have to know, ask a librarian.” -Anonymous
Library Media Center Hours Monday- Friday
The Library Media Center Mission The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
Library Cards We use BPL cards-(cards work at branches, too) We can make you a card if needed Use your card to request materials from other libraries. Delivery is on Tuesdays and Fridays Cards give you access to DOWNLOADS of books, movies, audio-books, test preps
Finding materials in our Library Ask a librarian Search the catalog at Browse!
Online Resources Check out our website for links to databases and downloadable media! academics > library media center
LIBRARY ORGANIZATION Dewey Decimal System REFERENCE NONFICTION FICTION BIOGRAPHY SPANISH *Suggested Independent Reading at front desk and tables*
Check Out/Circulation Procedures Please bring and use your Boston Public Library Card Return or renew books by due date We do not charge for overdue books – but we do charge for cost of lost or damaged books. Students with overdue and lost books suffer a variety of consequences.
Library Pass Policy Must have a pass if not accompanied by a teacher/class. Pass must be written by classroom teacher (no subs or late passes) You must sign-in at the desk. If returning to class before period ends, have librarian sign and time your pass. No late passes written by librarian
Lauren Vogel 112 1:3011/1Bouvier Library 1:45 Bouvier Please allow Lauren to use the computers to research Shakespeare and type her paper and work cited page. SAMPLE PASS Front Back
Policies All school rules apply in the library No Food/Drinks, Hats or Cell phones, handheld devices. Bathroom is for library users only. Students who do not abide by rules will be asked to leave.
Policies: Computer Students need a signed Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to use computers. Turn in to Homeroom teacher Computer use for assignment related school projects – no games. Computers are monitored by library, administration and school police for appropriate use. YOU MUST SHOW ASSIGNMENT to library staff before getting on computer. Thank you. Printing is for class related projects Please control printing to help save trees! Take notes off computer or copy paste in MS Word. We do not want to have to start charging for printing Please Note: Yahoo Mail, hotmail and some other service WILL NOT WORK at Brighton.
Policies: Computer CITE YOUR SOURCES.! Make a bibliography! Do not Plagiarize. *Plagiarism means to represent the words, language, ideas, or thoughts of another person as one’s own or original work. *Cheating is any form of copying or receiving unauthorized assistance on an exam, paper, homework or other assignment. See the librarian or your teacher for help-that’s what we are here for!
THANK YOU and Welcome! Thank you for abiding by the rules. It helps to make the library work for everyone. We are looking forward to working with you during your time at Brighton High. Please ask for help. That is what we are here for!
Welcome to the Brighton High School Library!