English 3 Research Paper Mrs. Theobald
Step 1 If you haven’t yet determined a career to research, go to the following website and do some career exploring. Username: richwoods Password: knights
Step 2 Wednesday – Library You must have at least 1 print source. Look for a book about your career.
Step 3 Thursday, Friday Computer Lab You will find internet sources and print those out. I have a list of internet sources on my webpage.
What to look for when researching Relevance Timeliness Accuracy Author’s Credentials Publisher’s Credentials Author’s Purpose Breadth and Depth of Information
Finding Credible Websites What does the address tell me? – Sites with.edu/.org/gov are more likely to be credible TIP: some edu sites are created by students. Look carefully at the web address. Who created the site? Look at the “about us” or “contact us” info. The most credible sites are developed by institutions rather than individuals. A lack of an institution name or logo is a clue. Other clues are a lack of an author biography or the absence of documentation for sources.
Research You must have at least 5 sources. (1 print) You must turn in a working bibliography. I will give you a sheet on which you may keep your sources. Sample Source Card Book/Website # of Source See sources page for what information needs to be included here. Use only applicable information.
More Info Next week we will discuss how to take notes. You will need note cards for this. Please have them by this date as well as something to keep them in. There will be due dates for each part of the paper. Please stay on top of this. Do not get behind! This would be disastrous.