ND SEED Project 100 Hour Plans
100 Hour Plan Devils Lake Commitments 1. Get others to the table as needed 2. Add detail to the assessment calendar (similar format) 3. Get all teachers access to the SLDS (First—familiarize team with SLDS) 4. Begin getting ideas together for ‘common’ language 5. Meet, set norms, and put a plan in for the future
100 Hour Plan Fessenden-Bowdon Commitments 1. Set future meeting dates 2. Develop a timeline for expectations 3. Analyze NWEA results 4. Get NWEA results to PLC’s and utilized guided understanding 5. Get teacher accounts set up for them to begin use
100 Hour Plan Richardton-Taylor Commitments 1. Begin building assessment calendar 2. Set regular meeting date for K-12 as a whole 3. Define responsibilities and begin assigning them 4. Develop a ‘sharing the data’ plan 5. Start the ‘common’ language document
100 Hour Plan Nesson Public School Commitments 1. Set future meeting dates (regular) 2. Clean up key PowerSchool data (teacher license) and making it a regular ‘check’ 3. Start to set up the assessment calendar 4. Disseminate the plan with key stakeholders (what we will do and what help we will seek out from others) 5. Check logs for teachers to make sure they are working
100 Hour Plan McKenzie Commitments 1. Need to set future meeting dates 2. Decide and set out a vision for the future with this team 3. Begin conversations about key assignments 4. Clean-up PowerSchool data 5. Familiarize with the SLDS
100 Hour Plan Northern Cass Commitments 1. Add key pieces into the assessment cycle (calendar) 2. Familiarize with SLDS and key reports; how do we use it to impact student achievement? 3. Begin conversations with ‘vocab’ sheet 4. Set future meeting dates 5. Start talking about vision for future (data team)
100 Hour Plan New Town Commitments 1. Set next meeting date 2. Introduce basics of the SLDS to staff 3. Set goals/objective for the ‘larger’ data team 4. Identify key components for ‘Tell Your Story’ document 5. Begin developing the ‘vision’ document
100 Hour Plan Leeds Commitments 1. Hold meeting in the next 100 hours and assign roles 2. Share SEED Project with elementary and high school staff at meetings 3. Plan for sharing MAP data with students at each level 4. Get everyone logged onto the SLDS 5. Complete the pre-assessment survey
100 Hour Plan Carrington Commitments 1. Monday (Oct 7) - set the next meeting date – or at least begin the ing to select a date 2. Schedule meeting with Joan Copenhaver (member who was absent) to update her on the meeting; also schedule a meeting with Joan and Kristen Hewitt to determine what assistance AdvancEd needs in using data. 3. Check if all SLDS accounts are working 4. Each team member will find 2 report they like – share at our next meeting when that is scheduled 5. Review our assessment calendar (K-12 test windows) - when, etc. Dr. Duchscherer will begin this process and work with the building principals.
100 Hour Plan Dunseith Commitments 1. Familiarize with SLDS 2. Assign duties of who is in charge of key tasks; SET NEXT MEETING SOON!! 3. Start doing the vocabulary terms 4. Discuss how to continue the data team with current resources 5. Plan for 9/18 on doing something with data training information
100 Hour Plan Kulm Commitments 1. Present what we learned today 2. Check logs and get teachers to access SLDS 3. Organize the team 4. Future meeting…break down to red, yellow, and green students 5. Collaborate around data
100 Hour Plan Maddock Commitments 1. Redo the data survey 2. Begin building the vocabulary sheet 3. Data team will meet again 4. Begin building the assessment calendar 5. Getting assessing data culture to the PLC’s
100 Hour Plan Grafton Commitments 1. Meet SOON and decide what to do with the vision documents 2. Instructional coaches view document, then administration, and then to staff for vision document 3. Focus on the assessment calendar; add depth 4. Connecting this to what we are already doing
100 Hour Plan Underwood Commitments 1. Get usernames and passwords to teachers for SLDS (and design an activity for introduction) 2. Verify and check accuracy of data (run validation reports) 3. Set up regularly scheduled meetings 4. Begin setting up the assessment calendar (format and key dates) 5. Contact REA on getting support
100 Hour Plan Commitments –Mott-Regent Public Schools 1. Where Do We Stand Activity with all staff (10/1) 2. Build framework for ‘Tell a Story’ document 3. Get teacher logs and have them start navigating the system 4. Set up regularly scheduled meeting 5. Start the assessment calendar framework (modify and update)
100 Hour Plan MLS Commitments 1. Get teachers logs to the SLDS 2. Get NWEA data agreement signed 3. Meet and map out what we already are doing (start, stop, and continue); set up regular meeting date 4. Contact local REA data person and build a relationship 5. Begin developing vision document
100 Hour Plan Park River Commitments 100 Day Plan Create a Non-Negotiable Academic Goals Develop a vocabulary sheet Create a Tell A Story Data Finalize our Assessment Calendar