WORSHIP Worship – “Loving God with all our being” To do that we need:- To do that we need:- a. To know what God is like a. To know what God is like b. To know what loving him means b. To know what loving him means BUT we have 3 BIG BIG BIG problems:- 1. We can’t see him 2. We are sinners & God is holy 3. We tend to make idols
God’s wonderful solution God has given us the Bible which:- 1. Tells us what he is like 2. Shows us how we can love him 3. Tells us what he has done to make a relationship with him possible The Bible shows us God as Creator, Saviour & Ruler.
1. God – the Creator Ps.8 As we look at Creation we see that he is: a. All-powerful & all-wise b. A great artist who cares for his creation To worship God is to:- a. Recognize him as the great Creator v.1,9 b. Understand & rule over creation –v.4-8 c. Rejoice in & care for God’s world d. Trust God – Mt.6:19-34
2. God – the Saviour Lk.18:9-14 Our sin is a barrier. This story shows us:- a. The right human attitude 1. Humility 1. Humility 2. Confessing – saying “sorry” to God 2. Confessing – saying “sorry” to God b. God’s attitude & action 1. Wanting to forgive 1. Wanting to forgive 2. The work of Jesus – Mt.27:50,51 2. The work of Jesus – Mt.27:50,51
To worship God is to:- 1. Recognize & confess our sin 2. Trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour 3. Come eagerly & joyfully to God
3. God – our great Ruler Gen.4:2-5 Big problem – we don’t put God first 1. Unacceptable worship – Is.1:12-15; Mal.1:10 Not living by faith 2. Acceptable worship – Heb.11:4 To worship God is to:- 1. Live as God’s people – trust & obey 2. Encouraging each other to trust & obey 3. Praise, thanks, confession, prayer Tell others about the great Creator, Saviour & Ruler
Loving God is a 24/7 thing Coming on a Sunday helps remind us:- 1. Who God is 2. How we should engage with God every day 3. To trust, enjoy, obey & explore what God is like & what it means to be his people/children