National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2014 Strategy for Enhancement of Crop Production J & K State Presentation 26th and 27th Feb 2014, NASC, Pusa Complex, ICAR, New Delhi
Characteristic features of the State Geographical area 2.22 lakh sq Kms Net Cultivated area 7.52 lakh ha Proportionately less (i.e., 35% of total reported area against National Av. Of 46%) Gross Cvtd. Area11.02 lakh ha(C.I. is %) Net area irrigated 3.11 lakh ha (42% only. i.e., 24% in Jammu region where double & multiple cropping is prevalent and 60% in Kashmir region where mono- cropping is predominant)
Characteristic features of the State (contd…..) Av. land holding size0.66 haScattered & Fragmented Holdings Small/ Marginal Farmers85% Agro-climatic conditions5 Agro-climaticHuge diversity Zones & above 10 AES and micro zones Fragile soil in Hilly RegionSusceptible to erosionLow production potential Cultivation even on steepLimited potential for slopesMechanization & irrigation
Characteristic features of the State (contd…..) Vast drought prone areas, specificallyContribute to low and In Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban, Udhampurfluctuating yields & Reasi districts;: Limited post harvest managementHigher level of spoilage infra-structure available:perishability & low value addition The inadequate and unorganizedLower returns to marketing system prevailing:farmers & greater say of middle-men Far off Markets for export ofInhibiting Specialty Agricultural productsentrepreneurship to outside the State:among farmers
Characteristic features of the State (….contd.): Speciality Crops of Kharif Season Saffron: The pride of J&K, Grown in Kashmir region and & Kishtwar District of Jammu Basmati Rice: The Special Tasting and Aromatic rice grown in R.S.Pura and surrounding areas Rajmash:The Special tasting pulse crop grown in hill districts of Jammu division Black Zeera:Grown in the remotest areas of the State Potato Seed: High potential for quality virus free Potato Seed Production in high altitude Temperate areas of the State Off season vegetables: Great scope for area expansion under Quality & high value Peas & Vegetables Grown in Temperate areas of the State
Rabi Assessment Only the Certified and Foundation Category of Yellow Rust resistant Varieties of Wheat Seed Provided to farmers; Advance Stocking of Adequate pesticides done for distribution on 50% subsidy; Pest monitoring and surveillance teams put in place; Overall Crop Condition satisfactory especially due to good rains; Wheat crop at booting stage; Yellow Rust initially observed in some patches in areas of Jammu, Kathua, Samba and Reasi Districts, but management underway;
Rabi Assessment
Rabi Assessment (contd…) Plant Protection Sprays undertaken in the affected area and the surroundings just on initial appearance of disease symptoms; Awareness campaign through Print and electronic media, Farmers’ field Schools, Training Programmes, etc. on a large scale; Advisories issued through mobile SMS services; Disease completely under control; Farmers being advised to spray the pesticides periodically; Sowing and Transplanting of vegetable crops in plains under progress.
Rabi Assessment – (Area coverage in ‘000 Hectares) Crop RabiTgtAchTgtAchTgtAchTgt Wheat Other Cereals Pulses Total Food grains Oilseeds Vegetables Fodder Total
Rabi Assessment – (Production in ‘000 Mts.) Crop TgtAchTgtAchTgt Ach likelyTgt Wheat Other Cereals Pulses Total Food grains Oilseeds
Residual moisture in soils from good Rains & Snowfall during entire Rabi season and in Feb. will benefit crops sown in the summer and early kharif; Timely sowing of maize, paddy, pulses, fodder being encouraged & facilitated; Focused attention to Timely arrangements and easy access of quality inputs & services to farmers; Renewed efforts for Soil & Water Management through RKVY, National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture, and other Schemes; Augmenting Seed Storage Capacity under RKVY & Seed Village Programme; Gearing up Extension Network & Capacity building of Farmers; Further Strengthening of Diversified cropping system; Augmenting credit through KCCs (100% coverage by March 2014 targeted (5,30, 718 cards issued). Kharif Prospects 2014
Kharif Prospects (Area coverage in ‘000 Hectares over the years) Crop TgtAchTgtAchTgtAchTgt Rice Maize Other Cereals Pulses Total Food grains Oilseeds Vegetables Fodder Total
Kharif Prospects (Production in ‘000 Mts. over the years) Crop TgtAchTgtAchTgtAchTgt Rice Maize Other Cereals Pulses Total Food grains Oilseeds
Kharif Propects 2014 Arrangements of Certified Seeds (Unit : Qtls.) ParticularsPaddyMaizeSorghum / Jowar Pulse s Oil Seeds Ach Kharif Taeget Quantity Arrangements From: State Department of Agriculture NSC SFCI Private Farmer to Farmer 0.00 State Agency/ Institutions Total
Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) in J&K State Group Name Crop Name Seed Type Min. SRR SRR in SRR in SRR in CEREALSPADDY (DHAN) Variety WHEAT (GEHON) Variety MILLETSMAIZE (MAKKA) Variety SORGHU M (JOWAR/ GREAT MILLET) Variety
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Sourcing of support from various Schemes
Sourcing of financial and physical support from various Central / State Schemes viz., –National Food Security Mission Rice/ Wheat –RKVY (including NVIUC, and NMS) –Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States (now MIDH) –Extn Reforms Scheme: ATMA –ISOPOM (Maize now covered under NFSM Coarse Cereals and Oilseeds, which were not covered earlier under any scheme now included under National Mission on Oilseeds & Oilpalm)
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production (Additional Distts Approved under NFSM by GoI) 1. National Food Security Mission Rice -Distt Covered Initially Jammu, Samba, Kathua -Distt Covered Now: Jammu, Kathua, Anantnag, Baramulla, Budgam, Kupwara, Pulwama, Rajouri Issues -Samba distt may be retained 2. National Food Security Mission Wheat -Distt Covered Initially: Jammu, Samba, Kathua, Udhampur, Leh, Kargil -Districts Covered Now: Jammu, Kathua, Poonch, Rajouri, Udhampur, Issues -Samba distt may be retained
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production (Additional Distts Approved under NFSM by GoI) 3. National Food Security Mission Coarse cereals -Baramulla, Doda, Kathua, Kupwara, Poonch, Rajouri, Udhampur Issues - All districts may be covered as it occupies a total of 3.08 lakh hect area in all districts except Leh & Kargil
S.N o InterventionsUnit (ending Jan 2014) Tentative Tgt PhyFinPhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 1Cluster Demonstration on Rice/ Demonstration of improved PoP/ Hyb Rice Nos Assistance on Plant Protection Hect Asssistance on Micro Nutrients Hect Farm Machinery aKnap SackNos bRotavatorsNos cIrrigation PumpsetsNos Trg of farmers on FFS pattern cropping based Trg. Nos Local Initiatives Assistance on Water Harvesting Structure/Storage/Life saving Irrigation Nos Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Continuing with NFSM Rice
S.NoInterventionsUnit (ending Jan 2014) (Tentative tgt) PhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 1Cluster Demos on Rice and Wheat Hect Distribution of HYV Wheat seed Qtls Micro Nutrients Plant Protection chemicals Hect Machinery aKnap sackNos bRotavatorsNos cIrrigation Pump SetNos Cropping System based Trg Nos Local initiative for water harvesting storage/strctures/rec ycling of water Nos Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Continuing with NFSM Wheat
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Promoting Maize under ISOPOM / NFSM Coarse Cereals S.NoInterventionsUnit Tentative Tgt (NFSM coarse cereals) 1SeedAch (Phy)Ach (Fin)PhyFin iiProd of F/C seedQtls ii Distribution of certified / Hybrid seed Qtls Transfer of Technology aBlock DemonstrationsHect b (i) Integrated Pest Management(IPM)/Farme rs Field School(FFS) Nos/unit of 10 hect cFarmers trainingNos dExtn.officers trainingNos ePublicity Nother on-Seed Inputs bSupply of PP ChemicalsHect cSupply of weedicidesHect d Supply of Rhizobium culture/phosphate Solubilising Bacteria Hect Staff & contingencies Grand Total
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production : Improvement of Soil Health & Fertility Status of ActivitiesTarget Soil Testing Labs Static Mobile Annual Analyzing Capacity Number of Samples analyzed 23 nos. (6 equipped with Atomic Abs. Spectrometer) (63.17%) All Districts to be equipped with Static & Mobile STL Soil Health Cards Provided to Farmers Cumulative : 1,74, 852 (end Dec 2013) 70, 000 Production of Organic Manure4, 53, 993 MTsThe activities shall be further strengthe ned Production of Vermi-compost8390 Mts. Production of Compost Rural City compost Mts Mts. Green Manuring1080 Hect. No of Vermicompost Units establish2140 Nos Area under Organic Farming4359 Hect
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production : Improvement of Soil Health & Fertility Activity: Promoting Adoption & Certification of Organic Farming Year Area coverage (Hect) Biogas units established (nos) (Dec onwards)
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Improvement of Soil Health, Fertility & Plant Health
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production : Augmenting Fertilizer Supplies Unit: Mts SeasonKindSupplies (Till Date)Requirement Kharif JammuKashmirTotalJammuKashmirTotal KharifUrea DAP MOP SSP RabiUrea DAP MOP SSP56.800
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Augmenting Fertilizer Testing Facilities for Quality Control ActivityRemarks Number of existing Fertilizer Sale/ Retail Points 3497Existing numbers shall be enhanced Additional Fertilizer Sale/Retail Points proposed Cooperative10 Agro Industries Dev. Corp.10 Private20 TESTING OF FERTILIZER SAMPLES : Number of Fertilizer quality control labs. 2 Quality Control Labs. shall be strengthened Analyzing capacity1450 Number of samples received1451 Number of samples Analyzed1422 Total samples found Non-standard3 In nutrients1 In Physical parameters and impurities2
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Promoting Integrated Plant Protection Measures STATE DEMAND/ CONSUMPTION OF PESTICIDES (TGM IN MTs) (TGM IN MTs) KharifRabiTotalKharifRabiTotal Demand Agriculture Sector Horticulture Sector Total Consumption Agriculture Sector Horticulture / Private Sector Total One Stationery Plant Health Clinic and 5 Mobile Plant Health Clinics have been operationalized
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Promoting Quality Control of Pesticides QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM / TESTING OF QUALITY & LAW ENFORCEMENT Samples Analyzed Quality Control Mechanis m & labs shall be further Strengthe ned Found Sub-standard Prosecution Launched Judgment obtained
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Focusing Farm Mechanization S.NoItemUnit (end. Jan 2014) 1Power TillerNos Irrigation Pump SetNos TractorNos Power Driven Implements Nos Foot/Knap Sack Spray Pumps Nos Motor Power SprayersNos-36- aFarm Tools/ImplementsNos b Motorized Vending Carts Nos c Manually Operated Carts Nos RotavatorNos Sprinkler Irrigation SetsNos-150-
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Focusing Farm Mechanization
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions for enhancing Farm Level Economy Agri-Business Centres: 20 Custom Hiring Centers established under RKVY for giving boost to farm mechanization; Establishment of new Mushroom Units: Assistance Rs / each for establishment of 126 new units & Rs.25000/- each for revival/strengthening of 249 existing Units of 100 trays to enterprising farmers under RKVY ; Establishment of Bee-keeping Units: 71 Bee-keeping units (10 colonies each) established in Kashmir valley; Rajmash Project: Quality Rajmash production being promoted under Rajmash Project of RKVY since Kharif 2011 in coordination with SKUAST);
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions for enhancing Farm Level Economy Basmati Project Basmati: Project launched under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna with focus on quality seed production of indigenous varieties; Assistance provided to Basmati growers for purchase of seed, machinery, equipments & farmers field schools, plant protection measures; Vegetable Development: Jammu Oriental Fresh (FPO) and FIGs formed under National Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters; Hybrid Vegetable cultivation promoted through seed kits in 2164 Halqa Panchayats of Kashmir division & 2000 kitchen gardens developed in 65 hectare area in Srinagar city; Conversion of 60 hectares of Narcotics infested areas into vegetable cultivation undertaken in Districts of Pulwama and Anantnag;
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions for enhancing Farm Level Economy
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions under NVIUC S.NoActivityUnit (ending Jan 2014) 1Vegetable Seed ProductionHa Vegetable Seedling ProductionHa Vegetable Hybrid CultivationHa Vermicompost UnitNos Promoting of MarkettingNos Poly green StructuresNos Pack HousesNos Adoption & CertificationNos Protected cultivation: Area covered = 1,07,220 sq.m. (38,220 square meters in Jammu & 69, 000 sq.m. in Kashmir division since )’
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions under NVIUC
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production National Mission on Saffron Implemented in Pulwama, Budgam, Srinagar, Kishtwar districts; 1328 hect. Area covered under rejuvenation; 42 hect. area in public sector nurseries covered for production of quality planting material; 68 Deep bore wells established; 203 Weeders provided to farmers; 200 demos. on improved cultivation practices organized till date; Results of Trials on area expansion in non-traditional areas successful.
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Interventions under NMS for Economic Revival of Saffron S.NoItemUnit (ending Jan 2014) 1Rejuvenation/ Re-PlantingHa Improving Soil Health by INM/IPM/IDM Ha Public Sector NurseriesHa WeederNos Hot Air DryersNos Bore Wells/ CWHTNos DemonstrationNos VermicompostNos Sprinkler SetNos Collection TanksNos Corm handling storage unitNos -1 -
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Adoption of Improved Technology for better WUE 58% of Net Sown Area is rainfed in the State; 76% of Net Sown Area is rainfed in Jammu region where mainly double and multiple cropping is followed and SW Monsoon has a great impact; 60% of Net Sown Area is rainfed in Kashmir region where mainly single-cropping is followed and SW Monsoon has least impact; Excepting rice all other crops are practically grown under minimum irrigation or purely dependent on precipitation;
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Adoption of Improved Technology for better WUE –Development of Rainfed farming system within and outside Watershed areas is the priority area. However, Watershed Management is with RDD & not the Directorates of Agriculture; –Deptt incentivising construction of Ponds/ Tube Wells/ Dug Wells (Individual/ Community level) Construction of Community Bore wells and Individual Bore Wells, Development of Water Bodies 211 bore wells established since 275 Water Harvesting Tanks/ Storage Tanks constructed at farmers’ field on subsidized rates since 2009; –Sprinkler Irrigation System. Micro-irrigation, etc., shall be covered under NMSA. –Greater involvement and empowerment of Water User Associations in Command Areas to improve WUE,
Strategy for enhancement of Crop Production Marketing Intervention to ensure Remunerative Prices Rabi marketing season : –Procurement Centres for Wheat grain established: 12 (by FCI with the support of Agriculture Department; Impact of the intervention: Monopoly of private traders was broken & higher procurement rate of Rs to Rs per qtl. Provided by private millers in the open market contributing remunerative returns to growers ; Kharif marketing season 2013: –Procurements centres established for Paddy : 11 Impact: –Farmers got remunerative prices by breaking the monopoly of private millers.
Issues –Despite facilitation by Agri Extn Functionaries in filling up of KCC Application forms by farmers, some of the Banks are not coming forward in letter and spirit; –National Crop Insurance Program too seems to have high rate of premium and the share of States is higher; –Guidelines of Schemes like ATMA, NMSA are too elaborate and complex for a common extension functionary – not to speak of farmer;