History of Healthcare Objectives: You Will Be Able to Identify at Least 10 Discoveries/inventions in Health Care and Describe Several Advances in Different Time Periods
Question How many of you have ever been in the hospital and had an IV? (Put your head down) How many of you were born by c-section?(Put your head down) How many of you have taken antibiotics?(Put your head down) Now look around, if this had been 100 years ago, chances are that at least ½ of you would have died!
Advances in Healthcare Due to advances in medicine and technology in healthcare we can now treat many of the diseases that formerly would have been fatal. We are going to study advances that have occurred since primitive man. Understanding the hardships that went along with the discoveries can help us appreciate the advances in healthcare in the past 5000 years!
Early Beginnings Primitive Man
What Was It Like? No electricity, few tools, and poor shelter Time was spent protecting themselves against predators and finding food They were superstitious, they believed in witch doctors They used herbs and plants as medicines, some are still used today!!!!
Medicines Digitalis – from foxglove plant – used to strengthen and slow the heartbeat Quinine – from the bark of the cinchona tree – controls fever, muscle spasms and helps malaria Belladonna & atropine – made from the poisonous nightshade plant – they relieve muscle spasms, especially in GI pain
More Early Medicines Morphine – made from the opium poppy – relieves severe pain and is addicting
Ancient Times Egyptians
What Did They Do? They kept accurate records They were superstitious They learned to identify certain diseases, used medicines to heal disease They used the art of splinting fractures
What did they do? They did not believe in dissection of the body, so this limited what they could learn They believed in treating the whole body by curing the spirit, this was early “holistic care” Holistic care is treating the mind, body and soul, this is the trend in today’s healthcare
Ancient Times Greeks
What Did They Do? First to study the cause of disease Kept records on what they observed Importance of searching for new information about disease which helped eliminate superstition Observed and measured the effects of disease Discovered that disease was caused by lack of sanitation
Ancient Times Romans
What Did They Do? Learned from the Greeks and developed a sanitation system Brought clean water into their cities by aquaducts Built sewers to carry off waste Built public baths with filtering systems(this was the beginning of public health and sanitation)
Romans continued First to organize medical care – they sent medical equipment and physicians with their armies to care for the wounded soldiers Roman doctors kept a room in their homes for the ill (beginning of hospitals) Public buildings for the care of the sick were established
Hippocrates The Father of Medicine
Hippocrates 479 – 377 BC Dissection was not allowed during this time period due to religious beliefs Hippocrates based his knowledge of the human body on observations of the external body He kept careful note on signs and symptoms of diseases He wrote the standard of ethics known as the “oath of Hippocrates” which is still the basis for medical ethics today. Many graduating doctors recite a version of this oath at graduation
Dark Ages (AD 400-800) & Middle Ages (AD 800-1400)
What Happened to Healthcare? The roman empire was conquered by barbarians from the north, the study of medical science stopped Medicine was practiced in convents and monasteries as basic care for the sick and dying Epidemics caused millions of deaths
Epidemics Bubonic plague or Black Death (bacterial infection caused by flea infested rats that carried the bacteria) Smallpox (virus transmitted only by humans) Diptheria ( bacterial infection) Syphilis (Bacterial STD) Tuberculosis (bacterial infection) None of these had any vaccinations discovered during this period
The Rebirth of Learning Renaissance (AD 1350 – 1650) The Rebirth of Learning
What happened then? They started building universities and medical schools for research They accepted dissection of the body for study (Leonardo da Vinci studied and recorded the anatomy of the human body during dissections to paint the human body more true to form) They invented the printing press and began to publish books
The Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries
Apothecaries These were early pharmacists, they made , prescribed and sold medicines
Important People William Harvey – described the circulation of blood and pumping of the heart Gabriello Fallopious – discovered the fallopian tubes Bartolommeo Eustachus – discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat (eustachian tube) Anton van Leewenhook – invented the microscope
Eighteenth Century A New Way of Teaching Medicine – Students Not Only Learned in Classrooms , but at the Patient’s Bedside
New Discoveries Rene Laennec – invented the stethoscope (made out of wood) Joseph Priestly – discovered the element oxygen Benjamin Franklin – invented bifocals and discovered that colds could be passed from person to person Edward Jenner – discovered a method of vaccination for smallpox Gabriel Fahrenheit - invented the 1st mercury thermometer
Organized advancement of medical science 19th and 20th centuries Organized advancement of medical science
Important Discoveries & Inventions Ignaz Semmelweiss – established that handwashing with chlorinated water was effective in protecting against the spread of disease Louis Pasteur – discovered that microorganisms were everywhere and that they caused disease, he created pasteurization, he developed a vaccine for rabies
Inventions and Discoveries Joseph Lister – he began to use carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs and prevent infections, he became the first doctor to use antiseptics during surgery Ernst von Bergmann – Developed asepsis Robert Koch – known as “Father of Microbiology” discovered many disease causing organisms Wilhelm Roentgen – discovered x-rays in 1895
More Inventions and Discoveries Paul Ehrlich – discovered the effects of medicine on germs, discovered a treatment for syphilis after 605 experiments Gerhard Domagk – discovered sulphonamide drugs Ivanovski – Russian scientist who discovered that some microorganisms were too small to be seen with a regular microscope, he called them viruses
Even More Discoveries Sigmund Freud – discovered that the mind has a conscious and unconscious realm, his studies are the basis for psychology and psychiatry 1928 Alexander Fleming – discovered penicillin Jonas Salk – discovered a vaccine against the polio virus
19th Century Advances Anesthesia was introduced by using ether, nitrous oxide(laughing gas) and chloroform 1st successful blood transfusion in 1818 Elizabeth Blackwell was the 1st female physician in the U.S. in 1849 Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing, she began professional education for nurses.
19th Century Advances American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton in 1881 The average life expectancy went up
20th Century The most advances in healthcare were made in the this century! Development of health insurance plans Home Health began for rural Kentuckians in 1925 The heart lung bypass machine was used for open heart surgery in 1953 The first successful kidney transplant in 1954
20th century Medicare and Medicaid started in 1965 1st heart transplant in 1968 CAT scan invented in 1975 InVitro fertilization (test tube baby) 1975 AIDS identified in 1981 HIV was discovered as the cause of AIDS in 1984 Sheep cloned in 1997
21st Century – The Future What’s next?
21st century Stem cell research New medications to prolong the lives of patients with HIV New medications for Stroke and Heart attack patients More research on the artificial heart Complex separations of conjoined twins
What’s next? Human cloning? A cure for AIDS? A cure for cancer? Drugs that slow the aging process? Transplant of the brain? Regeneration of nerves in paralyzed patients? New antibiotics that are resistant proof?
Assignment Choose one advancement in healthcare you feel was most important, research it and write a summary on the facts and why you feel it was important.