Index for Inclusion
The inclusive culture at School Tremser Teich Five years ago, our school got changed into a comprehensive school. Therefore, the school concept had to be developed completely new. Within this development, a lot of aspects of the index of inclusion were realised
Examples Dimension A A.1.3. Staff collaborate with each other Headteachers, mainstream teachers and special needs teachers share their ideas of working Mainstream teachers and special needs teachers plan, act and review in teams Teachers and school assistants work together
Examples Dimension A A.1.3. Staff collaborate with each other Dimension C C.1.8 Teachers plan, act and review in teams Working in teams: team of headteachers team for school development teams for year 1 to 10 class teams teams for each subject The teams prepare all topics and themes together or try to share work. They evaluate the results. They review their work, so everything is developing. For most settings, the dates are fixed in the conference schedule:
Example Dimension B B.1.2. All new staff are helped to settle into school -All new teachers are members of teams from the first day. -They get any infomation from their colleagues. -Every new teacher gets a folder which contains the following papers: the concept of our school the school rules a floor plan of the school building a list of the most important phone numbers addresses from their colleagues the conference schedule
– am staff assembly; am lessons only by class teachers 1st semester 2nd semester Date1.45 pm2.30 – 4.00 pm4.00 pm Date1.45 pm2.30 – 4.00 pm4.00 Uhr Various agreements Meeting: team 5 Meeting: team 1 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 5 Meeting: team 1 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 6 Meeting: team 2 Meeting: school administration Uhr staff conference Various agreements Meeting: team 7 Meeting: team 3 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 6 Meeting: team 2 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 8 Meeting: team 4 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 7 Meeting: team 3 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 9 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team 8 Meeting: team 4 Meeting: school administration Uhr staff conference Various agreements Meeting: team 9 Meeting: school administration Various agreements concept group Meeting: school administration Various agreements Concept groupMeeting: school administration Various agreements Conference German Sec I Mathematics Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference German Sec I Mathematics Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference Mathematics Sec I English Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference Mathematics Sec I English Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference Englisch Sec I German Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference English Sec I German Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference WK (?), Science, Politics HSU (?) Pr Meeting: school administration Uhr staff conference Various agreements Conference Music, Art, PE Pr + Sec I Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference WK, Science, Politics HSU Pr Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team Primary School Meeting: school administration Various agreements Conference Music, Art, PE Pr + Sek I Meeting: school administration Uhr staff conference Various agreements Meeting: team Secondary School Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team Primary School Meeting: school administration Various agreements Concept group Meeting: school administration Various agreements Concept group Team 5 new Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: team Secondary School Meeting: school administration Various agreements conference Prognosis year 7 Meeting: school administration Various agreements Meeting: school administration Uhr – grade conferences Primary School Uhr – grade conferences Primary School Uhr – grade conferences Secondary School Uhr – grade conferences Secondary School Uhr – staff conference School Tremser Teich – conference schedule school year 2013/2014
What to do next! There is one group of assistants, who is not involved really well into our school life. We tried to improve this development.
Example Dimension BB.2.1. All forms of support are co-ordinated Inclusion in Schleswig – Holstein It is actually concerned with integration of children having social emotional and learning difficulties. Only few schools integrate children with severe mental and physical disabilities. Most school buildings still have spatial barriers (no disabled toilets and no lifts).
Organisation If children with learning difficulties are taught in main stream schools they are supported by special school teachers. Those teachers are well trained and as a member of the class team, the support usually is very effectiv. In fact, they don‘t get enough lessons for support. - Children with social emotional difficulties don‘t get any professional support. - Parents can ask for an adult to help their child. - If their demand is successful an untrained adult will accompany their child for at most 20 hours a week. - Some of these persons have got an intuitive understanding, some haven‘t. In this case the child again gets a new assisting adult. - Up to now schools have not had any influence on the selection of these assistants. Sometimes there are 4 or 5 assisting adults in one class. It should be the task of the primary school teachers to coordinate this support but they don`t get any extra time for it.
Development Last year, school managements and school inspectors have met to change this organisation as follows: Every school gets a pool of assisting adults. They stay at least for one school term, if possible longer. Every school decides on its own responsibility in which form these assistants are put into action.
Advantages There are not more than two assistants in one class. They don‘t only care about one child, but also about the whole class, if necessary. The assistants are now part of the class team and the class teacher can give them useful tasks. The school can have an influence on the selection of assistants. Disadvantages The teachers in school will continue to train the assistants themselves. The working hours of assistants in our school were cut by one third – to save money.
Outlook Looking at inclusion it is more and more obvious that not all pupils with learning difficulties need a professional support from special school teachers. But children with a social emotional need for help should really be supported professionally. Moreover, the number of these children is increasing from year to year. It remains to be seen if schools can have an influence on this development in the near future.