Regen Earth, LLC Regen Earth asked Terry Terrell, a Cincinnati, Ohio housewife, to follow planting instructions formulated for farm crops that optimizes crop yield using RE♦Start, RE♦New, and RE♦Build. The purpose was to test the ability to get good crop results by a non-agronomist using the Regen Earth’s planting instructions and products. Regen Earth uses these planting instructions to perform field trials for product validation and registration. The tests were conducted at the Gravel Knolls Farm in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following pictures show the comparison of the plants and harvests from our product field tests in Cincinnati. Identical sets of plants were used for the tests. One set was the “control” receiving no application of our products and the other set plants had the application of the products according to our planting instructions. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Test Farm in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Regen Earth, LLC performed testing of Regen Earth products using our planting system at the Gravel Knolls Farm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Gravel Knolls is an organic farm and has been producing agriculturally responsible produce for 25 years. The picture to the right is the 30’ x 40’ plot loaned to Regen Earth for the field tests. This area for the tests is front of the hoop house shown in the picture and is divided equally by the straw path. The area to the left of the path was planted with plants receiving no applications. The area to the right was planted with plants receiving our products according to our planting system. The following slides show pictures comparing plants with “No Application” and “With Application” during the season. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Lettuce Before Harvest on 6/19/09 With Application No Application Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Harvested Lettuce on 6/19/09 No Application With Application Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Sorghum on 6/13/09 With Application With our products, 90% of the seeds germinated. Every 2 nd plant was transplanted to a second row of Sorghum. With the second row of Sorghum, a double harvested is expected. No Application Less than 50% of the seeds germinated and the plants are smaller. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Lettuce Before harvest on 7/3/09 With Application Avg. stalks 115 cm high and 2 rows No Application Avg. stalks 90 cm high and 1 row Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Sorghum on 8/3/09 and 12 weeks after planting With Application With Application With our products, 90% of the seeds germinated. With every 2 nd plant transplanted to a second row, a double harvested is expected. The Sorghum is avg. 3 m high (max 3½ m). Additional sprouts came up and are growing. 2x heads of Sorghum are seen compared to control. No Application (control) No Application (control) With no application, the Sorghum here is avg. 2¾ m high, max 3¼ m, and a single row. Additional sprouts came up and have died. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Sorghum on 8/26/09, after 15 weeks. Side by side Comparison. With Application, Avg. heads 3½ m (max 4 ½ m) high and 3x yield. Notice the 2 nd row. With Application, Avg. heads 3½ m (max 4 ½ m) high and 3x yield. Notice the 2 nd row. No Application, Avg. heads 3¼ m (max 4¼ m) high. Notice only a single row. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Summer Squash on 7/3/09 With Application 1 meter wide No Application.8 meter wide Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm The Summer Squash on 7/3/09 With Application No Application Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvested Beets on 7/24/09 No Application With Application The beets with application of our products produced 8lbs (3.63kg) of beets. The beets without application of our products produced only 1lb (.45kg) of beets. No Application With Application The beets with application of our products produced 10 large beets. The beets without application of our products produced 1 large beet. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvested Field Beans on 8/12/09 With Application No Application Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvested Field Beans on 8/12/09 With Application, better looking beans and sweeter tasting. 5lb 4.2 oz, 2.39 kg No Application, more spots on beans 4lb.8 oz, 1.84 kg Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvested Field Beans as of 8/13/09 Harvest #1: 100% increase yield with Regen Earth Products Harvest #2: 21% increase yield with Regen Earth Products Harvest #3: 48% increase yield with Regen Earth Products Harvest #4: 23% increase yield with Regen Earth Products HarvestDate 1. 8/1/ /3/ /6/09 4.8/13/09 Beans with Application of Regen Earth Products 11.3oz (.33kg) 9.4oz (.265kg) 1lb, 11.8oz (.79kg) 5lb, 4.2oz (2.39kg) Beans with No Application of Regen Earth Products No harvest ready 7.2oz (.210kg) 14.6oz (.41kg) 4.08lb (1.84kg) Beans Harvested (by weight) Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm 4th Harvest of Tomatoes – No Application 4 lb 11 oz (2.12 kg 4 lb 11 oz (2.12 kg) With Application 9 lb 11 oz (4.44 kg 9 lb 11 oz (4.44 kg) Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Tomatoes on 10/10/09 With Application. The season was over, but the “With Application” plants were still producing tomatoes. We pulled up the vines on 10/10 and picked 4.39 Kg (8 lb 12.8 oz) of the tomatoes. No Application. The season was over, but the “No Application” plants were done producing tomatoes. We pulled up the vines on 10/10 and picked 1.16 Kg (2 lb 9.6 oz) of the tomatoes. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Total Harvest of Red Peppers as of No Application Harvest of 100 peppers With Application Harvest of 187 peppers Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvested Potatoes on 7/11/09 With Application. These potatoes were harvested after 74 days on 7/11/09. Our potatoes were attacked by potato bugs which ate all the leaves. The plants with “With Application” regrew leaves. No Application. These potatoes were harvested after 74 days on 7/11/09. These potatoes were attacked by potato bugs which ate all the leaves. These plants do not regrow leaves. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Harvest of Potatoes “With Application” on Regen Earth, LLC 2009 With the previous problems with potatoes bugs, we again planted 14 potatoes seed “With Application” only to test our organic/natural insecticide. The insecticide killed the bugs and the results were large healthy and good tasting potatoes. These potatoes were harvested after 104 days.
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Sorghum Regrew by 10/10/09 With Application Harvested ½ of the Sorghum on 9/5 and new stalks of 90cm grew back. No Application Harvested ½ of the Sorghum on 9/5 and new stalks of 40cm grew back. Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Sorghum Roots Dug Up on 10/10/09 Regen Earth, LLC 2009 With Application Roots 64 cm Long No Application Roots 44 cm Long
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Sorghum Roots on 10/10/09 With Application Dense and Long Feeder Roots No Application Sparse and Short Feeder Roots Regen Earth, LLC 2009
Regen Earth, LLC Cincinnati, Ohio USA Test Farm Sorghum Roots on 10/10/09 With Application Feeder Roots as long as 9.5 cm No Application Feeder Roots as long as 4.5 cm Regen Earth, LLC 2009