Student Centered Teaching Through Universal Instructional Design Part III
Principle 5 Explore Use of Natural Supports for Learning, Including Technology, to Enhance Opportunities for all Learners
Principle 5 Using Natural Supports Non-accommodation based strategies that are built into the course to benefit all students Usually leads to better outcomes for students
Principle 5 Using Natural Supports for Learning Deliver content in a variety of ways: Lectures Discussion Group work Hands on activities Internet based strategies Educational software Fieldwork Use media in lectures – diagrams, charts, illustrations, videos, etc. Use captioning in videos Consider “podcasting” lectures
Strategies Provide multiple means of access to class lecture (Power Point, word doc,) posted on BlackBoard Allows all students to independently adapt materials to meet their needs (large print, print notes, preview lecture material, text to speech) Post instructions to access free assistive technology (Readplease, etc.) Consider a book selection that includes an electronic version Principle 5 Using Natural Supports
Principle 5 Using Natural Supports in Lectures Repeat comments made and questions asked by other students before responding “Chunk” information — grouping words, ideas, concepts and thoughts together to make comprehension easier Use “Pause Procedure” – short periodic break that allows students to reflect, review or discuss content and can be beneficial for retention and comprehension of material Provide Advance Organizers —assist with organizing thoughts and presenting material in an organized manner
ACeS Faculty Strategies: Using Natural Supports Reorganize BlackBoard YouTube videos Narrated PowerPoint slides Web animations Read all quizzes aloud Flash cards for important terms
Principle 6 Design Teaching Methods that Consider Diverse Learning Styles, Abilities, Ways of Knowing, Previous Experiences and Background Knowledge
Principle 6 Design Teaching Methods Use Multiple Means of Representation present ideas in multiple ways use multimodal instructional strategies to meet a variety of learner preferences Learning style assessment and activities Use Multiple Means of Expression provide students with multiple ways to express their comprehension of topics Use Multiple Means of Engagement tap into students’ interests challenge them appropriately motivate them to learn
ACeS Faculty Strategies: Designing Teaching Methods Learning Styles Assessment Provide models for assignments Video Clips of business presentations AV texts for student comprehension Reading texts for auditory learners Projects assigned based on learning style Provide written text of film narration to support student comprehension
Principle 7 Create Multiple Ways for Students to Demonstrate Their Knowledge
Principle 7 Demonstrate Knowledge Using different methods of assessment allows students to capitalize on their strengths allows students to utilize background experiences may produce less anxiety for the student provides opportunity to try something new should continue to reflect essential course components/outcomes
Principle 7 Demonstrate Knowledge Strategies Use a variety of graded assessments (papers, shorter quizzes, presentations) Use multiple formats on exams: essay, short answer, objective Allow students to choose between equally weighted sections Exam has 2 essays, multiple choice, and short answer questions from which students choose a specified number of sections to complete
Principle 7 Demonstrate Knowledge Strategies Provide choices in graded assignments final exam or final paper Provide choices for demonstrating knowledge writing a paper presenting a speech conducting a multimedia project Consider administration circumstances timed/untimed individual/group administration in-class/take home
ACeS Faculty Strategies: Ways to Demonstrate Knowledge Portfolio Assessment Offer assessment online or in hard copy Read all quizzes aloud Reformat examinations Remediate multiple choice section on exams
Principle 8 Promote Interaction Between Faculty and Students
Principle 8 Promote Interaction Use instructional environment to promote interaction and communication between students, and between students & faculty Offer an opportunity for student consultation with faculty Allow for the development of relationships
Principle 8 Promote Interaction Strategies Foster student-to-student interaction chat rooms, discussion groups, , study groups Plan classroom activities that encourage cooperative interactions between students Foster faculty-to-student interaction learning names and information about students’ learning needs, interests & out of class experiences discuss your personal experiences, as appropriate, i.e. in college, feeling overwhelmed, study mistakes
ACeS Faculty Strategies: Promoting Interaction Base Groups Mini-Biography Card
Implementing Universal Instructional Design in the Classroom
Implementing UID In The Classroom Please reflect on the UID strategies we have discussed in this training. What principles are you already using? What principles might you apply in your classroom? What challenges might you face when incorporating UID principles ?
Universal Instructional Design Can Help You… be mindful about removing barriers to learning meet the needs of diverse learners reduce the need for individual accommodations
Using Universal Instructional Design Start with something small Don’t be afraid to experiment There is no magic formula—consider student needs UID can’t solve every instructional/curricular issue UID is measured on a continuum