Writing Short Stories: Day 3 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Regular MYP
Independent Reading Please take out your choice reading book BEFORE class begins. You will need to read for 10 minutes. If you would like, you may work on writing your short story for 10 minutes.
Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: Students will draft a short story with a plot that develops their theme, uses the methods of characterization, and implements an appropriate point of view. Agenda: ▫Independent Reading ▫Greek Roots Quiz Roots ▫Focus Lesson: Complex Sentences ▫Writing Time Homework: study Greek roots 1-16
Greek Root 13: graph, gram Root: graph, gram Meaning: write, draw, record Visual:Word List: Graphic Biography Autograph Photograph Geography Choreograph Grammar Diagram
Greek Root 14: scop, scept Root: scop, scept Meaning: examine, look at Visual:Word List: Telescope Microscope Arthroscopic Skeptic Speculate
Greek Root 15: tele, tel, telo Root: tele, tel, telo Meaning: far, distant Visual:Word List: Telephone Television Telescope Telecommunication Telepathy
Greek Root 16: arch, archi Root: arch, archi Meaning: rule, govern, extreme Visual:Word List: Monarchy Anarchy Archrival Hierarchy Matriarch Patriarch Architect
Complex Sentences (Notes from 9/22) Complex Sentence: contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses ▫A dependent clause cannot stand on its own as a sentence; it is a fragment. ▫A dependent clause is created when you use a subordinating conjunction. Example: We rode our bikes because the weather was beautiful. Explanation: independent clause + dependent clause with subordinate conjunction (“because”)
Complex Sentence Practice Combine the 2 pairs of sentences below using the subordinating conjunctions listed below. ▫Use a conjunction: unless, because, even though, while, although, though 1. Some students stay on the sidewalks. Some students cut across the grass. 2. We must stand up for our rights today. We may find ourselves with no rights at all.
Dependent Clauses A dependent clause is created when you use a subordinating conjunction. Examples: ▫Time: after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while ▫Manner: as, as if ▫Place: where, wherever ▫Cause: because, since ▫Comparison: as, as much as, than ▫Condition: although, as long as, even if, even though, if, provided that, though, unless, while ▫Purpose: in order that, so that, that Tape this list into your notebook with the practice.
Writing Time On the loose leaf paper I gave you yesterday, draft your short story. ▫This should be a minimum of 2 pages. ▫Make sure you have a clearly developed theme. ▫Be sure to think about how to develop your characters. ▫Please consider which point of view would be best. 1 st person is very personal if the story is emotional. 3 rd person limited is also very useful to focus on one character but is not told by the character. 3 rd person omniscient is all-knowing and informs the reader about more characters.