WHAT IS PINTEREST? A social network focusing on collecting & sharing ideas and things found on the web. A bulleting board/scrapbook to keep items for later use. Pinterest is a place to discover ideas for all your projects and interests, hand- picked by people like you.
PINTEREST TERMS Board A place where images are placed or “pinned” to. These are public. Secret Board Same as a board, except only you can see the pins on it. Pin or Pinning A picture on your board that is linked to the website; a visual bookmark Re-pin Pinning an image from some else’s board Pinner An active user on Pinterest Follower Person who follows you and your boards and can see what you pin.
“PINNING” HELPFUL HINTS Organize your boards how you like. (Try to be specific) Theme Color Month Class Be aware of changes Check links Invite others to follow your board Other Teachers Students Have a group/collaborative board
LET’S SET IT UP! Name Password Possible boards to follow Education category Early Literacy Activities Teaching Tidbits Confirm
PINTEREST PRACTICE What is found on your “home” page Your recent pins What your friends pinned What Pinterest thinks you might like Access to your account Search options Searching You can search for pretty much anything on Pinterest. Be specific You can “Pin” items from other websites. Use the “Pin-It” button Onsite share
WAYS TEACHERS USE PINTEREST Inspiration Get Inspiration for decorating your classroom. Organize your ideas. Get ideas for an inspired bulletin board. Follow interesting boards. Get fun ideas for new projects. Learn how to get crafty. Look for ways to organize your classroom.
Lessons Swap lesson plans Locate amazing images for lessons Collect ideas for virtual field trips Find loads of printables Pump up your science lessons with amazing experiments Get ideas on how to make learning more hands-on
Professional Growth Collaborate with other teachers and educators Find out about great reads Get links to great tech resources Learn how to help with behavior management Find tutorials
Fun! Find inspiration Create dream classrooms Laugh after a long day. Have fun!
RESOURCES 20 Tips to use Pinterest in the Classroom 37 Ways Teachers Can Use Pinterest in the Classroom pinterest-in-the-classroom/