The Genesis of Kito Community School January 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

The Genesis of Kito Community School January 2007


Sometimes we had classes outside the jaja homes. 2007

Sometimes we had classes in a broken chicken house. 2007

Now we have proper classrooms.

Assemblies were done in a small church – 2010


Sometimes we had classes under a tree which now serves as olive’s office.

Now we sit on benches.

Then we were blessed by a friend with a mud house. 2011

Prayer, praise and worship twice a week

Once in a while we had lunch at school. January to September 2012.

From mud a house to a proper roofed school. 2013


Does it look like something you know?

School is so much fun.

Please come and join us

Our soccer field in

Our soccer field 2014.

We have seen the faithfulness of God


God is Good!

Its breakfast time

Food glorious food!

Does it look like something you know?

The Lord has brought us this far.