Prayer is a dialogue with God. It is the way we develop, deepen, and sustain our relationship with Him. Christ is the model of Christian prayer. › Teaches us how to pray › Reminds us of the important “interior dispositions” needed to pray well “Not my will, but yours”
Prayer is difficult, but possible with perseverance and the help of the Holy Spirit
Prayer has a PURPOSE!!!! (4 actually) › P etition: we request something from God › A doration: we praise God for his greatness › C ontrition: the expression of sorrow for our sins › T hanksgiving: express gratitude for God’s gifts
There are THREE › Vocal Prayer: use our bodies to express the interior prayer of our hearts › Meditation: the active consideration of what God has revealed to us; allows God to speak to us › Contemplation: the richest form of meditation; seeks union with Christ and is practiced w/ self-denial and mortification
The Mass is truly the greatest prayer The purposes of the Mass are: › To give honor and glory to God › To build up the faith of the people › To instruct them › To respond with faith and love to God’s blessings › To exercise the priestly office of Christ
“LITURGY” comes from Greek for “work of the people” › The Worship of God by the People of God Our worship of God involves body and soul, therefore liturgical celebrations involve signs, symbols, and gestures: › Sign of the Cross, Striking one’s breast, Anointing, Ashes, Laying on of Hands, Standing, Kneeling, Genuflecting, Bowing, Processions There is a special Liturgical Calendar that we will discuss a little later on.
Christian piety has developed many popular forms of prayer and devotion to help the faithful live the faith and pray continually Examples: The Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office), The Rosary, Lectio Divina, Novenas, Stations of the Cross, Divine Mercy Chaplet, The Angelus, Morning Offering, Grace Before/After Meals, Prayer at Night
These are holy objects, celebrations or acts of piety › They direct our minds and hearts to God › They enhance prayer › They make us more receptive to grace Some of the devotions we just talked about are considered sacramentals
Other examples: › A crucifix › Holy Water › The Sign of the Cross › Gestures of respect (bowing, genuflecting, etc.) › Ashes
Other examples: › Statues, Icons, Holy Images › Relics of Saints › Religious Medals › The Scapular › Pilgrimages
Mortification, or self-denial, is indispensable to helping us avoid sin and grow in virtue Literally means “dying to the flesh” Helps us seek holiness Subdue the body to strengthen the soul Think Lenten fasting and abstinence, or the fast before Communion.