Archbishop Hoban High School Gilmour Academy St. Edward High School
Developed out of a discussion at the 2009 Planning Committee Meeting: what could be done regionally for first- or second-year teachers in our schools to increase their knowledge of and commitment to Holy Cross values as Holy Cross educators? Three Midwest Province schools agreed to develop and pilot a program during the school year
Purpose of the In-service: To bring together new teachers from Gilmour, St. Edward High School, and Archbishop Hoban High School to help enhance the school cultures that are shaped by the Holy Cross charisms and their expressions in our schools. We want to help people come to understand that Holy Cross schools are inclusive—that each person’s spiritual journey is important, and we respect where each person is in his/her own journey. How do we blend the gifts of our Holy Cross charism with the gifts of each individual to enhance our school’s culture? Participants: First (or second)- year teachers at each school as well as veteran teachers. Each school would have at least one veteran teacher who would be a speaker and one who would serve as a facilitator during discussions. Foundation: Common characteristics of Holy Cross schools and each school’s chosen Holy Cross theme or thematic approach for the year Format: 9am-3pm in-service that would rotate among the three schools (or go off- site?).
Proposal: In February, 2010, the in-service would be held at Archbishop Hoban High School. ( Action items are in bold): submit proposed dates to MAB at Gathering and introductions (continental breakfast) Introduction by Brother Robert Lavelle Multimedia presentation of history of Holy Cross education or some topic? Witness talks by representatives (1 per school): What characteristic are you most comfortable talking about to present what Holy Cross education means to you? Breakout groups after each session led by a facilitator from each school
Lunch Wrap-up: What will you do differently in your teaching as a result of this experience? Evaluation and suggestion for next step: End of year reflection or assessment? Something online? Within each school’s new teacher program? Mass with Fr. Blazek and recommissioning Future plans: Coaches? Staff members?
Planning done through s Selected a date—and had to change it. Selected first- and second-year teachers Fleshed out the agenda and roles for all 26 participants In a snow storm
9:00-9:15 amContinental breakfast 9:15Opening prayer and introductions of those present 9:25 Introduction of the purpose of this day by Brother Robert Lavelle, CSC 10:15 Multimedia presentation of history of Holy Cross educahttp:// Blessed Basil Moreau, c.s.c., Founder of Holy CrossBlessed Basil Moreau, c.s.c., Founder of Holy Cross 10:45Witness talks by a representative of each school to answer: What characteristic of Holy Cross education influences you most as you think about what Holy Cross education means to you? Speaker from Hoban: Jason Horinger Speaker from Gilmour: Whitney Daly Speaker from St. Edward: Brian Seiler
11:15 Breakout groups led by a facilitator from each school We will mix up the groups. Facilitator from Hoban: Mary Anne Beiting Facilitator from Gilmour: Yvonne Saunders Facilitator from St. Edward: Gene Boyer Questions for discussion: How do you see the mission of Holy Cross lived out in your school? After listening to the witness talks, what draws you to share in the ministry and mission of Holy Cross? Is there anything you wonder about? Any difficulty you are having being a CSC educator?
Questions for discussion: How do you see the mission of Holy Cross lived out in your school? After listening to the witness talks, what draws you to share in the ministry and mission of Holy Cross? 12:00-12:45Lunch
12:45- 1:30What will you do differently as a result of this experience? Journal on this question: In what ways do you want to grow as a Holy Cross teacher? List some steps you would like to take. How can your school or the Institute help you achieve these steps? Do we want to collect these and the school facilitator can give it back to the teacher at the end of the year and have a discussion about how they fared with their plans? Come back to discussion groups to share these ideas. The facilitator can write down suggestions to take back to the planning group.
1:30-2:00Evaluation and suggestions for next step: Hear suggestions from the group for how the schools or the Holy Cross Institute might help. We will ask the facilitator from each school to meet with the school’s group of teachers at the end of the year to review their plan. 2:00-2:40Mass with Father John and recommissioning. Mr. Scott Kopp will help set up for the mass in the chapel and have our music ministry provide music.
Would like more opportunities for Holy Cross educators to interact regionally. Possible topics: Curriculum Pedagogy Gather along common interests ( for instance, same discipline, same grade levels) More meetings like this to discuss common values Gather departments from different schools to create a network, building relationships
First year ok, second year maybe better: more time to get settled in as a teacher February a good time of year; would have been overwhelming at the beginning of year Nice to reflect on what we’ve done so far and discuss broader issues with colleagues
A pleasant surprise that all three schools were included Build relationships through such activities. Maybe after the relationships are built, people will be ready to each other, participate in blogs or other electronic networks, etc. Loved the speakers’ reflections and the time for processing Liked the journaling activity to give them a time to reflect
Have more brothers join the discussions and day’s events Some wanted an agenda in advance; others liked the “mysterious” aspect of not knowing just what to expect Consider adding other materials for participants to read/review in advance of the day’s workshop Send invitations to participants out earlier—at least two weeks in advance
As always, we were reminded about how much we have in common as Holy Cross Schools It was good to hear the stories of our witnesses who can articulate what it means to be an educator in Holy Cross While there are some organizational details to shore up, it was a worthwhile day for all and met our goals Despite the snow storm and the inability of Fr. John to arrive to celebrate the liturgy with us, we were able to end with a nice prayer service