A GENDA Section 1: What is it? Section 2: What we know? Section 3: Why it does not happening
L ESSON #1: THERE ARE DIFFERENT USES Games are a multi-dimensional beast Including games to enrich existing curriculum Making games about relevant curriculum Using games directly to learn curriculum
L ESSON #2: MANY TEACHERS USE IT Several studies indicate around 60% teachers Very few teachers are dismissing it Adaptation varies with countries Almost all use curriculum games Favourites are still training (math & spelling) Use is almost exclusively in early school years
L ESSON #3: NEED TO KEEP LEARNING Challenge player to use knowledge actively Make learning contents explicit Make integration between learning & playing Focus on learning for both verbs & substantives Debriefing is a pre-requisite for effect
L ESSON #4: MUST KEEP ENGAGEMENT Real consequences in the game Strong and constant feedback loops Visually attractive Maintain relevance and authenticity Use both extrinsic & intrinsic motivation
L ESSON #5: HOW TO DISTRIBUTE – FEW ROADS Browser-based solutions is a must Channels are still missing Education is more local than global Curriculum differences major obstacle Traditional publishers are not the answer
L ESSON #6: BARRIERS OFTEN ICT NOT GAMES Computer equipment is not good enough Installation & licensing is difficult Own lacking skills are perceived as barriers
L ESSON #7: CONVINCE PEOPLE = SHOW THEM Get them in front of the games Get into the teacher seminars Create good cases with other teachers Involve teachers in development
L ESSON #8: BUT IT WORKS Evidence retention is better Indications transfer is better Student more motivated to learn Students feel closer to the content Student perceive they learn more Teacher’s can reach challenged learners
SUMMARY Lesson #1: There are different uses Lesson #2: Many teachers use it Lesson #3: Need to keep learning Lesson #4: Must keep engagement Lesson #5: How to distribute – few roads Lesson #6: Barriers often ict not games Lesson #7: Convince people = show them Lesson #8: But it works