Agriculture and Cooperation Department Government of Gujarat National Conference on Agriculture For Rabi Campaign 2008-09 (September 24th & 25th , 2008) Agriculture and Cooperation Department Government of Gujarat
Gujarat Agriculture at a Glance Total Geographical Area : 196 lakh hectares Net Area Sown: 98.51 lakh hectares Total Cropped Area: 114.21 lakh hectares Agro Climatic Zones : 8 Gross Irrigated area: 41.11 lakh hectares ( 36 % against gross cropped area) Net Irrigated area: 33.87 lakh hectares ( 34.39 % against net area sown) (Source : SCR 2003-04) Total Operational land holder : 42.39 lakh of which 12.98 lakh marginal & 12.57 lakh small Average land holding : 2.33 ha (Source : Ag. census, 2000-01)
Irrigation potential in Gujarat ( lakh ha) Srno Sources Ultimate Irrigation Potential Irrigation Potential created upto June , 2007 Maximum utilization upto June, 07 A Surface water 1. Major & medium schemes 2. SSP (including conjunctive use) 3. Minor projects 18.00 17.92 3.48 14.92 3.56 3.44 13.32 1.53 2.14 Total of A 39.40 21.91 16.99 B Ground water (including pvt. Resources) 25.48 20.35 20.34 Total of A + B 64.88 42.26 37.33 C Indirect benefit through water conservation programme - 4.80 4.20 TOTAL 47.06 (72.53 % of ultimate pot. ) 41.53 (88.25 % of created) Source: Socio Economic Review 2007-08
AVERAGE RAINFALL IN GUJARAT (in mm) During current season av. Rain received by 20th Sept is 960 mm which is 99% against av. 972 mm
Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes Performance Rabi 2007-08 Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes CROP Area Production Target Likely Achi Wheat 10.00 12.74 28.50 38.38 Total Cereals 13.37 15.28 34.80 39.62 Gram 1.60 2.15 1.57 2.10 Total Pulses 2.19 2.25 1.90 2.18 Total Food grains 15.56 16.05 36.70 41.80 Rape & Mustard 3.55 3.32 5.04 5.51 Summer Groundnut 4.62 Total Oilseeds 5.65 9.66 9.74 Vegetables 5.10 5.30 27.20 28.10 Other Horti. (spices) 2.30 5.20 6.12 6
Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes Kharif’08 assessment Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes CROP Area Production Target Likely Achi Cereals 19.89 18.02 27.50 22.65 Pulses 7.60 6.15 4.88 3.92 Total Food grains 27.48 24.27 32.38 26.57 Groundnut 18.56 17.91 25.50 25.96 Total Oilseeds 27.28 26.11 35.94 36.10 Cotton (Bales)* 22.48 24.17 89.59 83.72 Vegetables 1.68 30.20 Other Horti. (Flower) 0.05 0.45
Rabi-Summer assessment TARGET
Prospect of Area : Rabi/Summer 2008-09 (Area in lakh Ha.) Sr. No. Crop Normal Area Achievement 2007-08 Planning for 2008-09 % increase over 2007-08 1 Wheat 5.44 12.74 14.00 9.89 2 Rice (Summer) 0.16 0.42 0.45 7.14 3 Bajra (Summer) 1.57 2.10 2.27 8.10 4 Jowar 0.58 0.47 0.50 6.38 5 Other Cereals 0.60 0.95 58.33 6 Gram 0.80 2.15 2.70 25.58 7 Other Pulses 0.15 0.10 0.20 100.00 8 Total Food grains 9.12 18.58 21.07 13.40 9 Rape/Mustard 2.34 3.41 3.80 11.44 10 Groundnut (Summer) 0.65 2.39 13.81 11 Total Oilseed 2.99 5.51 6.19 12.34 12 Sugarcane 2.20 2.11 2.23 5.69 13 Tobacco 0.86 0.46 8.70 14 Veg, 3.50 2.25 2.47 9.78 15 Spices & Others 3.70 5.19 5.25 1.16 16 Grasses 4.75 5.64 18.74 Grand Total 22.37 41.38 43.35 4.76
Prospect of Production : Rabi/Summer 2008-09 Production in lakh MT. Sr. No Crop Normal Prod. Prod. of 2007-08 Planning for 2008-09 % increase over 2007-08 1 Wheat 12.88 38.38 42.18 9.90 2 Rice (Summer) 0.54 1.37 1.51 10.22 3 Bajra (Summer) 3.00 4.20 4.63 10.24 4 Jowar 0.40 0.46 0.49 6.52 5 Other Cereals 0.14 1.35 1.44 6.67 6 Gram 0.48 2.33 2.64 13.30 7 Other Pulses 0.07 0.43 0.50 16.28 8 Total Food grains 17.51 46.65 53.39 14.45 9 Rape/Mustard 2.97 5.12 5.71 11.52 10 Groundnut (Summer) 1.07 4.62 5.47 18.40 11 Total Oilseed 4.04 9.74 11.18 14.78 12 Sugarcane (gul) 15.73 15.19 16.05 5.66 13 Tobacco 1.47 0.79 0.86 8.86 14 Vegetables 20.63 16.58 18.20 9.77 15 Spices 2.41 10.30 10.42 1.17 Total 61.79 100.64 110.10 9.40
STRETEGY FOR RABI / SUMMER Maintain food and nutrition security. Bring more area under food grain crops. To increase productivity , Increased in SRR Ensure seed treatment Efficient use of created irrigation potential Through better extension ,Mass media , KCC , ATMA Timely availability of quality input, Schematic Support to farmers Advice to farmers on …., Use of hybrid / improved seed Balance use of fertilizer , Promotion of IPM, INM To bring more area under micro irrigation Crop planning, Adoption of recommended practices Irrigation at critical stages. 11
NFSM : GUJARAT Approved outlay : 2008-09 Rs 1308.45.lakh GOI Released Exp. (Aug.08 end) Rs.9.00 Lakh NFSM : GUJARAT Wheat - 4 Banaskantha sabarkantha Kutchh Patan Paddy - 2 Mahesana Gandhinagar Panchmaha A’bad Kheda Dahod Surendranagar Anand Jamnagar Vadodara Rajkot Pulse -11 Bhavnagar Bharuch Narmada Porbandar Amreli Surat Junagadh Navasri Dang 13 Valsad
RKVY : GUJARAT Outlay envisaged Rs. 51.51 crore earmarked, actual released was Rs. 47.61 crores during 2007-08 Rs. 243.39 crore earmarked for the year 2008-09 ( Rs. 182.54 crores for stream-I + Rs. 60.85 crores for stream-II) Rs. 23.24 crores is released first installment (Stream-II) for 2008-09 (dt.26-6-2008) Rs. 91.27 crores is released (Stream-I) for 2008-09 (dt.10-9-2008) 15
RKVY Performance of 2007-08 Rs. 51.51 crores were earmarked for the year 2007-08 Stream-2 (25 %) : Rs 12.50 crores released & fully utilized. UTC has been sent to GOI on 07/07/08 Stream-1 (75 %): SLSC meeting held on 18-2-08 Sanctioned 28 projects of Rs 39.01 crores Rs 35.11 crore (90%) released at the end of March,08 Govt. of Gujarat further released grant on 24/04/08 to implementing agencies. Rs 31.21 crores has been utilized up to June - 08 16
Review of Sanctioned Projects in Stream-I for 2007-08 Sr No Dept /Project Sanctioned Release Expend. (June-08) 1 GLDC – Natural Resource management 3208.00 2941.18 2799.41 2 Gujarat State Seed Corporation Ltd.-Construction of godown , Godhra 30.00 0.50 3 Gujarat State Agriculture Marketing Board-Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Board, All dists 387.76 324.28 320.00 4 SDAU - Sardar Krushinagar- Infrastructure strengthening for research 200.24 0.00 5 Gujarat Sheep & Wool Devp. Corporation ltd-Application for delivery of Veterinary Medicines to Sheep. 15.00 TOTAL (Rs in lakh) 3901.00 3511.00 3119.91 17
Review of Sanctioned Projects in Stream-I for 2007-08 Sr No Dept /Project Sanctioned Release Expend. (June-08) 1 GLDC – Natural Resource management 3208.00 2941.18 2799.41 2 Gujarat State Seed Corporation Ltd.-Construction of godown , Godhra 30.00 0.50 3 Gujarat State Agriculture Marketing Board-Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Board, All dists 387.76 324.28 320.00 4 SDAU - Sardar Krushinagar- Infrastructure strengthening for research 200.24 0.00 5 Gujarat Sheep & Wool Devp. Corporation ltd-Application for delivery of Veterinary Medicines to Sheep. 15.00 TOTAL (Rs in lakh) 3901.00 3511.00 3119.91 18
Progress in preparation of DAPs & SAP No of district 26 Fund Released by GOI 220.00 lakh ( 11.70 lakh utilize) No of district where fund directly given to district 3 ( Amrali , banaskantha, Kutch) Nodal Agency Gujarat Agro Industries Ltd, Ahmedabad Consultant WAPCOS LTD, Gandhinagar Status of DAPs preparation Completion NIL Under Progress 26 district (Draft prepared) Time line By Sep -08 end Status of SAP preparation Stream-1 projects finalized , SLSC meeting held on dt 24-7-2008 19
Projects sanctioned in Stream-I 2008-09 Sr No Dept /Project Total Requirement (Rs in lakh) Sanction for 2008-09 (Rs in lakh) 1 GLDC – Natural Resource management ( 4 Projects) 6662.38 2 Gujarat State Seed Corporation Ltd.- ( 3 Projects) 1091.66 3 Gujarat State Agriculture Marketing Board-( 2 Projects) 2138.64 819.96 4 SDAU - Sardar Krushinagar- (9 Projects) 2607.21 1749.73 5 AAU – Anand ( 9 Projects) 3050.00 1256.00 6 JAU – Junajadh ( 7 Projects) 2537.00 1922.00 7 NAU – Navsari ( 8 Projects) 3007.95 1241.10 20
Projects in Stream-I conti…. Sr No Dept /Project Total Requirement (Rs in lakh) Requirement for 2008-09 (Rs in lakh) 8 Directorate of Agriculture ( 3 Projects) 1784.35 1016.69 9 Directorate of Animal Husbandry ( 2 Projects) 7296.00 1824.00 10 Gujarat State Seed Certification Agency 103.60 11 Directorate of Rural Finance (1Projects) 5150.00 900.00 12 Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation (2 Projects) 1653.33 1223.33 13 Tribal Development Department (7 Projects) 3148.12 425.23 21
Projects in Stream-I conti…. Sr No Dept /Project Total Requirement (Rs in lakh) Requirement for 2008-09 (Rs in lakh) 14 Gujarat Sheep &Wool Development Coop.Ltd.( 1 Projects) 56.00 15 The Commissioner of Fisheries (2 Projects) 2300.00 1150.00 16 The Principle Chief conservator of Forest. (3 Projects) 2584.44 512.62 17 SDAU - Sardar Krushinagar- (3 spillover Projects) 1108.92 538.90 TOTAL ( 61+3 Projects) 56455.10 22496.00 22
Projects in Stream-II (on going scheme) Sr No Dept /Project Sanction fund for 2008-09 (Rs in lakh) Released fund for 2008-09 (Rs in lakh) 1 GLDC (9 on going Schemes) 5365.37 2098.70 2 AAU – Anand (3 on going Schemes) 576.00 225.30 TOTAL (12 Scheme) 5941.37 2324.00 23
Integrated Extension Activities Rabi campaign through kisan shibir, krushi-gosti, exhibition, krushi-mela.. Campaign for seed treatment in rabi-summer. Extension for INM , IPM & judicious use of available irrigation water. Implementation of ATMA, KCC Involving NGOs and PPP in extension services. Publishing progressive farmers’ innovative practices. Advice on crop planning and management at micro level by subject experts. Training to the trainers ( field extension staff ) . FFS, Block demonstration, Krishi mela, Prerana Pravas 25
ATMA –PROGRESS IN GUJARAT Implementation in all district During 2007-08 12043 farmers are registered under 813 FIG. 6942 activities conducted. 72613 farmers benefited, out of which 41.9% were farm women. 2008-09 Progress : Total Outlay : Rs. 596.38 lakh Expenditure Incurred by August’08 is Rs. 118.46 lakh 26
KCC in Gujarat By Aug’08 End 27
Seed Requirement & Availability Rabi / Summer - 2008-09 Crop SRR Requirement ( In Qtls) Available Surplus/ Deficit Wheat 24.90 322500.00 572092.00 249592.00 Bajara 100.00 7500.00 17868.49 12281.49 Moong 9600.00 22341.00 12741.00 Gram 21.05 18000.00 21003.55 3003.55 Groundnut 8.19 30350.00 31050.00 700.00 Mustard 78.95 7765.29 265.29 Total 395450.00 672120.33 278583.33
Action Taken for Seed Treatment in Current Kharif Item : Action Taken Action plan (crop /region wise ) All major crops covered Seed Dressing Drum among the farmers of each village , under RKVY 2008-09(Stream-I) project, will be provided. The state government has made scheme under SCSP to make available Seed dressing drum to S C farmers. 3000 seed dressing drum will be supplied. Coordination Committees 25 Pesticides Industry Association involved 1 – M/s.Bayer Crop Science Ltd. 2 – M/s Dhanuka Agritech Ltd Pamphlets / posters for awareness booklets :105000 posters : 7300 pamphlets :130000
Action Taken for Seed Treatment in Current Kharif conti…. Item : Action Taken Programs on Doordarshana /AIR. 2 Phone in live programme on seed treatment on Door Darshan RJT/ABD 6 Programmes telecast on Door Darshan 13 programmes broadcast on AIR Field Demonstration 2348 Field Demo. Articles published in local newspapers 2 artic les Exhibitions / Kissan mela / Gosthi 18089 in all the villages of Gujarat from 7-5-08 to 5-6-08 during Krushi Mahotsav. Number of Farmers made aware of seed Treatment 1396795 farmers Kissan Call Centers 7577
FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION DURING LAST THREE YEAR ( IN LAKH M.T. ) Nitrogen Phosphorous Potash Total N : P : K Ratio 1996-97 14.48 :4.26 : .00 2004-05 7.54 2.96 0.96 11.46 7.84: 3.08: 1.00 2005-06 8.34 3.28 1.16 13.78 7.15: 2.81: 1.00 2006-07 9.27 3.61 1.20 14.08 7.72: 3.01: 1.00 2007-08 10.27 3.97 1.41 15.65 7.28: 2.81: 1.00 2008-09 (target) 11.14 4.86 1.66 17.66 6.71:2.92:1.00 17.33 lakh SHC distributed
Fertilizer consumption & Requirement Fig. in MT Sr. No. Fertilizer CONSUMPTION FOR 2007-08 CONSUMPTION KHARIF-08 (estimated) TARGET FOR RABI 2008-09 KHARIF RABI 1 Urea 855605 927057 901783 940000 2 D.A.P. 289149 363027 394181 375000 3 MOP 71257 95769 101151 100000 4 SSP 46139 25670 31695 50000 5 CAN 17614 19482 12300 20000 6 AS 72752 67401 62785 75000 7 23.23.0 1550 794 1762 1700 8 20.20.0 99210 80504 48152 78000 9 15.15.15 7001 7552 1004 6900 10 12.32.16 106637 63557 122294 69300 11 10.26.26 8200 19007 23492 19100
Demand & Consumption of Pesticides (Quantity in MT. Technical Grade) 2007-08 2008-09-Projection Kharif-06 Rabi-07-08 Kharif-08 Rabi-08-09 Consumption Likely Consumption Demand 1800 860 1780 700 -No. of sell points : 13273 -Insecticide Inspector : 119
2008-09- Progress (By August’08 End) Quality Control Item Laboratory Annual Capacity 2008-09- Progress (By August’08 End) Sample Analyzed Sub Standard Fertilizer 3 7500 1340 18 Seed 3500 1463 25 Pesticide 2 2000 367 34
National Horticulture Mission Gujarat State Horticulture Mission (GSHM) a registered society has been set up for implementation of NHM in the state. Mission is being implemented in 15 potential districts and covers 12 important crops of the state viz, Mango, Chiku, Aonla, Guava, Dates, Banana, Papaya, Lime, Cumin, Fennel, and Flowers, Medicinal & Aromatic crops. Additional 5 Districts have been proposed under mission. Main thrust is given on Post Harvest , Infrastructure and Marketing aspect . (Rs. In lakh) Scheme GOI : State Approved Outlay 2008-09 GOI Release Expenditure (By Aug’08) NHM 85 : 15 8000.00 2065.00 145.99
No.of APMC in Tribal Areas The details of APMC , Yard and Sub-Yard in the State Years No.of APMC No.of Main Yards No.of Sub-Yards No.of APMC in Tribal Areas 2007-08 209 198 203 41 Details regarding Arrival & turnover of Commodity in APMC Years Income (Lacs Quintal) Turnover (Rs. in Lacs) 2003-04 507.64 6371.90 2004-05 1386.65 9376.41 2005-06 1258.97 10770.01 2006-07 1152.53 12411.35
Programmes for Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Agriculture Marketing Credit Kissan credit card , bankable scheme Advances and loans, debt redemption Creating self help groups Entrepreneurship Development Programmes Marketing Value addition, cold chain, cold storage, shorting, grading, packing. Awareness of model APMC act Food processing export workshops and seminars Activating milk cooperative societies Knowledge transfer Asia/Pacific INDIA GUJARAT 40
Objectives of Krushi Mahotsav-2008 To enhance the standard of living of farmers by increasing productivity of crops To take state agriculture at par with international level by Post Harvest Technology, Value Addition, and better marketing. To create vibrancy in villages during Krushi Mahotsav Guidance for scientific and modern agriculture and animal husbandry Water conservation, micro irrigation Nirogi Bal (Healthy Child), Nirmal Gujarat Campaign Campaign for programmes related to Vanbandhu, Sagarkhedu and other fisheries development
Main themes of ……..Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Productivity and marketing Micro Irrigation Campaign Nirogi Bal
Krushi Mahotsav, as an intensive convergence and mass contact strategy was successfully tried in 2005,2006 , 2007 & 2008
Programmes for Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Crop Productivity Conservation of land Crop planning according to Agro climatic zones Campaign to enhance use of quality seeds and seed treatment Tissue culture Balance use of fertilizers, vermi- compost, Guidance for fertigation Efficient use of water for irrigation Better water conservation and its use in enhancement of production.
Programmes for Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Command Area Development Enhancing scope of water conservation through khet talavadi, sim talav, gam talav, boribund Establishing water users' associations Campaign for Participatory Irrigation Management, co-operation of GGRC/Irrigation department Guidance by resource persons, talks, Extension through audio-video CDs to show at village level Integration and implementation of irrigation schemes in tribal areas Seminars, demonstrations through private participation
Programmes for Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Nirogi Bal Extension through audio-video CDs to show at village level Distributed Literature Shibirs Child vaccination Nutritive food kit distribution Medical facilities and nutritious food to pregnant mother
Programmes for Krushi Mahotsav-2008 Nirmal Gujarat Campaign for preparing compost fertilizer from organic waste Campaign for preparing compost fertilizer from flowers and other waste at temples and religious places Awareness programme for Nirmal Gujarat Campaign at village level through success stories
Krushi Mahotsav 2008 Achievements MAJOR ACTIVITIES : Individual Beneficiaries Schemes 1 Agriculture Kit Distribution 157926 2 Horticulture Kit Distribition 133299 3 Animal Hus. Kit Distribution 369796 4 Soil Health Card Distribution 84933 5 New soil sample 248440 6 Kisan credit card 65839 7 Animal Vaccination 5133141 8 Khet Talavadi 11245 9 Sharat Fer Scheme 38354 10 Drip Irrigation 26058 11 Bankable Scheme 39327 12 Tree Sapling 13148454 13 Entry certification 36721 14 Vadi yojna 5351
Krushi Mahotsav 2008 Achievements cont.. MAJOR ACTIVITIES : Community Oriented Schemes 1 Guidance by Agri. Scientist in Kisan Shibir 1396795 2 Boribandh 15528 3 Check Dam 6294 4 Gram Talav 4753 5 Personal Guidance No. of Farmers 428937 6 Swachta Abhiyan 16368 7 SGRY work start 2610 8 Krushi Ayojan of Villages 17501 9 Milk Co-oprative Society (General) 615 10 New Milk Co-oprative Society (Female) 218 11 New Credit Co-operative society 329 12 Self Help Group 9634 13 Krushi Ayojan of Village 14 Gokul Gram 3937
Krushi Mahotsav 2008 Achievements cont.. MAJOR ACTIVITIES : Community Oriented Schemes Conti….. 15 E-Gram 12025 16 Tirth Gram 530 17 PM Sadak Yojna 4209 18 Panchvati Scheme 1296 19 Water Shed 4764 20 Manual Distribution 16860 21 Gober Bank 128 22 Gram Vatika Yojana 1383 23 SHG Sakhi Mandal 15889 24 Sim Talav 2802 25 Nirmal Gram 4416 26 Soil Health Distribution (Villages) 7716 27 Guidence for marketing system by APMC 158510
Krushi Mahotsav 2008 Achievements cont.. MAJOR ACTIVITIES : Others 1 Agri Equipment Demo 15849 2 Gram Sushobhan 15959 3 Dayra Lokgit Bhavai Bhajan 6981 4 Water Supply Work 6771 5 Kisan Rath Visit 18089 6 Canal Cleaning 1987 7 Essay Competition 13473 8 Wall Slogan 303793
Impact of Krushi Mahotsav Technology transfer in wider area in short time Awareness created for crop planning among farmers Diversification : trend for high value & horticultural crops , Income based agriculture : on farm value addition, market awareness, micro irrigation, Direct interaction with scientist , farmers interest towards knowledge Water harvesting , achieved the aim of public private partnership Integrated rural development , ie. Animal Husbandry, Dairy, Kisan Credit Card, Self Help Group Attract women & youth farmers in scientific agriculture. Ultimately increased the area , production & productivity
CSS Scheme 2008-09 (August’08 end) (Rs. In Lakh) Sr No Scheme GOI : State Approved Outlay GOI Release Expenditure (By Aug’08) 1 Cotton Mini Mission 75 : 25 1980.44 739.12 611.30 2 ISOPOM 3816.35 2858.91 769.51 3 Macro Management 90 : 10 4050.00 1822.50 1263.37 4 NFSM 100 % CSS 1308.45 349.23 9.00 5 ATMA 90:10 596.38 297.50 118.46 55
Natural Resource Management for 2008-09 [Phy. in the Ha./Fin. Rs in Lakhs.] Sr. No. Name of Scheme Approved Outlay 2008-09 Achievement upto Aug.-08 Phy. Fin. 1. NWDPRA 16666 1000.00 - 12.05 2. RVP 13333 4235.21 599.24 3. Reclamation of Alkali Soil (RAS) 4830 434.63 9881.45 483.38 Ravine Reclamation (RR) 850 210.00 700.10 169.00 TOTAL 35679 2644.63 14816.76 1263.37 56 56