5.9 BAR AND CIRCLE GRAPHS Monday, December 2, 2013
Math Response In your math notebook, title the page 5.9, please complete the following. List how the 2 graphs below are the same and how they are different.
Reviewing Parts of a Bar Graph Bar Graphs Must Have These Parts: 1. A title that describes what is being graphed. 2. A list of the groups or categories for which bars are drawn. 3. A number line with a scale; the scale is used to draw bars of lengths that show the amount of data in each group or category. The scale is usually labeled.
Circle Graphs Circle Graphs Should Have the Following Parts: 1. A title that describes what is being graphed. 2. Sectors or slices that indicate the portion of the whole represented by a group or category. 3. Labels that identify the group or category represented by each sector or slice.
Let’s Practice! Watch the following video on bar graphs. analysis/bar-graphs.htm
Math Response In your math notebook, title the page 5.10, estimate what fraction and what percent of the whole circle it represents. Replicate the circle graph in your notebook and label each slice.
Introducing the Percent Circle Descriptions of the Percent Circle on the Geometry Template There are 100 equally spaced marks around the circle. The 100 marks show the edges of thin pieces, shaped like slices of pie, dividing the circle into 100 pieces. The area of each piece is 1/100, or 1 % of the total area of the circle. The arc from 0% to 5% has additional marks at the ½ position
Methods for Using a Percent Circle Method 1 1. Center the Percent Circle over the center of the circle graph 2. Aim the Percent Circle 0% mark at one of the dividing lines that separates two pieces of the graph 3. Move in a clockwise direction and read the percent at the next dividing line 4. Move the 0% mark to the next dividing line and repeat until all pieces have been measured
Methods for Using a Percent Circle Method 2: Difference Comparison 1. Center the Percent Circle over the center of the circle graph 2. Aim the Percent Circle 0% mark at one of the dividing lines that separates two pieces 3. Estimate the percent for each piece by finding the difference between the Percent Circle readings of adjacent dividing lines
Sector, or slice of pie, is a region bounded by two radii of a circle and the included arc.
Let’s Practice! Watch the following video on circle graphs! analysis/circle-graph.htm
5.11 THE PERCENT CIRCLE: MAKING CIRCLE GRAPHS Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Math Response In your math notebook, title the page 5.11, answer the following questions. 1. What is your favorite school snack? 2. What fraction of your class, do you think, would agree with you?
UNIT 5 REVIEW Thursday, December 5, 2013 Friday, December 6, 2013
Concepts to Review Find equivalent fractions. Convert between fractions and mixed numbers and between fractions and percents. Order and compare fractions. Add fractions using fraction sticks. Estimate the value of circle graph sectors. Interpret circle graph sectors. Measure sectors of a circle graph.