17 th Annual Florida Conference Lay Servant Ministries Training Event “Taking Jesus to the Streets” Facilitated by: Rev. Sharma D. Lewis District Superintendent.


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Presentation transcript:

17 th Annual Florida Conference Lay Servant Ministries Training Event “Taking Jesus to the Streets” Facilitated by: Rev. Sharma D. Lewis District Superintendent Atlanta/Decatur/Oxford District Stone Mountain, GA August 16-18, 2013 Transforming Evangelism “The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith”

Session One: O “Concepts of Grace-Based, Grace-filled Evangelism”

Defining Evangelism Read Romans 1:16

Evangelism Viewpoint of Henry H. Knight, III and F. Douglas Powe, Jr… “We believe evangelism is more relational than confrontational, more communal than solitary, and is more a beginning point than an end.” (p. 9)

Knight and Powe… “Evangelism involves not only sharing our faith with others, but also welcoming them into a community and enabling then to begin to grow in their faith.” (p.9)

Discussion “Evangelizing” 1. Relational vs. Confrontational 2. Communal vs. Solitary

Covenant Group Biblical Reflection John Wesley’s Perspectives on Salvation O 1. Salvation is offered to everyone. O 2. Everyone needs salvation. O 3. We can be forgiven. O 4. We can receive new life. O 5. We can be truly happy.

Biblical Reflection 1. I John 3: I Corinthians 2:4 3. John 10: Romans 10: Isaiah 43:25

Discussion 1. How do the Scriptures support the following statement? “Salvation is relational: God desires a relationship with everyone and has created a pathway for our salvation.” 2. How do these Scriptures support this thought? “Everyone needs salvation, but there is no ‘cheap grace’.”

Discussion 3. How does the following statement impact you? “Sin is conditional; forgiveness is transformational.” 4. How does this statement relate to the Biblical passages?

Definition of Evangelism- Wesleyan Tradition “Evangelism is our sharing and inviting others to experience the good news that God loves us and invites us into a transforming relationship through which we are forgiven, receive new life and are restored to the image of God, which is love.”

Reflection How has God made a difference in my life? Write a personal faith statement centered on the above question. (One sentence)

Defining the Journey: Biblical Reflection 1. Acts 15: I Corinthians 6:11 3. Matthew 28: John 15: Matthew 9: Luke 24:45-48 Discuss the Biblical passages in regard to the definition of evangelism in the Wesleyan tradition.

Session Two O “Evangelism As A Journey, Not A Goal”

Beginning Our Journey Discussion How many of you came to faith by an “Instantaneous Conversion” or by a “Gradual Transformation?” Invitation or Confrontation

John Wesley’s Three General Rules: First: “ By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is most generally practiced.” Second: “By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all…” Third: “By attending upon all the ordinances of God; such as: the public worship of God, the ministry of the Word, either read or expounded, the Supper of the Lord; Family and private prayer; searching the Scriptures; and fasting or abstinence.”

Discussion Wesley’s Three General Rules

Remembering Our Experience of Grace Wesleyan Model of Formation: George G. Hunter’s Analysis of the Process of Conversion “Six Stages” 1. Aware or newly aware to Christianity. 2. Perceive the relevance of Christianity. 3. Active interest – read a book, attend a seminar, visit a church’s worship service.

Remembering Our Experience of Grace 4. Trial state - trying it on for size. 5. Adopt the Faith – publicly baptized and or received into church membership. 6. Reinforcement – occurs through the disciplining ministries of the church.

Reflection 1. Remember the significant people in your Christian journey. 2. How have you experienced God’s Grace?

Examining our Faith Journey Focus Questions 1. When did you realize that you were on a Faith journey? 2. Where are you now in your journey?

Outward Signs of Inward Transformation Read Acts 2:43-47

Discussion 1. Believers were together…(vs. 44) 2. Distributed proceeds to the needy…(vs. 45) 3. The breaking of bread…(vs. 46) 4. Praising God and having the good will of all people…(vs. 47) 5. Adding to the number…(vs. 47)

Reflection 1. What Faith actions do I exhibit to invite and connect with others in my church? Outside my church? 2. What Faith actions does my church exhibit to connect with members within its congregation? Outside my congregation?

Session 3 O “Faith Sustaining Evangelism”

The Means of Grace 1. Works of Piety 2. Works of Mercy

Works of Piety Works of Piety John Wesley believed that Works of Piety are those actions of worship and fellowship that are directed to God. Prayer Searching the Scriptures Lord’s Supper Fasting Christian Conversation

Works of Mercy Works of Mercy John Wesley believed that Works of Mercy are those actions of compassion and justice we do for our neighbor. Wesley: 1. Lived modestly and gave all he could to help people who were poor 2. Visited people in prison and provided spiritual guidance, food, and clothing 3. Spoke out against slavery and forbade it in Methodism 4. Taught and wrote about good health practices and dispensed medicine from his chapels

Discussion 1. Which works have you practiced? 2. How have these works enhanced your relationship with God?

Discovering Divine Assurance— Wesley’s Aldersgate Experience “About a quarter before nine, while he [Luther] was describing the change which God works in the heart through Faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed, I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for my salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine and saved me from the law of sin and death.”

Witness of the Spirit Wesley maintains: 1. An emphasis on God as the one who forgives, reconciles, and transforms. 2. The witness of the spirit must be held in balance with the “witness of our own spirit.” 3. Salvation is through trusting in Jesus Christ, not in having assurance.

Reflection 1. When have you felt divine assurance? 2. Where? What happened?

Session 4 O “Our Role as Wesleyan Evangelists”

Making the Word Flesh Read John 1:1-5; 14

Making the Word Flesh Exercise: Creatively demonstrate the Biblical passage John 1:1-5; 14

Three Ways Wesley Put “Flesh on the Word” 1. Wesley took the Word to the people 2. Wesley made the Word relevant to their lives. a) Singing of Hymns b) Holistic Approach 3. Wesley encouraged participation a) Prayer Service b) Communal Testimony c) Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Discussion 1. What would taking the Word outside of your church require? 2. How can people become more active in worship? 3. Where has your story intersected with the Gospel story?

Session 5 O “Relational Evangelism”

Definition of Evangelism- Wesleyan Tradition “Evangelism is our sharing and inviting others to experience the good news that God loves us and invites us into a transforming relationship through which we are forgiven, receive new life and are restored to the image of God, which is love.”

Read Matthew 22:37-39

The Priority of Loving God and Neighbor Wesley believed: 1. Reflecting it to others 2. Reporting it to others 3. Responding to God

Discussion 1. What are the obstacles to evangelism in you church? 2. How might you overcome these obstacles?

Discussion 1. What hinders us from reporting God’s Love to others? 2. What challenges does your congregation face in relating to “neighbors?”


R- Renewal E- Enter L- Listening A- Acceptance T- Testimony I- Inviting O- Ongoing N- New Beings A- Assurance L- Live-IT

Discussion R- Renewal 1. How are your experiencing God’s renewal in your life? E- Enter 2. What new evangelistic “entry points” for visitors and community into your church come to your imagination?

Discussion L- Listening 3. How can we become better listeners? A- Acceptance 4. How does your congregation accept others?

Discussion T- Testimony 5. How can you encourage others in the congregation to share the meaningful nature of their relationship with Christ? I- Inviting 6. What event can you invite others to come experience at your church?

Discussion O- Ongoing 7. What are the opportunities that your church offers to all the community for spiritual growth? N- New Beings 8. What evidence do you have that your church is offering the message of salvation and acceptance?

Discussion A- Assurance 9. Does your church’s programming reflect what is “Real”? L- Live-IT 10. What did the Good Samaritan show about relational ministry? How did this Samaritan demonstrate the love of God and neighbor?

Resources O “Transforming Evangelism: The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith,” Henry H. Knight, III and F. Douglas Powe, Jr., Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN O “Transforming Evangelism: The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith,” Leader’s Guide, Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN 2010.