« Are there Church growth principles that can be applied world over? »
ENQUÊTE INTERNATIONALE 3000 Churches 5 continents 50 countries 18 languages Filled out by 30 people in each Church
EIGHT ESSENTIAL QUALITIES 1.Empowering Leadership 2.Gift-Oriented Ministry 3.Passionate Spirituality 4.Functional Structures 5.Inspiring Worship Services 6.Small Groups 7.Need-Oriented Evangelism 8.Loving Relationships
« « If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups. » Christian Schwartz
« « A Church must grow bigger and smaller at the same time.» Rick Warren
temple homes Every day they met together in the temple courtyard. In their homes they broke bread and ate together. Their hearts were glad and honest and true. Acts 2.46
temple Day after day, they kept teaching in the temple courtyards and from house to house. They never stopped telling the good news that Jesus is the Christ. Acts 5.42
DIFFERENTS TYPES DE SMALL GROUPS 1.Task groups 2.Friendship groups 3.Interest groups 4.Discussion groups 5.Bible Study groups 6.Personal development groups 7.Recovery groups 8. « Koinonia » groups 9.Evangelism groups 10. Prayer groups 11. Mission groups 12. Christian Education Groups
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. Actes
THE FOUR DYNAMICS Us towards God Prayer v42 Praise v47
THE FOUR DYNAMICS Us towards Us Fellowship v42 Prayer v42 Teaching v42 Sharing belongings Meals US TOWARDS GOD Prayer Praise
THE FOUR DYNAMICS US TOWARDS UNBELIEVERS Church life style v46 US TOWARDS GOD Prière Louange TOGETHER Fellowship Meals Teaching Prayer So they will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, "God is really among you!" I Corinthians 14.25
THE FOUR DYNAMICS US TOWARDS UNBELIEVERS Church life style v46 Miracles v43 Preaching of the Gospel US TOWARDS GOD Prière Louange TOGETHER Fellowship Meals Teaching Prayer
THE FOUR DYNAMICS GOD TOWARDS US Teaching v42 Prayer v 42 Fullness of the Spirit TOWARDS GOD Prayer Praise TOGETHER Fellowship Meals Prayer Teaching TOWARDS UNBELIEVERS Life style Evangelism Miracles
Can all this be done on a Sunday morning?
« « The home cell is an integral part of our Church Life. It’s not an optional extra, it is our Church programme.» Yonggi Cho
« « We are living in a society where the emphasis is on visual learning rather than on reading. » Manu Renard : Manuel pour responsable de Groupes de Maison
« We don’t want get to know the Bible better so that we can store up theory and knowledge in our brain. We want to understand so that we can live it out day by day « We don’t want get to know the Bible better so that we can store up theory and knowledge in our brain. We want to understand so that we can live it out day by day…» Manu Renard : Manuel pour responsable de Groupes de Maison
« We want to stimulate lively discussion not about sterile or controversial subjects but – how can I apply this passage to my life – or how can I put into practice such a teaching « We want to stimulate lively discussion not about sterile or controversial subjects but – how can I apply this passage to my life – or how can I put into practice such a teaching? » Manu Renard : Manuel pour responsable de Groupes de Maison
« « If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups. » Christian Schwartz
“ They must be small groups which go beyond just discussing Bible passages to applying its message to daily life “ If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups. They must be small groups which go beyond just discussing Bible passages to applying its message to daily life.” Christian Schwartz
«We take care of the body through the small groups «We take care of the body through the small groups.» Rick Warren
« « The most important quality of a small group leader is that of a shepherd.» Christian Schwartz
« « We generally reckon that a group should not be more than twelve for there to be genuine relationships.» John Mallison
George Whitfield John Wesley
« « My brother Wesley acted wisely. The souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in societies, and thus preserved the fruit of his labor. This I neglected, and my people are a rope of sand » George Whitfield
transition Barrier 12 GROWTH BARRIERS
1.The group leader
THE FIVE ESSENTIALS 1.The group leader 2.The tandem
THE FIVE ESSENTIALS 1.The group leader 2.The tandem 3.A host
THE FIVE ESSENTIALS 1.The group leader 2.The tandem 3.A host 4.A supervisor
HOUSE GROUPS WeekDateProgramme 3606/09 Week of prayer and Fasting 3713/09 Study 1 : Unity in the Church (ch. 1-4) 3820/09 Prayer by House Group 3927/09 Etude 2 : Too lax (ch. 5-6) 4004/10 Prayer – all groups together 4111/10 Etude 3 : Sex, marriage, single (ch. 7) 4218/10 Prayer by House Group 4325/10 Etude 4 : How to choose in difficult situations (ch. 8-10) 4401/11 Prayer – all groups together 4508/11 Etude 5 : disorder in the Church(ch.11-12) 4615/11 Prayer by House Group 4722/11 Etude 6 : A Church service that glorifies God (ch.13-14) 4829/11 Prayer – all groups together 4906/12 Etude 7 : The importance of the resurrection (ch ) 5013/12 Prayer by House Group 5120/12 Meal 5227/12 Christmas break
THE FIVE ESSENTIALS 1.The group leader 2.The tandem 3.A host 4.A supervisor 5.Communication en Sunday
ROISSY 2 groupes PONTAULT 9 groupes SUD 1 groupe FAR-EST 1 groupe NORD 1 groupe OZOIR 1 groupe
MARDI MERCREDI 9h1520h30 EglisePontaultCoulommiersRoissyPontault 1G. ShortM. RenardB. BouchéC. BillardF. LaveilleC. Short GROUPES DE MAISON 2011
« « If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups. » Christian Schwartz