Lord’s Prayer Pattern Hallowed be your name Worship as praise and thanksgiving – Lk 10.21ff, Matt 21.1-16; 26.30; Mk 14.26
Lord’s Prayer Pattern Big picture Kingdom stuff God’s rule & way of doing things Discerning & doing God’s will – Lk 6.12; 22.42 Listening –Habakkuk; Jn 5.19f,30; 8.26,28f; 12.49f; Is 50.4f
Lord’s Prayer Pattern Daily Bread Father knows our needs, avoid anxiety – Matt 6.25-34 Thanksgiving – Mk 6.41; 14.22f
Lord’s Prayer Pattern Forgiveness – Lk 15.21; 18.9ff; 23.46; Matt 7.14f; 18.21-35; Mk 11.25f For our persecutors – Matt5.44; Lk 6.27f
Lord’s Prayer Pattern Spiritual Battle and strength Protection from the evil one – Jn 17.11f,15 Lk 22.31f
Workers for the harvest Mission of the church – inspired by compassion. Matt 9.36ff; Lk 10.2; Jn 4.35f; 15.1-17, 26f
Unity of God’s people Unity of God’s people – Jn 17.11, 21ff ( Jn 10.16; 11.52) Organic rather than structural unity Loving one another – Jn 13.34f; 15.12,17
Holy Spirit Ask and receive – Lk 11.13; Jn 14-16
Abba, Father we thank you for the gift of prayer Abba, Father we thank you for the gift of prayer. We ask simply, as your first disciples did, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ Amen