Large Group Small Group audience-orientedinterpersonal high inspirationdeep support anonymityintimacy Acquaintancesdeep relationships expectationdiscussion generating new providing a safe place small groups
WORD SHARE PRAYER The Small Group Meeting Send to ministry and mission
discipleship development Layers of Disciple- Making: 1. Growing one’s self 2. Growing others interpersonally 3. By means of shaping programs with the Defining Practices 4.Small Groups (2’s, 3’s, 7-14’s) 5. By means of ministry teams 6. By means of classes 7. By means of discipling communities 8. By means of the “transforming moment” © 2004 E. Stanley Ott
Possible Acts 16:5 Applications 1.Word-Share-Prayer every committee/board 2.Prayer Covenants 3.Clarify your congregation’s Defining Vision 4.Align your personal lives with that vision 5.Align church activites with that vision 6.Teach witness, prayer care, Word, with-me, send. 7.Introduce “Reach” thinking to groups and persons 8. Use Action Learning to solve problems 9. Shape your worship service(s) so they are “engaging.” 10. Introduce one or more of the eight layers of disciple-making yet majoring in small groups
Deep Change – Robert Quinn Change or Die -
The Greek approach to education: the more you know the more educated you are.
The Hebrew approach to education: you are as educated as you do what you know.
Moving from Greek to Hebrew takes Leadership!