We asked……….. You said……………… At St Thomas More we are constantly striving to improve and value the opinion of our parents
Almost all parents said Their child is happy at this school
Almost all parents said Their child feels safe at this school
Most parents said Their child makes good progress at this school
Almost all parents said Their child is well looked after at this school
Almost all parents said Their child is taught well at this school
Most parents said Their child receives appropriate homework for their age
Most parents said This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
The large majority of parents said This school deals effectively with bullying
Most parents said This school is well led and managed
Most parents said This school responds well to any concerns they raise
Most parents said They receive valuable information about their child’s progress
Most parents said They would recommend this school to another parent
The transition from primary to secondary school can be as worrying for parents as it is exciting for the children Here at St Thomas More we work hard to make this process as worry free for parents as possible The following comments are from parents who attended transition meetings held in school
It was useful to meet teachers and staff from the secondary school within a small group It’s such a big step it puts my mind at rest knowing there is lots of support for them
It gave me the opportunity to meet with the pastoral support before my child started the school I will now know who to contact if I need to speak to someone in the secondary school I found it useful
St Thomas More offers an excellent induction programme for both the children and parents starting in reception The following comments are just some of the positive feedback we have received from parents who took part
Very good and informative Nice to meet other parents Very helpful Fantastic, very friendly and informative, Thank You!
A good opportunity to get to know everything about the school in one session Dinner was lovely and the teachers were very helpful School seems very keen to have parents input which is really good
Very useful for parents, I was given lots of information about reception and how the children are taught Induction meeting was great with the right amount of information, topped off by a great lunch
It is always pleasing to receive positive feedback however, we understand sometimes we don’t get things right for everyone In these circumstances comments are followed up individually in an attempt to rectify any issues We value your opinions!
An exciting way to have your voice heard within school and meet other parents is to become a member of our parent focus group For more details contact Mrs Carlisle (Parent Support Advisor)