Bellringer “WHILE I relate my story, Americans give ear; Of Britain's fading glory You presently shall hear; I'll give a true relation, Attend to what I say Concerning the taxation Of North America. “ “The cruel lords of Britain, Who glory in their shame, The project they have hit on They joyfully proclaim; 'Tis what they're striving after Our right to take away, And rob us of our charter In North America.” Much like today, writing is used to share ideas, to persuade, and to inspire. Read the expert from the poem “American Taxation” by Peter St. John. How do you thinks Americans back then, felt after reading this poem? Write your response in your journal.
American Revolution Setting the Stage Ms. Davis
French Indian War/ Seven Year’s War Great Britain and France were fighting for control of North America and the Indian Subcontinent. The British urged colonies to prepare for the war. 7 colonies sent representative to meet with Iroquois leaders at Albany- Albany Conference Iroquois refused alliance with Britain but agree to remain neutral Colonies agreed that Britain should appoint one supreme commander of all British troops in the colonies Conference issues the Albany Plan of Union- a proposal by a committee lead by Benjamin Franklin that the colonies unite to form a federal government The plan is rejected but it sparked thought about colonies uniting for common defense
French Indian War/ Seven Year’s War In 1756, fighting spread to Europe. Britain allies fought the French in Europe and British Prime Minister William Pitt sent the majority of Britain's troop to North America and India to attack the French and seize the empire In 1761, Spain entered the war but Britain seized Spain’s colonies in Cuba and the Philippines George Washington emerges as hero for the war Treaty of Paris ends the war. Treaty eliminated. the majority of French power in North America
Treaty of Paris New France becomes a part of the Britain Empire Spain gives Florida back to Britain to get Cuba and the Philippines back All of Louisiana east of the Mississippi expect New Orleans becomes part of British Empire The French signed a separate treaty giving Spain control of New Orleans and all of Louisiana west of the Mississippi
Proclamation of 1763 Great Britain had won claim to lands, however, the inform settlers that they could not move west because the colonies had to respect the rights of Native American nations. Upsets settlers that had wanted to move further west. To enforce this proclamation, Britain sent 10,000 troops to the colonies. Soldiers also enforce new taxes that Great Britain had passed to pay for the War
Acts Passed By Great Britain Sugar Act (1764) – Increased the tax on raw sugar and molasses from foreign countries and placed new taxes on silk, wine, coffee, pimento, and indigo – Allowed British official to seize good without due process Stamp Act (1765) – Created a tax on all paper items. – Had to pay tax on documents, newspapers, playing card, etc.
Acts Passed By Great Britain Townshend Act (1767) – Parliament repealed the Stamp Act but established a tax on all imported glass, paper lead, and tea sold in the colonies Tea Act (1773) – Act that refunded four- fifths of the taxes the British East India company had to pay to ship tea – Act allowed the East India company to sell directly to shopkeepers
Acts Passed by Great Britain Coercive Acts – Shut down Boston’s port until the tea destroyed had been paid for during the Boston tea party – Required all council members, judges, and sheriffs in Massachusetts to be appointed – Banned Town Meetings – Required quartering of British Soldiers
Causes and Effects of Tensions With Britain 1764, Sugar Act Colonist protest their rights have been violated 1765, Stamp Act 1773,Townshend Acts 1773, Tea Act 1774, Coercive Act Colonists boycott British goods. Tea dumped into Boston Harbor during “Boston Tea Party” Twelve colonies attend the Continental Congress Nine colonies hold Stamp Act Congress
Other Events Leading to Colonial Separation Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)- started as a snowball fight and resulted in the death of 5 American civilians. Crispus Attucks Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773)=colonist dress as Indians and dump British tea into the Boston harbor
Evaluation 1. Britain was fighting what country in the Seven’s Year World? 2. What act required the quartering of soldiers in the American colonist homes? 3. What was the colonist reaction to the Tea Act? 4. What act placed on a tax on glass paper and lead?
Evaluation 1. Britain was fighting what country in the Seven’s Year War? France 2. What act required the quartering of soldiers in the American colonist homes? Coercive Act 3. What was the colonist reaction to the Tea Act? Boston Tea Party 4. What act placed on a tax on glass paper and lead? Townshend Act
Group Activity Boston Massacre Class will be divided into two groups. One group will write a brief newspaper article with a detailed account of what really occurred at the Boston Massacre. The second group will write an exaggerated account of what occurred at the Boston Massacre. Groups will share their articles with the class.