Parents’ Day P.5 English Writing Journal (60 words) Writing Worksheet (60 words, peer and self assessment) TSA Reading & Writing (RW)
Reading On-line reading –iLongman-a passage a week, –C4cat-Mon.,Wed., Fri. –English 8 Octopus Comprehension Worksheet (CW) Home Reading Record (read aloud, sign) Extensive Reading Scheme (alternate week) (according to the diagnostic test in 1 st / 2 nd week) Wednesday Morning Reading Scheme (Chapter books→ book sharing)
Speaking Home Reading Record (read aloud, sign)
Teaching NET Co-teach with NET (4 times/ term) Oral lesson (small class, alternate week) English Enhancement Course (Thursday)
Homework Policy *Grammar Practice (GP), *Reading & Writing (RW), *GE ex., *Vocabulary, *TSA *Progressive English Grammar (PEG) *Grammar Usage (GU) *Task-based worksheet
Assessment Formative assessment –4 times/term Free Dictation (twice/term) Test & Exam –General English (use of textbook) –Dictation –Oral (reading aloud, teacher-student interaction, 1 minute presentation) –Listening