Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Section B 3a.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Section B 3a

Make conversations using the useful expressions we have learned.

预习检测 1. 首先 ________________ 2. 刚开始 ______________ 3. 随后 ________________ 4. 没关系 __________________ 5. 害怕做某事 ________________ 6. 造完整的句子 __________________________ to begin with later on it doesn’t matter be afraid to do sth make complete sentences first of all 7. 做大量的语法笔记 ______________________________ take lots of grammar notes

Listen and answer: 1.How does the writer’s feel about her English last year? Her English class was difficult. 2. How does she feel now? She is enjoying learning English.

The writer found learning English difficult because … 1.the teacher’s pronunciation was poor. 2.people always laughed at her when she spoke. 3.she had trouble making complete sentences. 4.English grammar was difficult. T T F F 3a Read and write “T” (for true) or “F” (for false).

Her English improved when she started… 5. going out with English-speaking friends. 6. lots of listening practice. 7. using grammar in original sentences. T T F

first of all 首先 to begin with 一开始 later on 后来,随后 also 也,而且(用于肯定句) either 也(用于否定句) so 因此 then 然后 first of all 首先 to begin with 一开始 later on 后来,随后 also 也,而且(用于肯定句) either 也(用于否定句) so 因此 then 然后 表示顺序或承接的连词或词组 :

ChallengesReasonsSolutions The students might laugh at me. I couldn’t make complete sentences It doesn’t matter can’t understand theteacher be afraid to speak in class The teacher speak too quickly. watch English- language TV English grammar write her own original sentences take notes

Last year, my English was poor. It wasn’t easy for me ___________ (understand) the teacher when she talked. I was also afraid_______( speak) in class. I couldn’t always make complete sentences, either. I think that _____( do) lots of _______ (listen) practice one of the secrets of _________(become) a good language learner. I also decided ______ ( take) lots of grammar notes. Then I started ______ (write) my own original sentences _____ ( use) the grammar. Now I’m enjoying ____________ (learn) English. My teacher is very _________(impress).impressed to understand to speak doinglistening becoming to take using learning to write

When you meet the difficulties, don’t give up. Try your best to solve it, you will win.

Read 3a again and then talk about what you have got and what you haven't understood Work in groups and show it after a while.

Communication with different groups( 交流互动 ) Read 3a again and then talk about what you have got and what you haven't understood

afraid 是形容词, 常用于 _______________ 结 构中, 意为 “ 害怕做某事 ” 。 1. 我害怕在课堂上说英语, 因为我想我的同 学可能会嘲笑我。 I ___ _____ ____ ___in class, because I thought my classmates might ___ ___ me. 2. 似乎她怕将此事告诉他们。 It seems that she ___ ___ ___ ___them about it. be afraid to do sth. was afraid to speak laugh at is afraid to tell

afraid 还常用于 _______________________ 结 构中, 意为 “ 害怕某事 / 做某事 ” 。 1. 大多数人都怕蛇。 Most people are afraid of snakes. 2. 这个女孩学习很努力, 因为她害怕考试失 败。 The girl studied very hard because she _____ _____ ____ _____the exam. be afraid of sth. / doing sth. was afraid of failing

1.The small boys decided ________ to each other. A. not talk B. not talking C. not to talk D. to not talk 2.This student is ___ see the teacher because he___ a mistake. A. afraid of; has B. afraid to; has made C. afraid to; make D. afraid of; made

3. All of us were___ at the __ news. A. amazing; amazing B. amazing; amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazed, amazed 4. Have you _____ to____ English well, can you tell me? A. learned ; learn B. learn; learn C. learn; learned D. learned; learning

5.It isn’t easy_____us_____follow English-language videos. A.of, to B. to, to C.for, to D. to, for 6. Don’t____the people who are in trouble. You should be friendly to them. A. help B. look after C. laugh at D. play with

Dear _______, I know it isn’t easy to learn _______, but I have some ideas that may help. You said important words, not every word, English you also said that you often forgot a lot of new words. Well, try writing the new words in your notebook and studying them at home. That helps a lot. If you keep on doing this, you will get good grades in English. 3b.Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner.

... After class, you can read English articles, listen to tapes and talk with friends in English. If you keep on doing like this, your English will improve a lot.

1.Tractors go very s_____,but can carry many things. 2. If you make the same m______ again, others will laugh at you The air pollution may be the greatest c________ of the world today 4.You can improve your ____ ( speak ) English by_____ ( speak ) English more.

将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 学英语最好的办法就是加入一个英语 俱乐部。 2. 这些单词很难, 你可以查字典。 The best way to learn English / of learning English is to join an English club. These words are very difficult, and you can look them up in the dictionary.

3. 对我来说完成这项任务很难。 4. 我在学英语方面有困难。 5. 我害怕夜晚一个人呆在家。 It is very hard / difficult for me to finish this task. I have some trouble learning English. I am afraid to stay at home alone at night.

1. Later on, I_______ I was wrong How old are you? It’s a _____. 3. I was _________ by her story. 4. We can't go out until our homework is ________. 5. All these things do not ______ now. Complete the sentences by using the proper words we learned just now. realized secret impressed complete matter