University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Christian Huemer Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Liebiggasse 4/3-4, 1010 Wien Tel Fax Introduction to UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems The rest of all Business that should be exchanging information electronically FORTUNE (1000 in the top 10 Economics) 95% 5% Using EDI EDI Capable 2% 98% Is There a Problem? Did EDI reach critical mass after 20+ years?
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems A B C D E A B C D E Standard Format Standard: MIG Partner-specific Standard MIG User Group MIG Company Message Implementation Guide (MIG): Traditional B2B Approaches
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software nSMEs need Commercial Off-The-Shelf Software (COTS) that are a combination of ERP systems and B2B software for communication nERP vendors must implement common B2B scenarios in their products nThis requires unambiguous business processes instead of ambiguous business documents nBusiness processes must be defined in their business context
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Process nDefine a choreography nBusiness State Centric What kind of apples do you have? We provide 5 alternatives:..... What is the price of the 2nd and 4th option? The 2nd is x$ and the 4th is y$ I take 5 pieces of the second option Fine.
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Requirements Technology Implementation Requirements vs. Technology InteractionsInteractions DataData
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Open-edi: Seperation of business logic and IT Business aspects of business transactions Information technology aspects of business transactions BOV FSV BUSINESS COLLABORATION BOV related Standards FSV related Standards viewed as comply with covered by transformed to BOV related Standards UMM FSV related Standards ebXML WebServices
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Messaging Layer Document Layer Business Layer B2B Application Server DatabasesERP Systems Legacy Applications Persistence Layer Messaging Layer Document Layer Business Layer B2B Application Server DatabasesERP Systems Legacy Applications Persistence Layer SOAP request over HTTP, SMTP,... XML Document Standard Types Shared Business Logic B2B Application Computing
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems UN/CEFACT´s Modelling Methodology (UMM) nUML-based description technique for describing B2B scenarios nConcentrates on business semantics nUMM Meta Model (UML Profile) nProvides a procedure similar to the first steps of a software development process
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems UMM is based on UML Use Case Actor 1 Actor 2 Requirement Gathering Use Case Diagram Activity 1 Activity 2 Choreography Activity Graph Information Structures Class Diagram
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems UMM Terminology nBusiness Process o Group of related activities that together create customer value o Traditionally intra-organizational, but also inter-organizational nBusiness Collaboration o Performed by two business partners (=binary collaboration) or more business partners (=multi-party collaboration) o Complex, composed of many activities (=business transactions) between the partners nBusiness Transaction o Always a binary collaboration o Unit of work allowing roll back to a defined business state o Realized by a request from one side and an optional response from the other side
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Relevant UMM Artefacts Business Collaboration Protocol Use Case Use Case Business Collaboration Protocol Activity Graph Business Transaction Activity Activity Business Transaction Use Case Use Case Business Transaction Activity Graph Business Action (Initiating/Reacting) Activity 1 1 n n desribes choreography for is composed of Is refined by desribes choreography for is composed of
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Requirements Specification (BRS) 1.Objective 2.Scope 3.Business requirements 1.“Business requirements” views 1.Business process elaboration 2.Information flow definition 3.Information model definition 2.Business rules 3.Definition of terms Use cases, worksheets Activity, sequence, collaboration diagrams Class diagrams Rules relative to information model
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Domain View (BDV) nIdentify the business processes in the domain of the business problem that are important to stakeholders o intra-enterprise processes o business collaborations, i.e. inter-enterprise processes nBusiness process are discovered, not constructed nBusiness processes are classified according to a classification schema o Porter`s Value Chain o SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference Model) o UN/CEFACT Catalog of Common Business Processes (under development)
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Acquire product Retailer Sell product Wholesaler Order Management Business Collaboration Use Case … Organize Transport Find productSell product Ship product Provide Catalogue … Acquire product Transporter
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Requirements View (BRV) nIdentifies possible business collaborations for possible business collaborations nDepends on the business processes of the BDV nDescribes how the business domain expert sees and describes the process to be modelled nCaptures o use case scenarios, o inputs & outputs o constraints o system boundaries nUses worksheets to describe the use case for a business collaboration
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems BC Worksheet
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Collaboration Decomposition
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Transaction View (BTV) nPresents the view of the business process analyst nModels the business collaboration o Defines a choreography for the business collaboration o The business collaboration protocol is an activity graph o Each activity in a business collaboration protocol is an interorgranizatonal activity = business transaction activities nDetails each business transaction activity o Defines the semantics of an business information exchange between partner roles o A business transaction is an activity graph o The business transaction follows one out of six patterns nModels the business information exchanged o The business information exchanged is modelled in a class diagram. o It should contain all necessary information to transfer the effected business entity (or entities) from one state to the other; o It should not contain any information not needed for business state changes
> request for quote > register customer > order product [NOT Product.Ordered] [NOT Product.Quoted] [Product.Quoted] [Product.Ordered] PurchaseOrderManagement.BusinessFailure [NOT CustomerInformation.Confirmed] [CustomerInformation.Confirmed] [CustomerInformation.Rejected] PurchaseOrderManagement.BusinessSuccess timeToPerform: 24 hrs isConcurrent: true timeToPerform: 48 hrs isConcurrent: true timeToPerform: 12 hrs isConcurrent: false PurchaseOrderManagement.BusinessFailure > Purchase Order Management
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems > Request for Quote > Register Customer > Order Products [ControlFail] [NOT CustomerInformation.Confirmed] [CustomerInformation.Confirmed] [ControlFail] Business Transaction
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Transaction View (BTV) nPresents the view of the business process analyst nModels the business collaboration o Defines a choreography for the business collaboration o The business collaboration protocol is an activity graph o Each activity in a business collaboration protocol is an interorgranizatonal activity = business transaction activities nDetails each business transaction activity o Defines the semantics of an business information exchange between partner roles o A business transaction is an activity graph o The business transaction follows one out of six patterns nModels the business information exchanged o The business information exchanged is modelled in a class diagram. o It should contain all necessary information to transfer the effected business entity (or entities) from one state to the other; o It should not contain any information not needed for business state changes
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems [Control Fail] [Success] > Business Transaction > : Buyer : Seller :QuoteRequest Envelope :Quote Envelope obtain quote calculate quote
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Which Type of Business Transaction?
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Requesting Activity Property Values
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems [Control Fail] [Success] > Initiating Role : Buyer Reacting Role: Seller :QuoteRequest Envelope :QuoteEnvelope obtain quote calculate quote isConfidential: No isTamperProof: No isAuthenticated: No isConfidential: Yes isTamperProof: Yes isAuthenticated: Yes isAuthorizationRequired: false isNonRepudiationRequired: false timeToPerform: 4 hrs timeToAcknowledgeReceipt: null timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance: null isIntelligibleCheckRequired: true isNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired: false retryCount: 3 timeToPerform: 4 hrs timeToAcknowledgeReceipt: 2 hrs timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance: null isIntelligibleCheckRequired: true isAuthorizationRequired: false isNonRepudiationRequired: false Business Transaction: Request for Quote
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Transaction View (BTV) nPresents the view of the business process analyst nModels the business collaboration o Defines a choreography for the business collaboration o The business collaboration protocol is an activity graph o Each activity in a business collaboration protocol is an interorgranizatonal activity = business transaction activities nDetails each business transaction activity o Defines the semantics of an business information exchange between partner roles o A business transaction is an activity graph o The business transaction follows one out of six patterns nModels the business information exchanged o The business information exchanged is modelled in a class diagram. o It should contain all necessary information to transfer the effected business entity (or entities) from one state to the other; o It should not contain any information not needed for business state changes
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business State Centric nBusiness Collaborations are about managing a shared view on Business States. nAligning Business States between business partners requires exchange of Business Information. nBusiness Information is limited to the information required to change the state of one or more Business Entities affected by the exchange. nBusiness Documents also have the potential to change the state of a business entity. However, business documents do not concentrate on what is needed to change the state, and thus, include a lot of unnecessary data. nEach element included in a business document exchange is a source for incompatibility. nLimit the Business Information exchange to an absolut minimum, i.e. the information required to change the State of a Business Entity.
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems QuoteID QuoteDate QuoteQuoteRequest QuoteRequestID Line LineNumber LineQuote UnitPrice Book ISBN Title Authors > 0..n n 1 Business Document: Quote
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Business Document: Quote based on ABIEs
University of Vienna, Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Christian Huemer University of Vienna Institute of Distributed and Multimedia Systems Liebiggasse 4/ Vienna Austria