The Status of the Scintillator-based Calorimetry R & D Activities in Korea DongHee Kim Kyungpook National University 3 rd ILC Workshop(Konkuk U.) Apr 1, 2005
Collaboration KOREA Kyungpook National University Seoul National University SungKyunKwan University JAPAN Kobe University Shin-Su University Niigata University Tsukuba University RUSSIA Dubna
Collaborators(Korea) DongHee Kim, Kihyeon Cho, Jun Suhk Suh, Youngdo Oh, Daejung Kong, Hongjoo Kim, Jieun Kim, Yuchul Yang, Sunghyun Chang, Kukhee Han, Shabeer Mian, Adil Khan Kyungpook National University Soo Bong Kim, Kyungkwang Ju, Eunjoo Jun, Hyunsoo Kim, Youngjang Lee, Byungsoo Yang, Jieun Jung Seoul National University Intae Yu, Jaeseung Lee, Ilsung Cho SungKyunKwan University
- Basic Configurations - Current R&D status - Scintillator - SiPM - Simulation - Time schedule - Future plan Contents
Prototype for EM Calorimeter One Layer : Tungsten 20cm X 20cm X 0.3cm (example) Scintillator 1cm X 20cm X 0.2cm X 20 strips Total : 30 Layers (~ 26 Xo) The R&D of prototype includes scintillator, SiPM and DAQ system Basic Configuration Tungsten Scintillator
1.Survey almost done for the last several months Scintillator, W/W-Ni(or other alloy), SiPM, Closely collaborate with Japan group Scintillator: R&D with Misung Chemical Company Ltd. Tungsten: R&D with TaeguTek Ltd SiPM: R&D with ETRI 2.SiPM/Tile R&D has been just started 3.Simulation is going on Current R&D Status
The scintillator bars(or strips) for R&D purpose expect to be produced during this semester Make sure proper chemical processes Compare light yield with commercially available scintillators Design of scintillator strip for LC prototype will be underway Cost Cast - $40-60 / kg Extrusion - $3.5-7 / kg Scintillator
Low cost plastic Scintillator Extruded plastic scintillator materials - low cost : o Polymer pellets or powder must be used - Commercial polystyrene pellets are available and cheap - Component: Polystyrene pellets + Dopants(primary & secondary) - Primary dopants : PT, PPO -> 1-1.5% concentration - Secondary dopants: POPOP, bis-MSB -> % concentration - The extrusion process can manufacture any shape o Some disadvantage - Poor optical quality because of the high particulate matter content in the polystyrene pellets The rapid cool-down cycle leaves the final material stressed. → This stress can lead to non-absorptive optical distortions in the material that degrade the attenuation length o We need more R&D
Extrusion Process(conventional)
Extrusion Process All the work is done at one facility → reduces costs By removing its exposure to another high temperature cycle → reduces hits history of the product → eliminates an additional chance for scintillator degradation
Scintillator Extruder Example of the Extruder
Sample scintillator strip Sample scintillator 10 MINOS tiles will be used for comparison with our scintillator strips which will be produced by the company. 10cmX4.1cmX1cm For improving light yield Cosmic ray and 90 Sr will be used
Profile of Scintillator Strip All kinds of R&D will be going on while productions. Misung Chemical Company will produce this type of tile at first.
SiPM – Silicon Photo Multiplier SiPM is a Russian invention, reported by Boris Dolgoshein and colleagues at Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, Lebedev Physical Institute, and Pulsar Enterprise (Moscow). Ref: NIM A 504 (2003) ; NIM A 442 (2000) SiPM consists of ~10**3 micropixels, size ~30microns, with very thin (0.75 micron) high field depletion layer. What is SiPM ?
Pixels are resistively isolated, each working in limited Geiger mode as “binary” devices. The pixels signals are ganged together by aluminum strips and the summed signal is effectively analog, with dynamic range limited by the number of pixels Gain ~10**6Bias voltage ~25V ~ 70V QE < 20% Sees single pe, and resolves adjacent many-pe peaks with low noise Works In high magnetic fields Time resolution ~30ps for 10 pe How does SiPM work ?
View of SiPM Fabricated at Russia Dimension : 1mm x 1mm, ~1000 pixels
View of SiPM Anode Kathode Pixels
SiPM – measured parameters Conditions Yellow LED(595nm) Wave guide LED t impulse = 10ns ADC : LeCroy 2249A Gate = 80ns Temperature = + 20 ℃ Provided by Prof. K. Kawagoe Pixel Gain Efficiency Dark rate
SiPM test setup at KNU
Current status for fabrication Preparation design and process during this semester - simulation of electric field in Geiger and drift region - wafer and mask - fabracation process R&D Try to make sensor chip using FAB facility at ETRI. ETRI : Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Process R&D To get parameters : geometrical and chemical parameter s Simulation using TCAD R&D FAB : 5 ~6 times / year Packaging, attaching with WLS fiber Photo sensor – SiPM(Silicon Photomultiplier)
DAQ system The proto type has 30 layers(~26 Xo), one layer consists of 20 scintillator bars and tungsten plate the prototype needs 600 read out channels We have to think of how to manage these channels Probably, VME or CAMAC system are not good solution for beam test for 600 channels. So, the design of electronics and interface with computer is required. We are considering R&D of electronics for QDC, TDC and USB2 for interface with computer. need cowork with Japan group
Simulation Start simulation with different passive absorber configurations Mokka and susygen 3.0 SUSY simulation under Mokka neutralino pair production from e+e- collision Simulation of prototype started Tungsten-Scintillator Calorimeter using Geant 4
Simulation of TiCAL prototype Structure Absorber : 200mm * 200mm * 3mm Scintillator : 200mm * 200mm * 2mm (We simulated plate, not strip yet) 30 layers ( ~26 X 0 ) Absorber pure W ( density = 19.3g/cm 3 ) : alloy W-Ni (W:Ni = 95:5) (density=18.7g/cm 3 ) : alloy W-Pb (W:Pb = 90:10) (density=18.5g/ cm 3 ) : alloy W-Pb (W:Pb = 75:25) (density=18.2g/ cm3) : Effective Molier Radius from Simulation W : ~18.9mm W-Ni : ~19mm W-Pb : ~19mm : almost the same
Energy Resolution W Energy(GeV) % W-Ni Energy(GeV) % W, W-Alloy or even W-Pb(25%) may be compatible of. Electron energy = 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 200 GeV Cut range : mm W : (15.14 0.24)/sqrt(E) + (0.217 0.099) W/Ni (Ni 5%) : (15.39 0.20)/sqrt(E) + (0.070 0.084) W/Pb(Pb 10%) : (15.13 0.19)/sqrt(E) + (0.086 0.079) W/Pb(Pb 25%) : (14.89 0.09)/sqrt(E) + (0.149 0.038)
What to do and Future plan Producing Extruded scintillator -> 1 st prototype in April Fabricating sample of SiPM How to manage DAQ system for prototype Simulation for the thickness of scintillaor = 25, 30mm Simulation for alloy with different ratio for W:Pb and W:Ni Optimize the ratio of thickness for Absorber and Scin and absorber material. Simulation for scintillator strip Jupiter and Physics simulation Possible target for physics simulation is SUSY - scan the SUSY parameter space - producing generator data in format of HEPEVT Prepare for beam test next year
검출기 산업체 ( 검출기 ) 모든 것이 내수가 가능하다고 사료되며 내수로 돼야 한다는 철학. R & D 를 통하여 시제품 제작 및 시험을 통한 제작공정을 확립 Scintillator - 압출형 섬광판 – 미성화학 ( 플라스틱회사 ) 텅스텐 – TaeguTeK( 전 대한중석 ) Silicon PM, Wafer – 경북대반도체연구소, 서울대반도체공동연구소, 센스㈜, ETRI Mask 제작 – PKL, 두퐁, 에스와이테크, 메디오피아인터네셔널 - 본딩, PCB, signal cable Readout board (ASIC 포함 ) - Addone 회사