Lab #23 Write-Up (Due 4-19-12) Rubric Your Report Lab Worksheet Header (Double Replacement Reactions) Objective Procedure & Materials: Refer to Handout Data: Include group equations here; refer to WS for all equations in their non-ionic form. Discussion: Questions: Identify A-E and state reason. Then write full ionic equation, cross off spectator ion, then write the net ionic equation for four of the reactions that occurred. Errors/Improvements Conclusion Claim – given on handout; Evidence (signs of rxn-refer to table; 3 evidences) Science Concept (solubility, precipitate, ionic comp., aq) Lab Worksheet
Lab #20 Write-Up (Due 3-5-12) Rubric Your Report Lab Worksheet Header (3-D Molecular Models) Objective Procedure & Materials: Refer to Handout Data: Table attached Discussion: Questions #1-6 Conclusion Claim – given on handout; Evidence (Tables- explain VSEPR and shape) Science Concept (hybridization; VSEPR models; polarity; intermolecular forces) Lab Worksheet
Lab #11 Write-Up (Due 12-21-11) Rubric Your Report Header (Heat of Fusion of Ice) Objective Procedure & Materials: Refer to Handout Data : Table & Graph: Temperature vs. Time Data Calculations: Neatly… in Lab Handout Discussion: Questions (Refer to Lab WS #1-7) Errors/Improvements (include in question #1) Conclusion Claim; Evidence (Data tables; cite examples of observations) Science Concept (calorimetry; phase changes; etc.) Lab Worksheet and Lab Data Sheet
Lab #10 Write-Up (Due 12-7-11) Rubric Your Report Lab Worksheet Header (Boyle’s Law) Objective Procedure & Materials: Refer to Handout Data: Refer to Table in Handout Graph: Volume vs. Pressure (using total pressure and average volume) Discussion: Questions in Lab Errors/Improvements (add after questions) Conclusion: Space provided in lab handout; include: Claim; Evidence (Data tables; cite examples of observations) Science Concept (Inverse relationships, properties of gases, etc.) Lab Worksheet
Lab #9 Write-Up (Due 11-29-11) Rubric Your Report Lab Worksheet Header (Percent Water in Hydrate) Objective Procedure and Materials: Refer to Handout Data: State Observations of hydrate before & after heating Summarize Data in table format Calculations: WS: % water in hydrate; % error calculation Discussion: Questions on WS (neatly written!) Errors/Improvements Conclusion Claim (given on handout) Evidence (Data tables; cite examples of observations) Science Concept (Hydrates: w/o color? Types; Uses – desiccants; crystal form) Lab Worksheet
Lab #7 Write-Up (Due 11-10-11) Rubric Your Report Conclusion Header (Measuring Specific Heat) Objective Procedure and Materials: Refer to Handout Data: Organize your data in a table. Calculations: Show equation, sub w/units; answer w/units. Include heat lost by metal, gained by water; specific heat calculation, % error (make sure to state heat lost metal = heat gained by water). Discussion: Questions (Write or restate questions) Errors/Improvements (explain experimentally!) Conclusion Claim (given on handout) Evidence (Data table; cite examples) Science Concept (Calorimetry, specific heat, conservation of energy) Lab WS followed by Lab Data Sheet
Lab #6 Write-Up (Due 11-7-11) Rubric Your Report Header (Physical and Chemical Changes) Objective Procedure and Materials: Refer to Handout Data: Include OBSERVATION TABLE in report State evidence for chemical reaction; describe physical changes Discussion: Questions (Analysis); Errors/Improvements Conclusion Claim (given on handout) Evidence (Observation table; cite examples) Science Concept (Physical/Chemical changes; Evidence of chemical reactions; Dissolving as a physical change) Lab WS followed by Lab Data Sheet
Lab #5 Activity (Due 10-25-11) Rubric Lab WS: Classifying Matter Completed Table
Lab #4 Write-Up (Due 10-24-11) Rubric Your Report Lab Worksheet Header (Radioactive Decay Cards) Objective: Determine and illustrate the radioactive decay of U-238. Procedure & Materials: Refer to Handout Data Table: List of Nuclear Equations Graph: Mass Number vs. Atomic Number Discussion: Type question then answer in report or answer by restating the question. Errors/Improvements Conclusion Claim; Evidence (Refer to the graph for illustration of decay series) Science Concept (Cause and consequence of unstable nuclei; n/p ratio for stability; define radioactivity; describe radioactive particles and dangers; etc.) Lab Worksheet
Lab #3 Write-Up (Due 10-13-11) Rubric Lab WS: Mole Conversions Calculations: Shown on Lab Data Sheet Questions: Written on WS Conclusion: Written on WS Claim; Evidence; Science Concept (meaning of “average” atomic mass; refer to calc. in table; define isotope; elements are mixtures; etc.) Lab Data Sheet
Lab #2 Write-Up (Due 9-27-11) Rubric Your Report Header (Atomic Mass of Beanium) Objective Procedure and Materials: Refer to Handout Data/Graph: See data table on worksheet Calculations: Average Atomic Mass: Method 1 vs. Method 2 Discussion: Questions (WS); Errors and Improvements Conclusion Claim; Evidence; Science Concept (meaning of “average” atomic mass; refer to calc. in table; define isotope; elements are mixtures; etc.) Lab WS followed by Lab Data Sheet
Lab #1 Write-Up (Due 9-16-11) Rubric Your Report Header (Graphing Laboratory Data) Objective Procedure and Materials: Refer to Handout Data/Graph: See data table on worksheet; graph attached Calculations: Average; Slope; Percent Error (2.509g standard) Discussion: Prelab questions (WS) Conclusion Claim; Evidence; Science Concept (state importance of title, labeling axes; significance of slope, etc.) Lab WS followed by Lab Data Sheet
Outlines for Lab Write-ups Regents Chemistry 2011-2012