Welcome to Year 5 Mrs Capper
Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations Year 5 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations
Numeracy Practical and written maths Key objectives To know all times tables to 10 Multiply and divide by 10, 100 or 1,000 Add/subtract decimals Doubling and halving of whole and decimal numbers
Key objectives continued: extend and practise mental maths methods Use knowledge of rounding, place value, number facts and inverse operations to estimate and check Properties of shape eg. symmetry, parallel lines, angles
Literacy / Creative Curriculum Literacy / Creative Curriculum Choose topics that will develop Literacy skills, through learning History, Geography and Science. Autumn Term: The Ancient Greeks – Myths and Legends The Piano – Film Narrative (Autumn 2)
The Ancient Greeks Oral retelling of a story Identifying features of Myths Written version of own Myth ending History and Art (using clay) How did the Greeks live Spartans versus Atheneans Gods and Goddesses Making clay pots
Literacy Through this topic, we will be focusing on: Extended sentences; complex or compound The use of mythical language, particularly adjectives and adverbs Variety of punctuation Ordering writing into paragraphs SPaG – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar- BIG focus!
Spelling Daily phonics interventions for some children Weekly spelling tests for all Weekly times tables tests for all
Reading Guided Reading Shared reading – teacher modelling Independent reading Weekly library visit Class Novel for Autumn term – Danny the Champion of the World by Roahl Dahl VERY IMPORANT - Read anything! Books, comics, newspapers, on-line books etc
Science Keeping healthy Earth, sun and moon Changing states, gases around us Changing sounds Life cycles
Homework Selection of numeracy and literacy skills to be handed out on Friday, for completion by Tuesday. Tests on Thursdays On-going learning High frequency words and general spellings Times tables
Expectations My responsibility to provide high quality, exciting learning opportunities. Children’s responsibilities to try their best, listen in class, follow instruction and participate. Rewards and sanctions. Updates to parents.
Any questions?