The High Intensity Proton Accelerator of the Paul Scherrer Institute
9. September 2015PSI,9. September 2015PSI, Seite 2 Protons: cyclotron Elektrons: SLS PSI east PSI west Aare neutrons: spallation nuclear research nano / micro technology Proton therapy Energy research UCN:spallation Muons Pions
Large Research Facilities Proton accelerator Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ) UCN Swiss Muon Source (SµS) 50% of the research at PSI is based on accelerators Synchrotron Light Source (SLS)
The protons are accelerated to 590 MeV (80% of the speed of light) and cover a distance of 4km. power = 590 MV ∙ 2.2 mA = 1.3 MW ≙ 1750 HP 2.2 mA ≙ protons/s The PSI Proton Accelerator Facility
Cockcroft-Walton 870 keV Layout of the Proton Facility
Cockcroft-Walton 870 keV Injector 2 72 MeV Layout of the Proton Facility
bending magnet (90°) 50 MHz buncher 3rd harmonic buncher in operation since Sector Magnets: 0.33 – 0.36 T - Magnet weight:180 tons - 2 cavities 50 MHz:450 kVp - 2 cavities 150 MHz:40 kVp - harmonic number:10 - injection radius:0.4 m - extraction radius:3.5 m - beam energy:72 MeV - number of turns: 81 - max. beam current: 2.7 mA Injector 2 Cyclotron
Cockcroft-Walton 870 keV Injector 2 72 MeV Layout of the Proton Facility Beam splitter Isotope production 72 and 40 MeV
Ring Cyclotron Cockcroft- Walton Injector 2 Layout of the Proton Facility
History of the Beam Current
World record: 1.4 MW beam power
Overview of the experimental area Pions Muons
Overview of the experimental area Ring Cyclotron Ultra Cold Neutrons Cockcroft- Walton Injector 2 Pions Muons Spallation Neutron Source
The Spallation Neutron Source SINQ Neutron flux: n/cm 2 /s
Proton Therapy COMET cyclotron Gantry I+II OPTIS
The COMET-Cyclotron Tumor treatment with protons - diameter m - superconducting - Accel (Varian) - Proton energy 250 MeV - Max. intensity 1000 nA
COMET cyclotron Optis Gantry I Gantry II Medical center Project PROSCAN
Die Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz (SLS)
Ein aussergewöhnliches Gebäude für die Spitzenforschung. Nicht nur architektonisch ein Highlight SLS – Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz
12 Sectors 288 m circumference Drifts: 6 x 3m 3 x 7m 3 x 11m
Die Strahllinien der SLS SLS – Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz Hauptbeschleuniger Speicherring Vorbeschleuniger
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